Taking Pictures Alone VS. Taking Pictures With Children

Getting a great photo of a your children is a feat in and of itself. Getting a photo with your children takes olympic level skills! I just finished having family photos done with me, my husband, and our three children. As a photographer that has been in this situation behind the lens countless times you would think I would have it all together, but it’s different when it’s your own family.

I remember the days when I would take selfies for my myspace (yeah, it was a long time ago). Or my husband would snap a photo of me in the park out on a date. 

Here was the scene-

I think this light and this background right here would be good for a photo. I think I’ll stand here and hold this pose. Am I smiling too big or not big enough? Do you think this is my good side? Okay, eyebrows slightly raised, tummy sucked in, shoulders back, body tilted ever so slightly.

Then I look at the photo and see that my hair was sticking up in one place, or my shirt wasn’t laying flat. Oh MY! Taking a good photo is hard work. Let’s reshoot that again and again until I love the way I look.

Now let’s look at yesterday’s scene.

I think this light and this background is perfect, let’s pray that our children will miraculously stand here and look in the same direction for 10 seconds so that we can take a photo.

Okay, guys we are going to stand right here. No? Okay, let’s stand over here where baby Ezie is. No wait! Baby Ezie come back. Do you want to go on daddy’s shoulders? But you love daddy’s shoulders. Fine, let’s all sit. On the count of three say “Chuck E. Cheeeese”  Keep your shirt down sweetie. HEY! Do not pull your sister’s pony tail! Seriously, every one look at the camera. NO, don’t point at it, just look. And smile. Not like that, that looks like the Joker. Come on!  Alright, where is your sister? I think we lost her. Oh, there she is running toward that poison ivy.  Stop! Stop now! Hold onto my hand. Is this everyone? How about standing by this tree stump here. Hello? Is there anyone in this family that knows what a tree stump is? Stop pushing. If you don’t cut it out right now you might not see Mine Craft ever again! No. Don’t cry. We want happy photos. Fine, who wants candy? How much candy is this going to take? Ewww, gross. What is that smell? I think someone stepped in dog poo. Let’s check your shoes everyone. Bingo. Alright, try and wipe it off in the leaves over there. Goodness gracious! Moving on…

Not once did I ever think about my shoulders or my hair. There is no checking the preview to see how I look. No “place all your weight on your back foot” rule. Nope. If we have a photo of the 5 of us together where no one is crying or injuring someone then it’s a keeper. You don’t even have to have your eyes open. I went from having a 20 point checklist for how I looked in a photograph to just one qualification. Do I look sane? Even that is debatable. 


For the record out of probably 200 tries we were able to get one decent photo. 
It was sent out with our Christmas cards and after all that effort I can assure I will have it hanging on our wall. So if my family can do it, there is hope for everyone. Just say Chuck E. Cheese!!!

By |2015-05-18T05:06:37+00:00September 24, 2014|Motherhood, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Weaning a Toddler

Today Ezie is officially one week breast milk sober. Weaning a toddler hasn’t been easy, but on the other hand it wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. I had a lot of reasons that I chose to nurse Ezie until he was two. Well, technically he hasn’t turned two yet, but I wanted to schedule the weaning for a time that I knew we didn’t have a lot of other obligations because I figured we were in for some sleeplessness nights, and I was right. 

Out of my three children I nursed Ezie the longest.
Z was weaned at about 16 months. I knew we were down to very few feedings and when we spent the night at his cousin’s house one day he was so busy and tired that he just went all day and night without wanting to nurse. When he woke the next day I realized it had been over 24 hours and I wasn’t about to turn back. He probably would have continued to nurse if I had planned to, but I never offered it again. It was kind of child-led.
Then I breast fed SJ until she was a little over a year. She never cared about nursing though. Unlike her brothers she was very practical about the whole thing. If she was hurt or upset I would often try to feed her to calm her down, except she would just push away and give me this confused baby look like, I am not hungry, I am hurt. Totally opposite of her bros. However, she did have a pacifier and when we took that away just before her 2nd birthday she had 3 days of hardcore rehab. There was thrashing and screaming throughout the night, but by the end of day 3 it was like she was completely detoxed.
I figured it would be the same if not worse for Ezie, because I have been his “pacifier” for 2 years and I can’t exactly removed myself from the situation like I could with a binky.
The first night he was pretty upset about not getting his “night night milk” as he calls it. The next day he was so exhausted from not getting any sleep that he fell asleep on the way to drop his siblings off at school. He stayed asleep when I took him out at the grocery store. I decided to put him in the Ergo and he continued to sleep the whole time I shopped no matter how much movement, squatting down and bending over him that I did. He was out!
It’s gotten a little easier each day and once again it only took about 3 days for him to forget about it. However he still wakes up in the middle of the night and he’s had some nights where I couldn’t get him back to sleep for the longest time. I no longer have a magic potion, but I know he’ll adjust.
The thing I have found to be most effective was trying not to trigger his urge to nurse. ThisP meant high collared shirts with layers if necessary and even crossing my arms if I was laying next to him. I also had to stand up with him a lot because sometimes laying down and cuddling was just too difficult, as you can imagine. Lastly, because “night night milk” was what we always called breastmilk I had to pull every synonym for night night out of my mental thesaurus and use a lot of words that could be calming and get him ready for bed, but distract him from what that used to mean. For example
“Let’s go to BED, and lay down with an animal, and pillow, and blanket”
“It’s time to go to SLEEP”
“Are you ready to shut your eyes? Do you hear the music? Are you tired?”
 So, that’s my experience and advice for anyone that is in a similar boat where maybe you lay down with your baby/toddler and nurse them to sleep. It’s been bitter sweet for sure. Sometimes it’s hard to let go of the familiar and step into new seasons,  but I am definitely relieved to have it over with. Next up potty training.
By |2017-09-05T16:39:39+00:00September 15, 2014|Babies & Toddlers, Uncategorized|1 Comment


Back before the American What Not to Wear there was a British version with Trinny and Sussanah. Maybe you remember it? Those girls were great at fashion advice, but one thing they said that I have never forgotten is that they disapproved of shorts. For any occasion or tempeture. No shorts. Ever. Gasp.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t love shorts. Shorts mean I have to shave, or that I have to look at girls/women wearing too short of shorts and try not to stare at their butts. I don’t want to see a 16 year olds cheeks hanging out, but it’s like someone with a weird birth mark on their face or something. You try hard not to look at it, but it has magnetic power over your eyes! So frustrating. Anyway back to Trinny and Sussanah, I can get why shorts might seem inappropriate for some, but I look at it the same way fellow blogger Amy feels about ceiling fans. Fine for HGTV to be anti-fan , not fine for a family living in Houston trying to keep utilities down. 
Today is a shorts day for me because where I live in Ohio it is a high of 86, but it looks like we may have cold front coming through. Bring on the fall! Until then here is a selection of shorts from my closet.It turns out every pair of shorts that I own are from thrift stores! I probably bought all of my summer bottoms for less than what I would have spent on one pair off the rack. Yippee.

First of all the cut off shorts. You have got to love the thriftiness of repurposing old pants. 

Actually, these were already cut off when I found them at a vintage shop in Lousiville. They couldn’t be any more comfortable and yes it is perfectly acceptable to tuck a shirt in without a belt, I read it in a magazine. 

In keeping with the grunge theme, I also have a pair of ripped up shorts. Also very comfortable. 

Now let’s get a little more formal with my dress-pants-shorts (oxymoron?). 
They are a little more risqué than what I wear for my day and night job (mother hood), but they make shorts look chic, unless you wear them with brightly colored underwear. That changes everything. Both of these photos were taken on dates with my husband.

Like I said, I have a few other pair like khakis of all colors, but that’s what I have photos of. I don’t plan on doing a What I Wore Wednesday on a regular basis, but I did want to sneak in some of these summer favorites before it’s strictly cardigans and boots. I get giddy just thinking about it. For me it’s the most wonderful time of the year.  

By |2015-05-14T23:15:29+00:00September 10, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

The 7th Birthday

When we Z was 6 he learned to tie his shoes, snap, and he memorized the state capitols. But  it was a week ago just before he turned 7 that I understood just how much of a transformative year this has been. We were at one of Cincinnati’s acclaimed chili parlors when when Z said “Mom I did it”. “What did you do?” I asked him. “I asked that lady for more chocolate milk and she gave me some”. I was really impressed and asked for his exact wording, he said “May I have more chocolate milk please”. I smiled and praised him for his ability to take initiative independently and use manners. It was the first time he had ever asked for his own refill.

Now this wasn’t one of those tangible milestones where you get an award or take photos. I didn’t jump out of my seat to go give him a hug. It was just a subtle choice that really stood out to me. I didn’t tell him he needed to handle his own refill. I didn’t ridicule him for not speaking up as I am embarrassed to say that I have done in the past. I didn’t coach him through any of it. He had a need and he took care of it. It’s such a simple act, but so big. He is on his way to becoming a young man. It’s like watching plants grow in a garden. You don’t see them shoot up, but you know it’s happening and suddenly it’s blossomed. I can’t put my finger on many measurable stats for Z from this past year, but I know a lot of change has taken place.
As far as the actual birthday, it was a winner.

I do what I call Theme Parties every other year so this year was an off year and we just met up with two other families at Chuck E. Cheese on Monday since it was a holiday. It was very low key, but he got a scooter and helmet which was his biggest surprise.


On the actual birthday date he got to have his name on the intercom announcement at school. It was kind of funny because he asked me if I heard it (I was miles away at home during the announcements and he thought the news was broadcast throughout the city). It was also the same day as a cub scouts sign up meeting so J took Z and they signed up. Even though it was a last minute decision I think it will be a great program for Z to be a part of.

Friday was the school carnival which he has been more excited about then his actual birthday.

Lastly, he had his first pack meeting where they did a service act for the community by cleaning up the school grounds the morning after the carnival.

Followed by an outing at the lake where there was fishing and fun for all.

TIt was a typical week for us in a lot of ways, but it was Z’s week and I am so glad. He deserved some special attention. He is my special boy.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:29+00:00September 8, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

That’s What Z Said

As a follow up to “4 Year Old Funnies” and “Laugh-out-loud conversations with Z” I am pleased to announce the third installment of quotes from my oldest son that made me smile last year. His mix ups have matured as he has grown. At the age of six he definitely has a deeper understanding of things, but there are a lot of words that he has started using that he may not be entirely sure of the meaning yet. It makes for a good laugh.

1.  Z was trying to get out of eating the meal I had served and using every distraction possible he started telling me how much he loved me and I said Show me you love me by finishing your dinner and he replied “I don’t think that’s love. I think that’s generous”


2. Me: I’ve had enough! You guys have got to quit fighting. I mean it!!!
     Z: Mom, are you going to obliterate us?
3. Z to his baby brother “Ezie, you sure are a keeper today”
Which is nice, but let’s hope that he’s a keeper tomorrow too.
4. Me: Why are you eating a cookie before dinner!?
     Z: Because I am unpredictable.
5. After Z overheard me talking about my Toyota he approached me with a look of astonishment and said “I didn’t know that you had a Toy Yoda! Can I see it!?
6. After Z spent quite some time texting his dad back and forth J had to get back to his online classes. Z continued to text and was genuinely concerned when he didn’t get a response.
7. Something I overheard at the playground. I will spell it the way he said it to give the full effect, but for the record Z has eczema.Little boy: Do you have asthma?
Z: No, it’s eggs-ma
Little boy: Oh

8. Z thinking out loud in the car says “I wish I were a Peregrine Falcon”. Then a few seconds later, I am assuming after he imagined what life would be like he added “That could play the wii”.Yes, that would be the ultimate life.

9. One of our favorite holidays- Thanks Given
10. Lastly, as seen on Facebook 

We had our first appointment with a new Doctor and they have to ask all kinds of routine questions and Z wanted to chime in on ALL of them! I could go on and on, but here is just one example:
Nurse (to me): Do you have any relationships where you have been threatened?
Me: No.
Z: Yes, you have.
Me: Z what are you talking about!?
Z: I have threatened you, but you told me I’m not allowed.
Me: You mean when you say something like “I am not going to go to bed if you don’t let me watch another movie” and I tell you not to threaten me?
Z: Yes.
Nurse: She’s right. You shouldn’t threaten your mother.

Those are the ones I wrote down or could remember. He brings us so much joy. It’s been another great year. Thanks Z.


By |2019-08-29T09:58:01+00:00September 5, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

A Non Ficshin Book by Z

Today is Z’s birthday and I was going to do my annual post about my favorite funny moments from throughout the year, but then I realized I wanted to share this book that he wrote last year and it deserves it’s own space. Consider this part one and I’ll do the other post tomorrow.
When Z was 5 he went to New York City with my parents who he knows as MéMé and PéPé (it’s french for grandma and grandpa). It was just an over night trip, but when he was 6 he wrote this book about it completely on his own. He covered every detail through his point of view. I thought it was too cute not to share. I will translate with the correct spelling, but the way he spelled it is part of the fun so be sure to read his version.
Book Cover-
Non Fiction. Zion Goes to New York.


Page 1. Hi my name is Zion. I’ll show you my story.
*He is wearing his school walkathon shirt in the drawing


Me and MéMé and PéPé are at the airport waiting for our plane. Page 2.


Page 3. Finally our plane has arrived. We all get on it.


Page 4. It took a long time, but we still made it.
*He drew the world with the United states and the two states he was flying to.


Page 5. MéMé and PéPé went to Nintendo World. It was fun.


Page 6. PéPé decided to go the Apple store. I did not. But we still went.
*Note that Pépé is happily expressing his decision while Z says no with an exclamation, and MéMé seems indifferent with her question mark. 


*At this point in the story there is a page his little sister had previously scribbled on and Z crossed it out and wrote “not part of the book”. He had to do this multiple times.


Page 7. We went to a store. We got a shield for me
*It was FAO Schwartz and he got a Captain America Shield


Page 8. Then we went to our hotel. Our hotel has a TV.


Page 9. We watch TV in our hotel then went to bed.


Page 10. The next day we went to McDonald’s. It didn’t have a play land, but I didn’t care.


Page 11. Then we passed Time Square and went to the airport.


Page 12. We head home.


Page 13. I told my mom and dad all about New York City!!!!


*He has a lot to say. J and I look overwhelmed??


To learn more about me just call my mom or dad. My dad’s # is ____ and my mom’s is ____
*I had to cross out the numbers because he knows are numbers accurately and I don’t need to get hundreds of phone calls from people wanting to know more about the author. 
The End. Thank you.



By |2021-09-15T09:01:01+00:00September 4, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

The Beginning of the School Year Mom’s Wardrobe

It’s a new school year with a  clean slate and that inspires me*. No more roll out of bed, put shoes on and show up at the school in a wrinkled frump of whatever I wore to bed or picked up out of the laundry basket. I am turning a new leaf. It’s hard to say how long it will last, but I am going on a full two weeks *gasp* of having clothes picked out ahead of time. I am actually getting myself ready in the morning. 

Last week after lining up some of my favorite combinations I noticed a trend. 

Along with trying to dress decent on a daily basis I tried to get photographic evidence. It wasn’t all that easy, but I wrangled up a few pics for ya, and I am going to use all of my God given restraint to forgo dozens of disclaimers about the way I look or the way the photos looks, because ain’t nobody got time for that. 

Now then, lets see some stripes!
This first outfit is a favorite go-to of mine. 
It’s casual, comfy, and summery. 
Shirt: JC Penny Clearance.
I wasn’t even looking for clothes, but it was such a rock bottom price it grabbed me and forced me to buy it.
Shorts: Old Navy (although I bough them at a thrift store). 
They are called the perfect 5 inch short and they really are the perfect fit for me. 
Shoes: Gap (a gift from a friend who bought them used). 
These are my favorite summer sandals.
So just how practical is this outfit for a stay at home mother of 3? 
I give it 4 out of 5 stars. Even though it’s great for so many family activities, the white shorts make it less than perfect for all the messy hands I deal with. Still, not bad. 
This next outfit I wore to the parent info night at Z’s school last week. 
Shirt: Forever 21.
I bought it used of course, do I have to mention this every time? I think I should so that I can show people the variety available second hand!
Jeans: American Eagle (thrifted)
Shoes: Gap clearance center 
And just because it’s so cute, here is a shot of SJ trying to wear my shoes. 
Why the low score you ask? Well, the outfit is fine, but this score has to do with how well it fits the busy mom lifestyle. It looses points for the low rise jeans because it’s no bueno if you can’t get each of your kiddo’s shoes back on without exposing your crack to all of chic-fil-a. Even if that was still the style, I wouldn’t be interested. It’s both outdated and just uncomfortable so those jeans are probably seeing their last days. Also, the shoes will not be worn in a situation where I know I need to chase toddlers. They are extremely difficult to run in. I am cool with high heels, but the flatness of the wedge just adds another level of awkward when I walk. I still like the way they look though. #wedgesnotwedgies
Lastly, I have another combo that has gotten a lot of wear this summer. The first of the two pics was a hair selfie, but you see the shirt pattern.
shirt: Old Navy clearance
Shorts: Aeropostale (thrifted)
Shoes: (same as above) Although, normally I would wear Sperry’s with this, but it was a hot Saturday and loafers can be stuffy. 
This outfit gets 4 stars because I wear it so often (shoot, I’m wearing it now). It’s comfortable, breathable fabric, modest, and both items stretch so it’s good for postpartum and all kinds of other body issues moms have to deal with. The reason I didn’t give a whopping 5 is because it’s pretty boring. These clothes are going to have to work hard to earn a 5. This is serious stuff. 
In conclusion, I have spent a lot more time considering what I am going to wear and sometimes even taking pictures of it. I am not going to lie, it was fun. I feel womanly. Will I keep it up? It’s hard to say, but for now that’s my 
“What I Wore Wednesday”

Pampers & Pearls
*If you have read Jen Hatmaker’s essays about the beginning of the school year mom vs the end of the school year mom then you  pretty much know what kind of mom I am.
By |2015-05-18T05:07:07+00:00September 3, 2014|Motherhood, Uncategorized|5 Comments

Thank You Teachers

I have now met all of the new teachers including a full blown information night tonight at Z’s school. I really do think this is going to be another great year for them. I loved their teacher’s from last year and I will never forget all that they did for my kiddos. I have wanted to share the love and show the two thank you cards that we made at the end of last year, but I never got around to it. I know this is the worst time to spark ideas for end of the year thank you cards since school has just begun, but I figure it’s better late than never. Here goes…

For SJ I used her recent portrait from her 4 year session and customized a Thank You message to be printed out on a 4×6. I found an endless amount of chalkboard fonts online and for the chalkboard background I went with the one from this link. I picked up some clear party favor bags from Target and filled the bag with dove chocolates.

I was so happy with how they all turned out. By all, I mean several. Z had one teacher to say thank you to. SJ has an entourage of therapists, teachers, and other team members that we want to show our gratitude to.

 When I went into SJ’s school this year I saw that the secretary had her thank you card displayed on her desk and it made me smile. 

For Z we took a different approach. I made a little book out of all the decades that he dressed up as throughout the year. I can now see that I blogged about 50’s day, 70’s, and 80’s day, but I don’t think I ever did a post about when he dressed like he was 100 years old!? What a shame. Here are some photos of that.

I can’t believe I never posted these! Anyway, back to the thank you card. This was the cover which was a phrase that was significant to the whole class.

On the inside there were a couple group photos from the Christmas party and field trip and it said 

Mrs. Baker was my Kindergarten teacher.

Then a couple photos of Z dressed in 1950’s attire (for the 50th day of school) and it said “thanks to her I had many HAPPY DAYS”. Then along with the 1970’s photos it said “she made school GROOVY”

Turn the page to the 1980’s and you’ll see that she was also “TOTALLY AWESOME”, and lastly for the 100th day when he dressed like he was 100 years old it said “Now I feel wise beyond my years”. 
I know it’s not the most polished booklet. It was just a simple little token which cost next to nothing, but I was extremely flattered by his teacher’s response. She said it was the best thank you card she had ever received and had planned to laminate it. I’m so glad that she liked it because she really is an amazing teacher. 
In fact I would like to say thank you to all the teachers that might be reading this. I have had lots of friends who taught over the years and I had some pretty great teachers growing up, but I never understood just how invaluable teachers are until my children started school. From that point on I became eternally grateful for all that you do for our children and for our future! What a calling. Whether you just started, or are about to, best wishes this year. 
I am going to try and do some link ups more often so today I am partying with

By |2015-05-18T05:07:14+00:00August 29, 2014|Schooling, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Collections From The First Day

Z started 1st grade on Tuesday the 19th. 
J praying over Z before school.

I took a couple photos on his way out the door, but I saved what I considered his “first day outfit” with his new shoes and clothes for Thursday because I wanted to get pics of him and his sister together and SJ didn’t start until Thursday. 
I wasn’t too emotional dropping him off since this is his second year at this school and he’s been ready for first grade for a while now. However I did get teary eyed after we bumped into Mrs. B, his kindergarten teacher from last year. She enthusiastically greeted us as we approached the building. Then she began talking to a mom who has multiple children that have had Mrs. B as a teacher. I overheard Mrs. B say “well, I hope you don’t miss seeing me too much”. Then the mom said, well there is always next year! Chloe will be going into Kindergarten” That’s when it hit me that SJ will be in Kindergarten next year and she will not have Mrs. B. It was one of those weird mom moments that I can’t explain because I love the deaf school that SJ goes to and there is no doubt that she will have an amazing kindergarten teacher. If it wasn’t for SJ we wouldn’t live here and have the privilege of knowing Mrs. B at all. So it doesn’t make sense for me to get choked up, but it was a little tear for the reminder that our lives are a bit different than most. No big deal though. 

As far as SJ’s first day she did great. 
She was at the school most of the summer anyway so it’s not a huge transition other than teachers and it’s a much longer day. This year will be the same as last except new teachers, a new classmate, and no nap time. I think there are about  40 children in the school total which includes from babies up to 2nd grade. Half of those children are in preschool with SJ and in her specific speech class there are only TWO children. She has a new partner this year, but it is a little girl she knew from last year. 
 I haven’t had much time to get to know their teachers yet, but I can tell that both Z and SJ both have warm, caring, inspiring teachers again this year. Praise the Lord! 

Transportation is a little different this time around because we will NOT be using the bus. I thought maybe SJ would ride the bus this year, but I had some reservations and in the end it didn’t work schedule wise. SJ’s school begins at 8:30 and Z is at 9:00. They are only 6 minutes apart so this works out perfectly for me to drop them off. However, SJ gets out at 3:30 and Z school gets out at 3:55. This should be fine, except their pick up system at Z’s school is weird. I have to park the car walk in and sign him out everyday and get out the door before the buses load. That is why they want you there at 3:40 which is cutting it close. Last year I conceded and had him ride the bus, which I wasn’t too worried about since Kindergartners are kept separate from the rest of the school, but this year I am determined to make it work so that I can bring him myself. I feel good about this decision, but there have already been some struggles like SJ throwing a fit and refusing to go into Z’s school. Or in a couple weeks when they are closing the road to SJ’s school for a while which will double my commute! I’m brainstorming what the plan for that will be.

 I feel so incredibly optimistic about this year. I have shared before about how good it feels to be settled for now compared to the trials that we’ve recently been through. Now it’s like, we know the drill. We have a system in place. WE’VE GOT THIS!

By |2015-05-14T23:15:31+00:00August 24, 2014|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Weeee Did It!!!!

Well guys Z started the 1st grade two days ago and SJ starts tomorrow. We have officially survived summer break 2014. One more quick disclaimer before I wrap this thing up, I do love my children. I love having them near me. I enjoy all the nostalgia of the endless summer days. BUT it is a challenge to allow the children to appreciate all that summer has to offer when you live in a modest apartment with no indoor or outdoor play options. We’re happy, we’re thriving, all is well. No pity needed, I am just keeping it real. School being in session lifts an enormous weight off of my shoulders. I feel good about the 12 weeks that we did have at home though, and I can’t believe that this is the final 6 activities to add to the 66 already listed!

1. Dancing

Alright, I admit it this one was for the mama for sure, but it’s a family activity that we did together and I am so thrilled that I had the opportunity. It was 1940’s week at the Cincinnati Museum center, which is my FAVORITE time period.

I dressed the part and although I didn’t do any swing dancing I watched the experts and had a great time.

The kids never turn down a chance to go to the museum so they had fun too.

2. Rest

Maybe resting is an activity, but it needs to be on the list because sometimes that is what we need. Especially when all three kiddos get a virus. I hauled all three of them to the doctor and he said they would be okay within a couple days and they were. At least it happened before school.

3. Movie in the Park

I love these outdoor movies! This particular one was a showing of The Bee Movie at the Nature center where they served rice crispy type snacks made with honey combs. How cute! I’ll admit that it was cold and it sprinkled a little bit, but I gave the movie and the atmosphere two enthusiastic thumbs up!

4. Sports Complex

In anticipation of summer I got a groupon for the gym where the kids had swim lessons last year. They also have trampolines and a giant play land. We still have a membership there until September so we’ll be back during the school year too.

5. Ikea

Z and SJ LOVE Ikea. I think they love it more than a 30 year suburben mom on a budget. In other words they really really love it. Of course the ball pit and the movies are a big hit, but they even like the food court and kids decor. This was our first visit all summer. I used the opportunity to pick up some bowls and dish towels. Fun for all.

6. Community Story Time

I mentioned the reading clubs that Z participated in this year. Well, I finally managed to get him to Barnes and Noble where he turned in his reading list for a free Ninjago book. While we were there we saw that they were going to have a reading of Pete the Cat and the New Guy. Z loves Pete the Cat so we went back on Saturday for their story time.

That’s it. I plan to make a comprehensive list for myself so that next year when I am in the same boat (as far as I know we will still be here next year and I’ll share more about that later) I will remember all the fun that we had and be remind myself how The Messies do summer.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:31+00:00August 21, 2014|Uncategorized|1 Comment
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