  • Freedom From Parenting Guilt

    Like most parents I fear that I fall short with my children. I worry that I don’t have what it takes as a mom and that I could possibly ruin my one shot at this child rearing [...]

  • Are Unexcused Absences Ever Excusable?

    I take school and academics very seriously, but I am not opposed to missing a day every once in a while even when the reasons aren't related to death or illness. Maybe you've seen some [...]

  • 10 Ways To Feel Loved and Adored By Your Spouse

    (originally posted on November 11, 2013) Imagine your husband brings home a rare painting in an ornate frame and he wants to hang it up in the living room, but you can’t find any nails, [...]

Life Right Now

By |May 20, 2024|Categories: Family, Motherhood|

I am so guilty of this quote except I always say "after this month" or "after this season" things will slow down a bit. Lately it's been- when school lets out things will slow down a bit. When school lets out I will get together with my friends, and I will blog more, and I will do that project I've been putting on [...]

Mother Daughter Trip to Sedona Arizona

By |March 7, 2023|Categories: Family, Frugal Living, Uncategorized|

I am going to overshare for this post. Sorry not sorry. First of all it took so many miracles for this trip to happen and I am just so grateful. Also, I like to share details and links for those scouring the internet like I did, looking for suggestions and experiences before traveling (as I always do). The trip came about because J [...]

2022 Christmas Card Reveal

By |December 21, 2022|Categories: Crafts, Family, Laughter, Uncategorized|

It's that time of year! Time for the Busches annual Christmas card. This is our 22nd Christmas card and it's pretty pun-ny, if I do say so myself. Ironically I had picked out holiday ensembles for the whole family (I didn't go shopping for clothes, this is just a conglomeration of stuff we owned) but in the end most of our outfits weren't [...]

Messy Mom Christmas Time Finds

By |November 22, 2022|Categories: Crafts, Family, Home, Projects, Uncategorized|

I'm a decorate-after-Thanksgiving kind of girl. Which means Christmas time is just two days away and I am SO EXCITED!!! This week I have a THREE products to promote that will fit right in around the tree this holiday season. One will be perfect to wear when you are hanging out around the tree, one you want to wrap up and put under [...]

10 Years Later

By |April 30, 2022|Categories: Special Needs, Uncategorized|

Yesterday was the ten year anniversary of when SJ was diagnosed with profound hearing loss. I wrote about that day in 2012 in a post called "Processing the Diagnosis" Then in 2015 I wrote a post called Living in Holland (thought from a  special needs mom) and if you have a special needs child you are probably familiar with the Welcome to Holland [...]

Supporting Your Kids’ Home School Needs

By |February 8, 2022|Categories: Education, Family, Motherhood, Parenting Tips, Schooling|

How has your experience with home school been? Maybe you’ve got on really well? Or maybe some ups and downs? Home school has been a bit of a mixed bag for all of us, and that’s why we need to talk more about how to support your kids through it. After all, whether your children are being home schooled by choice or by [...]

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