There is More Than One Way To Read a Book About Skinning a Cat

Thank God for the printed word! This world would be a very different place without it.

I am one of those old fashioned readers that loves to hold a book in my hand. I like pages. I like libraries. I enjoy taking notes in the margins and spilling coffee on the cover and having wavy pages. A stained tome with a bent up spine that smells like dust makes it all the more valuable, if you ask me.

I am also a sucker for instant gratification and multitasking which can sometimes trump my love for the nostalgic. So while I may be marching along with the librarians screaming Long live the hardback! I also may not be as committed as I sound. I’ll admit it. I am a fan of digital and audio books. If I decide I want to read a book and I know I can download it and read it right now rather than order it and wait for it to arrive in the mail. Or even worse try to figure out how I can contain my children while hunting down the desired title in a presumably quiet environment, like a library or book store.

Then come the times when I am trying to engineer some sort of concoction that can hold a book in front of me while I cook, fold, or bath. I’ve never really been successful with any of these attempts so that is where the audio book comes in. Perfect for car rides, exercise, baths, reading in the dark, and yes cleaning.

There are just a few problems that I have with the audio book though.

1. Sometimes I don’t like the voice of the narrator.
2. There are times you really want to read your book, but headphones aren’t really appropriate.
3. I like to stimulate my mind when I read and I feel like audio books interrupt that benefit.

The good news is the more I have tried audio books the more I learn ways around some of these pet peeves of mine.

1. Some voices just rub me the wrong way and when you have to listen to it for let’s say 12 hours, it’s important. The voice should be hearing the story not the voice, but it doesn’t always go this way. I am an a battle with right now over an audio book that sounds like a chipmunk is reading it. I won’t go into the details, but I was told I could exchange the book. Then I was told I couldn’t. Then I stewed for a few days. Then I sent out one last email and we’ll see how it goes. Either way I am not going to finish the audio version. It’s AWFUL. To avoid having to go through that again I think I will listen to the preview on iTunes first so I know what the narrator sounds like.

2. I posted a funny instagram about this predicament once. Because sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself.

 I have heard that there are ways that you can maneuver back and forth between audio book and digital book seamlessly with a kindle and that sounds fabulous. It’s nice to know I wasn’t the only one dealing with this problem and there are smart people out there inventing solutions. Now I just need a kindle!

3. It turns out when a book is being read to you, your brain processes all of it the same. There is no dumbing down with the audio route. Obviously reading is important, but from all the research I’ve read so is listening. There are some things that are better about actual reading, for example learning the spelling would be an obvious benefit. Then there are other things that would come from listening to a  book being read that you wouldn’t get other ways. Take enunciation for example. There is more to it than that, but it encouraged me to know that I wasn’t going to miss out with audio books. I still count them as books that I’ve read, and according to this article from Forbes and many others I read  that is totally fine.

Hopefully you’ve heard the phrase “There is more than one way to skin a cat” if not, than my title must seem pretty grotesque. The point is whether you choose to eat your macaroni with a fork, or spoon, or your hands it’s still macaroni and the same goes for literature. There is more than one way to consume a book. I like to dabble in a variety of options depending on my need at the moment. So now I want to hear from you. How do you like to read?


By |2015-05-14T23:15:27+00:00January 16, 2015|Uncategorized|7 Comments

Non Fiction Reviews

I shared the first 5 books yesterday and here is the second half. While the themes are very diverse they are all non fiction. 

1. A year without sugar 
by Eve O. Shaub

I wasn’t head over heals for this memoir, but it did inspire me to think about my health and my eating habits. I am definitely drawn to the theory that in the future processed sugar will be likened to cigerettes and alcohol. In other words, something that can be highly addicting and should be handled in moderation and responsibly, or avoided altogether. It bothers me that sugar has such a hold on me. Whether or not I will ever do anything about it is a another story. Anyway, the writer is really laid back (with the exception of her strict anti sugar challenge which is super intense). I can’t say that I would recommend the book, but I didn’t dislike it either. 

Mom Rating: PG. I almost put G, but if I remember correctly there are just a few cuss words and some spiritual stuff that is common in Vermont’s territory which is where the author lives. 

2. Bossy Pants
by Tina Fey 

Bossy pants is the autobiography of Tina Fey and if you get the audiobook it is read by Tina Fey and she really customizes it for your listening pleasure, so that earns extra points in my book. They even insert a clip from SNL to listen too. You wouldn’t get that in the hard copy! However, there are some gaps because the book actually has a few pictures in it and Fey will say something like “refer to the PDF to see the photo”, but I didn’t get a PDF that I know of with my copy. As far as my review about the actual content of the book, I feel like Tina Fey is brilliant. I love her writing style. I do not regret reading the book. I definitely laughed out loud. On the flip side, we have nothing in common. She’s very liberal. I’m not even a 30 Rock or SNL fan for that matter. So it’s a great book. It’s a bestseller. I’m just not going to put at top of my list.

Mom Rating: R. That’s one of the things that turned me off to this book was the language. At one point she calls another woman an extremely offensive word and I was shocked because she’s so feminist throughout the rest of the book. 

3. Seven
by Jen Hatmaker

This book was about a project that blogger/writer/speaker Jen Hatmaker implemented in her war against excess. Each month there was a different area that they would sort of fast in order to give back and focus outward. One month she only has seven articles of clothing to wear. That means she has to wear the same jeans all the time and no coat in the winter etc. Another month she can only eat seven foods and all the while she’s learning about social justice, poverty, and her faith in general. It’s similar to “A Year With No Sugar” in that it is written like a blog and it’s pretty much about self deprivation. Other than that they are totally different.

Anyway, everything I have ever seen of Jen Hatmaker I have loved. I love her voice, literally. FYI she does not read her own audiobook which is huge points off for me, but to each their own. Here is the thing I DON’T want to address. This book was not for me. At risk of sounding so holy, or desperate, or both, I will admit that I am just not living in a place of excess right now. 

At the end of the book Hatmaker even says who she thinks her readers are, and she describes them as middle to upper middle-class moms that have all their needs met and are struggling to find out how they can give back and where the balance is. I can understand that because that social class is all I’ve ever known. Until now. I am one of the richest people in the world statistically speaking, but as far as compared the Hatmaker family and the majority of her readers, or my old life- I’m just plain poor. I don’t have the luxury of buying fair trade, or local. I don’t even have a yard to keep a garden. I don’t have cable or a dvr. We rarely eat out We certainly don’t feel led to downsize (perfect time to plug my series on how the 5 of us manage just fine in under 800 square feet). These are just some of the things she addresses. I don’t want to sound like I’m so deprived because I am typing this on my MacBook Pro (it was a gift and it is for business, but it’s still a very nice amenity). I have my needs met. I’m just saying that while reading 7 I personally found myself very much like an outsider amongst her cool group of friends that she called the council. With that said, read it I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s not where I am at right now and that’s okay. 

Mom Rating: Definitely rated G. Totally appropriate for a variety of people and situations, there is even a study guide to accompany it. 

4. Call the midwife 
by Jennifer Worth
Where do I begin? I am the biggest call the midwife fan! I hesitated to start the show without reading the books first, and in this case I think I started the show and the book about the same time because the book was on hold at the library. The books are true life memoirs written by a woman who lived in the slums of England while still recovering from the hardships of world war II. The first book of her series was graphic and haunting, but so touching and insightful. The second book was equally as riveting . It focused on the absolutely diabolical, unlivable conditions of the work houses that existed back then. However, I feel like it went too far. There are some artistic liberties that were taken verses documenting actual events that happened and I have to say that in the end I did not like the book at all. I never read the third one either because it left such a bad taste in my mouth. See the mom rating notes for details, but be aware it could contain spoilers. 

Mom Rating: R. It’s definitely based on some heavy material. That doesn’t bother me. I did however feel like this book implied the justification of men having sexual behavior with boys in the work house as well as somewhat detailed depiction of a sexual relationship between a brother with his sister. It was painted very poetically, but deceptively. The show on the other hand touches on nearly all the stories from the memoirs but handles it in a much more delicate manner. 

5. Surprised By Motherhood 
by Lisa Jo Baker

I was pleasantly surprised with surprised by motherhood. Up until this point my luck with blogesque books was not fairing well. I loved hearing Baker’s story though. She reads her own audio book, South African accent and all. Some parts made me laugh, while others of course brought me tears, or an exuberant reaction that I never meant to say out loud.  The story is mostly about going from a somewhat jaded independent woman who was still struggling with loosing her mother to a place of healing. A transition takes place along her journey that softens her and gives her a new calling and a restored sense of hope. In short, I really loved this book, enough to want to own the printed copy as well. I have already recommended the book to several people and saw this on a friends wall on Facebook tonight.

“A Facebook friend gave this a good recommendation so I started making it the subject of my “Feeding time, Reading time”. So far an amazing read with fantastic insight for a new mom like me. Thanks for the tip Natalie! “  

I have a little bit more to say about the book, but I am saving it for another post. Hopefully that will be up later this week. 

Mom Rating: G The only warning I have for you is that she does talk a lot about birth and breast feeding in detail. I am not shy at all about these topics. It made me like the book more, but I saw one review online from someone who didn’t like that part of the book and said she just doesn’t get into birth stories. So if that is not your cup of tea then at least now you know. You’re welcome. 

These reviews are not all that I read in 2014, but I didn’t want to bore you with all the parenting self help stuff. I am reading Orphan Train right now and I have been researching all the books you guys have done such an amazing job of recommending. Keep them coming. I love hearing from you! 

I will leave you with this quote from Surprised By Motherhood, that really stuck out to me. 

By |2015-05-14T23:15:27+00:00January 14, 2015|Uncategorized|11 Comments

Story Reviews

I previously mentioned that I am not much a nonfiction reader. I feel bad about it. I can only blame myself  my dad. I grew up with a mother who devoured non fiction. My dad on the other hand is all about true stories. This includes movies. I am the same way. So I categorized my 10 book reviews into two parts. I was going to do fiction and non fiction, but it was too uneven. That is why I am calling this category “stories” because even if they fall under non fiction they are in story form. As I promised  yesterday, I will also rate how family friendly (or conservative-christian-mom friendly) they are. Don’t hold it against me if you think that I am off on some of the details here. I am just going from my memory and it’s been a while since I read most of these. 

Alright, here are my personal opinions on 5 of the stories I read in 2014. 

1. The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green  

There was such a buzz about this book. I couldn’t avoid hearing about  it, so two years after it was published I actually snuck in reading it cover to cover just before the movie was released.I actually liked this book. The young adult side of it was hard for me to relate to personally and made me roll my eyes here and there. Call me heartless, but I did not cry, and what’s crazy is that I am a cryer. I even enjoy crying sometimes. I might be vague here to avoid spoilers, but I thought the ending was brilliant except for one part, which was actually modified in the movie. So as far as that one little part I liked the screenplay better, other than that I liked the book better. 

I would rate it PG-13 just like the movie. It is typical high school stuff. There are some theological views that are touched on. It also has a few sexual things in it and some language. 

2. Divergent 
by Veronica Roth

Here goes. Despite what it may look like from this list so far, I am not usually into YA books. However, since I did enjoy the Hunger Games trilogy and what I already mentioned about Fault in Our Stars I thought I would jump on the divergent band wagon. For those that have read it you’ll know what I mean when I say I must not be dauntless because I couldn’t stick the landing with this book and ended up falling off the wagon. I finished the first one and I intended to continue on to the rest, but honestly, I probably never will. 

Mom Rating: PG-13. Again just like the movie. It was a clean book, but I wouldn’t listen to the audio version in front of my young children for what it’s worth. 

3. Glitter and Glue 
by Kelly Corrigan 

This book is the memoir of a women telling how her adventurous exertions to Australia get hijacked when she had to get a job as a nanny for a young family that lost their mother. It’s kind of like sitting down with this woman and hearing her story. It’s not that complicated, but I liked it. It’s the kind of story that mother’s are going to relate to in at least one way or another. If you are familiar with Surprised by Motherhood, it is a very similar theme. A women disenchanted with the idea of motherhood, suddenly finds herself “reconsidering her relationship with her mother, turning it over in her hands like a shell, straining to hear whatever messages might be trapped in its spiral.” 

Mom Rating: PG-13 I know you think you see a pattern here, but I may surprise you at the end! This book is very clean, but it is written from a secular perspective and there is some language and innuendos. I feel like such a prude for even saying that, but I know some of you are like me and would like to know up front. 

4. Unbroken 
by Laura Hillanbrand

You have probably heard of this book or movie by now. It’s the true story of an Olympic runner who became an airman in World War II which led to crashing at sea only to be rescued by the enemy. I’m not saying it is a book everyone would love, but I’m already fascinated with the World War II era. This is me at the Historic Union Terminal in Cincinnati for 1940’s weekend. I know, I am such a nerd! 

 So add that to my love for true stories this is book quickly won my attention and raced its way to the top of my personal charts as my current FAVORITE book. And I don’t just have a bunch of favorites, so it’s a big deal for me to say I love, love, love this book! It’s written by the same author as Seabiscuit and it’s just incredible how she paints the picture using TONS of historical and military facts accompanied with a 3rd person narration, and yet the whole time it reads like a novel not a text book. It’s incredible I tell you. 

 I saw the movie too. I go to the movies maybe once a year, but I loved the book so much I knew I had to see it. As someone who read the book I felt like the movie was a great supplement to the reading material. I like the book better, but I feel like the casting and the accuracy of the movie was great! Although, I’ve heard complaints that it was slow, or that they never felt like they really felt a connection with the main character. I can understand that. It’s slow because it was a really long time to be in captivity! There is a lack of dialogue because that’s the nature of what he went through. I don’t really see anyway around this. In other words if you are looking to have your entertainment bone tickled this may not be the movie to see. However, if you want to see a factual depiction of the heroic Louie Zamperini then yes, check it out. 

Mom Rating- R. Unlike the movie which is PG-13, I give this book an R rating. Only for violence though. The man the book is about was a devout christian. It is truly a redemptive and inspiring story, but it is intense. There were times I felt like I couldn’t take anymore of the gruesome depictions, but then the story would move on. I recently came across this young adult adaptation. This seems like it would be a nice alternative if you have older children that are interested in reading the story, but you aren’t sure about all the graphic details of torture in POW camps. 

5. The Time Traveler’s Wife 

I know, I know, I am over a decade late to the party on this best seller, but I polled instagram to see what I should read and that one came up, so I thought I would see what all the hype had been about. 

This book is a romance, but it’s also Sci-fi. It’s written from two perspectives and many different years. It bounces around all over the place. The male lead (Henry) was thirty-six when he meets the other main character Clare as a six year old girl, but when they get married Clare is twenty-three and Henry thirty-one. This is all explained because Henry is one of the first people diagnosed with Chrono-Displacement Disorder which means he randomly without warning travels through time. Every chapter starts off with what year it is and how old the characters are because you don’t know if it’s going to be Henry from the past, or future, or present time. I found the story to be unique, intriguing, and engaging. I can see why it captured so much attention. The first half, or first three fourths, were definitely better than the last if you ask me. I felt like it could have ended MUCH sooner. After reading it I checked out the movie because I was curious how it would be interpreted and portrayed. In my opinion it was lame. I couldn’t even finish it. So there you have it, I enjoyed the book more than the movie.

Mom Rating- XXX. Maybe that’s extreme, but there is no way they could show the book in it’s entirety in a movie form because it would have to be unrated. Most of the book was fine, or I would not have finished it. This isn’t 50 Shades of Grey or anything, but the erotic scenes that it did have (and they were a very passionate couple, ahem) where super graphic. It’s probably nothing to a lot of people, but I have pretty high standards and so for me it was just unnecessary and some of it really grossed me out. Let’s just say it involves his future self time traveling to his past self when he was a bored. Yuck. There was also plenty of foul language peppered throughout.

So if you were curious about any of these books, I hope my little blurbs helped. Tomorrow I’ll do part two, exclusively non fiction.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:27+00:00January 13, 2015|Uncategorized|5 Comments

Last Year’s Books

 I’ll admit that more times that not I fall short when it comes to accomplishing what I set out to do at the beginning of the year. On the other hand there are some really significant changes that I have made amongst all of those New Year’s resolutions. For example, for several years I had “read” (or read more, or read x amount of books etc.) as one of my resolutions. I just wanted to get into the pattern of reading, but it was often easier said than done. This is one of the first years I did not add reading to my list because I feel like I now have successfully made a habit out of it.

In all of the reading I have done this past year I haven’t blogged much about any of the books other than the parenting ones that were a part of my 31 day series. This week I want to change that and actually discuss some of my thoughts on certain books. Now. I am no critique, so don’t expect something too polished or professional. I often read these eloquently delivered reviews that are as thoughtfully written as the novels themselves. Not going to happen here.

One thing I do feel like I can offer that you may not find elsewhere is the rating for how clean the content is. I hate looking for a new book only to have a bunch of foul language and smutty content crammed into every other page. The only way I have really seen to get around this is when someone I know has already read the book. So, maybe I can be that someone for you. Or maybe you could be that someone for me! Please let me know what you are reading or plan on reading this year. Or feel free to suggest all time favorites. Even though I tend to lean toward non fiction I have ventured out a bit recently and I welcome any suggestions.

Here are the 10 I will be touching on over the next few days-

1. A year without sugar  

2. The fault in our stars 

3. Divergent 

4. Glitter and glue

5. Unbroken

6. Bossy pants 

7. The Time Traveler’s Wife

8. Seven

9. Call the Midwife Shadows of the Workhouse 

10. Surprised By Motherhood 

Tomorrow I’ll dive into what I thought about these books, but now it’s your turn.

I REALLY wants some ideas about what to read for 2015. Let’s Go!

By |2015-05-14T23:15:27+00:00January 12, 2015|Uncategorized|8 Comments

1,2,3,4 I Declare a Nerf War

Baby it’s cold outside. I don’t know about where you live, but it’s 12 degrees out right now in the Cincinnati area and that’s warm compared to what it’s been. Twice this week my children have had  school delays because of ice and dangerously cold temps. So we haven’t had too much outdoor activity lately. However, all three kids got nerf guns for Christmas and J had the brilliant idea to facilitate a nerf gun challenge in our little apartment on Wednesday night. 
Here he is explaining the rules and the point system to the family. 

Z and J are notorious for sticking out their tongues when they concentrate.

SJ had the chance to do archery once and she loved it as well as the nerf gun. She is quite the marksman or markswoman? 

Ezie did okay with assistance for the first game, but by the second round he was disqualified. 

That’s right SJ, you may want to take cover, mama’s got a loaded nerf gun. 

Lastly, there is this photo. Out of dozens of shots, the bullseye was hit only one time and one time only. Who could the skillful participant be that victoriously earned the number one spot that evening? 
ME!? That’s right, I pretty much got lucky. That’s really the only explanation, but I did win, at least the first game. Thank you. Yes, thank you. I appreciate all the congratulatory remarks. 
Now then, if this looks like your idea of family entertainment then here are a few details of what worked for us.
In the past we bought really cheap guns from big lots. They worked fine, but they are not as powerful nor do they hold up as well. 
This time we used Nerf Fire Blasters along with the Nerf N Strike suction cup dart refill pack. They hit so hard that we had to back up to the furthest corner of our apartment to make it work. That means you will need to allow for 20 feet of distance in the area you want to play. If your suction darts don’t stick at first keep trying and give them a chance to break in. Ours worked better the second time we played.
The target was drawn on a window with liquid chalk erasable marker
The points system was 
1 point if your gun hits the window at all
  5 points if it sticks. 
The big points come in if you actually get it within the target. 

Everyone got 5 darts per turn and then we played for 5 rounds each. 25 chances total, and the person withe most points at the end wins.

Judging from our experience I would recommend the game for ages 5 and up.

So that was our little nerf tournament and we really did have the best time. I know they are all anxious to play again.

How are you holding up this winter? Anyone have cabin fever yet? 

By |2015-05-18T04:23:23+00:00January 9, 2015|Creativity, Family, Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|7 Comments

My Favorite Gift (SJ’s Christmas Message)

One of my all time favorite Messy Mom blog posts is The Littlest Christmas Star which I wrote this time last year . If you haven’t read it I would encourage you to check it out.  It’s about SJ’s first Christmas program at her deaf school. Her line last year was to say I love you mommy, daddy, and her brother’s names. She could barely muster out I love you mama. It wasn’t much, but it meant a great deal to me because she tried. She’s come a long way since then. I had heard her practicing saying her lines at home. “I love you mommy, daddy, Zion, Ezra” Sometimes she would even talk about whose turn it was and also recite her classmates lines.

When the day of the Christmas program arrived we headed to the school and I heard her practicing in the backseat, but I also heard her say “I want Minnie Mouse”. I could tell it was part of what she would be saying in the program and not just random chatter because children tend to sound like zombies when they recite lines (to quote Gru from Despicable me 2). I almost cried before it even started because in that moment I realized she was going to say more than just I love you to us! It might not sound like much, but this meant she was able to memorize more, speak a lot more, and most importantly it meant that she has made advancements since last year that her teachers deemed ready to take to the next level! 
Sure enough SJ approaches the microphone and it’s not intelligible to everyone, I get that. To me as her mom though, I understood every. single. word. And for the first time I got to hear her say
“Santa I want a Minnie Mouse for Christmas. I love you mommy, daddy, Zion, and Ezra.” 
She nailed it. All the mothers in the auditorium that know us and know how far SJ has come all looked back at me to see tears flowing down my cheeks. I tried not to cry, which is worse, because that just equates to an ugly contorted face, but whatevs. Some of them were crying too because it was such a beautiful moment. 
For the record she DID get a Minnie Mouse for Christmas.
 Ezie got Mickey too so they love to play together with them. He actually calls him Minnie because he hears that from his sister so often. I don’t know if Mickey’s name has ever been uttered in our household.
The mouse presents continued when we went to Texas and she got a Minnie Mouse outfit 
and a Minnie Mouse Puzzle. 
All of which she has announced to many people. She says “I have Minnie Mouse toy. I have Minnie Mouse coat… pants… puzzle. I have four Minnie Mouse.” 
So that may have been her favorite gift of the year, but mine was just hearing her be able to ask for it. It is a wonderful life. 
By |2015-05-18T04:23:41+00:00January 7, 2015|Hearing Loss, My Life|8 Comments

Our Family Pilgrimage Part FOUR!?

This is a newsletter that I post annually on Facebook, but I thought it would be nice to share it here too. I never anticipated more than one or two updates once we got settled in after the move, yet here we are. The journey continues. 

We began our Family Pilgramage updates at the beginning of
2012 when we left our home in Texas to see what the Lord had for us in Kentucky.

Part 2 was a recap of the year we welcomed our youngest
child into our family.

 Along with the roller coaster ride that comes with
realizing our two year old daughter SJ was profoundly deaf. It was by far the
most intense life changing year all the way around!

Part 3 was about moving (again), changing schools, working
multiple jobs, and getting a lot of help along the way.

Now I sit here beginning to define our latest chapter and I am feeling like changing the name from Family Pilgrimage Part Four to Four Years of Wondering in the Dessert!
The unemployment, the uncertainty, and the demanding circumstances can be tiring. We had no idea what was ahead of us when we packed up that moving van and left the only place we, as a couple, have called home. A lot of amazing
growth and provision has taken place that is for sure. None the less part of me
wants to throw a whiny baby fit because I feel like I am
ready to live a normal stable life (whatever that means).
Looking back at 2014 I see a lot of headway. Unfortunately, it’s been like watching a pot that takes years to boil. You try to distract
yourself from what the main goal is and find something else to do because you
know what they say, “a watched pot never boils”. 
I see a few bubbles surfacing though.

Jeremy has had a phenomenal year at Cincinnati State. I am
so proud of all that he has accomplished. He’s had to work his tail off, but
he’s been able to maintain a 4.0 grade point average each semester. I made his
lunches and helped him write a couple papers so I’ll take a little credit there.

Z is in first grade. He goes to a great school and he is doing so well there. This school year is much
better than last for me as the mom. Last year he was in half day kindergarten,
SJ went all day at her special preschool, Ezie was napping twice a day, and I was trying
to juggle all of these schedules. It meant many, MANY daily trips up and down
three flights of stairs (we live in the top of our apartment building). That’s
not even including trips for groceries and laundry. I consider that my exercise
routine and try not to feel too sorry for myself.

SJ is almost 5 now and has made incredible progress this year.
Last year she could not count and she didn’t know any letters. She couldn’t ask
or answer too many questions. She didn’t know anyone’s name outside of our
immediate family. She just had a handful of words. Now all of that has changed!
This year she was able to communicate via phone (on speaker mode) for the first
time! She also can tell very simple reports about her day like “I paint
pumpkin” or “I eat pancake”, She knows colors and numbers, and many letters.
She is starting to write some. My favorite breakthrough recently was when She
told me “Implant say Beep. Beep. Beep.” Then she shrugged and said “not
working” What that means is that her cochlear implant’s battery died and when
that happens it beeps internally. No one can hear it other than the person with
the implant. I would have never known that it beeped if she wasn’t able to
articulate it. It was in that moment that I got just tiniest little glimpse
into her world. All this time she has things going on inside that she is thinking,
feeling, and wanting, but she was trapped in silence. Slowly but surely we are seeing her unlock her ability to communicate. I thank the Lord for this progress.
Ezie is 2 years old and for never knowing anything other
than our current circumstances I can only predict that he is going to be the most
flexible, laid back guy ever.

After a two year break because of all that we’ve had going
on I have been getting back into photography. I am also still trying
to make time to write. I’m even considering doing a book one of these days.

As far as this next year, I try not to get my hopes up too
much, but then again what are hopes for right? There are some really exciting,
truly wonderful, fulfilling things on the horizon! Praise the Lord! J should
be able to find a job as a software
engineer this summer. He won’t necessarily have his degree
completed, but enough to have a fully paid practicum. This means we could
hopefully move out of our apartment and into something with a washer and dryer, and a yard for the kids to play in. A place that they can act like
kids without causing the downstairs neighbors dog to have heart palpitations
(true story). What a day of rejoicing that will be!

Maybe that won’t be our
story, but that’s what my dreams look like. 
Three years ago I left Texas with dreams and I am ready to pick them back up again.

new year. That’s all I can say. Happy New Year. 

By |2015-05-18T04:23:55+00:00January 5, 2015|My Life, Uncategorized|8 Comments

Goals 2015

Yesterday I shared my word for the year and today I am going to list some of my goals. The funny thing is, if you go to the purpose is to “Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember three weeks from now anyway. Choose just one word.” Well, I didn’t know about this official website or group when I chose a word. I guess you could say I want to have my cake and eat it too, but I picked one word AND I have a New Year’s Resolution list. Have I mentioned I love New Year’s? It’s true. I love it and that’s all I am writing about this week so here are my goals for 2015. The first half are more dreams than anything and the second half are very practical projects.

1. Monthly Dates
 I say this EVERY YEAR!!! It might sound so easy to other people to have a monthly, or even weekly date with their spouse. I am going to assume that those couples either have money or family nearby (or no children), but for us it seems to be this unattainable projection. We’ve been on a roll lately though, so I feel confident about this year.

2. Cruise
 I hesitate to even type that because it just doesn’t seem realistic right now, but by our 15th anniversary in November that could all change. J was the one that came up with the idea and I have grabbed it by the horns with a kung fu grip. However, if it doesn’t happen this year that doesn’t mean it will never happen and I am okay with that.

3. Move
 Hopefully we will not still be living in an apartment this time next year, but if so see the last sentence of my previous goal.

4. Declutter
I want to work on a different part of the home each month. I have an office area and filing cabinet that desperately need to be sorted out. There are also walls marked on with crayon that need to be scrubbed and other various “deep cleaning” projects that don’t come naturally to me. This is another one that I say every year, but I’m saying it again. I want to be a better house keeper.

5. Photo Archive Updates
I really need to catch up on printing photos and finishing baby books. I am usually really good at this, but last year I didn’t do a single thing!

6. Doctors
This might be a weird one to have on the list, but everyone in our family of 5 is overdue to see the dentist and I need to line up some other routine visits with specialists which I have procrastinated on so that’s why Doctor’s appointments is one of my goals for the year.

I could go on and on. I would love to learn spanish, get SJ in gymnastics, potty train Ezie, take juice off the menu for my children, get a new lens for my camera… However, for the sake of simplicity let’s just leave the list at 6 things. I visited with a  long time friend the other day and I met her husband for the first time. I said “I heard about your plans to start your own practice some day. That’s great” His response was “2019” I raised my brows in astonishment and he added “A plan without a date is just a dream”. Then we talked about S.M.A.R.T goals.

Don’t get me wrong I am unapologetically a dreamer, but every once in a while I do like to get crap done.

So those are my plans for now. Here’s to a fresh start. I hope that it is a blessed year full of breakthrough for all of you as well! Happy 2015.

By |2015-05-18T04:24:08+00:00January 2, 2015|My Life, Uncategorized|6 Comments

One Word

Has Lord ever given you one key verse, phrase, or word for
the year? Something to focus on as you approach the launching pad for the next
season of life?
I’ll admit that it’s been a while for me, which is why I was
thrilled to feel like even in the midst of my stubbornness and daily distractions I
felt the Lord graciously gave me some direction for 2015.
The concept is big and complicated. It involves shifting my focus. I prayed for one literal
word that would encapsulate this vision that He had given me at this time and I
felt like that word was good.
Not as in an adjective like that’s a good word. I mean the
word for our family for this year is GOOD.
From the first verses in the Bible God is already revealing
that what he does is good.
He creates and sees goodness in it .
 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there
was light. And God saw that the light was good.
-Genesis 1:3
Then he created the earth, plants, fish, animals and
EVERYTHING he made was GOOD! So just like New Year’s day is a launching pad for the year this chapter is the launching pad for the word of God.
How fitting!
I could elaborate on the word good throughout the Bible, but
I will save some revelation for the other 364 days we have left this year. Seriously though, I am truly excited
for the Lord to reveal all that is good as we navigate this next year. I am
also convicted that this will begin with a change in my heart and mind. For the 31 day
challenge I was virtually connected with another blogger, Lauren who writes over at His Grace is sufficient. She did her entire 31 day series on Philippians 4:8

Speaking of good, Lauren’s 31 posts on this verse are really
good and they are all still there to read if you want to check them out. Even
though Philippians 4:8 doesn’t technically have the word good in it, it is all about setting your mind on what is good.
That is what I want to do this year. In the beginning God saw goodness and He
spoke goodness and the same is true today because as we know God is good all
the time!
 I want to see what is good. I want to see it in my life and in
others. Cheesy as it may be even the letters for God are in the word good. I talked to J about how I was feeling led with this word and it resonated with him as well. I’ll take that as a confirmation!

I am confident that 2015 is going to be a very GOOD year for us. Will you believe that with me? 
By |2015-05-18T04:24:15+00:00January 1, 2015|My Life, Uncategorized|12 Comments

Why I love New Year’s Day

I love writing down my New Year’s resolutions, mostly because I really enjoy documenting things. Hello, I am a blogger. But even before blogging I’ve always been this way. I like to be able to look back. I sometimes wish I were born in the future, because then I feel like the first quarter of my life would have been preserved better via social media and digital photography. Sometimes just seeing a photograph from the past can trigger a memory that might have otherwise been forgotten. Even if it’s not directly in the photo. At least for me that’s how it works. J and I became engaged 14 years ago and would you believe there is not one single photo taken from that night. If it had happened 5 years ago we’d probably have 100 photos or at the very least a phone selfie and a snapshot of the ring. Which reminds me, I actually lost my original wedding ring and I have no photos of it! It’s a long story. So documentation is one big reason I love writing down goals for the year.

Another reason is because I am a list person. It’s funny how there are so many ways I am just a laid back, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, hippie. But there’s a tiny little structured personality deep down inside me that causes me to get downright anal about some things. Planning and lists are some of those things. I make a list almost every single day and when it comes to planning trips, parties, births,  Christmas cards etc.  I am the queen of detail!

So you take my love for documenting, lists, and planning and that adds up to New Year’s day being one of my favorite days of the entire year. It’s right up there with Christmas and Chick-fil-A cow day for me. I know that is strange, but aren’t new things always exciting?! That’s why some people just cut to the chase and ask “what’s new?” Because whether it’s new shoes, new car, or a new baby, sometimes we just crave something NEW! We’ll be bringing in the New Year at my in laws undoubtedly playing cards. They LOVE games, especially Hand and Foot. We have played it hundreds of times through the years. And probably a dozen times so far over Christmas break. There are three rounds for each game so even if you tank the first round you can still catch up in the second or third. Then let’s say you still loose the game. There is a good chance with this family that you’ll get a second chance because they’ll play the game again. There is that feeling comes when you start a new game that is the best part because it’s a clean slate. You’ve been given another chance to start all over. That’s the feeling I get at the beginning of year. It’s like a fresh start after loosing a game, or better yet getting another chance when you were already on top of your game!

I didn’t do that awesome with this year’s resolutions, but out of the three things I wanted to focus on (blogging, cleaning, and reading) I definitely achieved my reading goal. The cool thing about looking back is that this time last year I was reviewing my goals for 2013 and I had failed to visit Michigan or have an updated family photo. At the time that was discouraging, but I did manage to make it to Michigan in 2014

and we had our family portrait made too.

So it might have been a year late, but we did accomplish those goals and that makes me so happy!

I know that was a lot of rambling, but when I started reviewing some of my old New Year’s posts and began thinking about this one it just made me realize how much I love this underrated holiday. Next I will share what my goals are for this year. Let the countdown begin.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:27+00:00December 31, 2014|Uncategorized|3 Comments
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