All of The Things I Haven’t Been Doing

Every week I have blogged about what’s happening on the home front over the summer. We’ve done a lot and I have one final update that I will report about soon. However, there are a lot of things I haven’t done since school let out, and I thought it would be appropriate to share those things too.

Remember the new years resolutions I wrote about at the beginning of the year? Yeah, me neither, but I looked them up and doing Fly Lady was one of them. Well, the only kind of flying I’ve done lately was our summer trip to Vermont. There has been no schedule, no cleaning, and no organizing other than the  little bit of maintenance it takes to keep our home from looking like the victim of a tornado.

Oh and remember when I talked about going Gluten free or at least eating somewhat healthy? Well, most Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream is Gluten free so that much I have stayed true to. Yeah, pretty much all bets are off this summer. Our diet would absolutely mortify Jarod, Jenny and Jillian. By which I mean the subway guy, Jenny Craig diet lady, and girl from the biggest loser.

Then there is this really cool program called where children can learn computer science. Z does  used to do the lessons all the time. The point is, it’s another one of those really wonderful ideas that just hasn’t been realistic to implement recently.

There was a time when I did cloth diapers and reusable shopping bags. There was also a time I was going to finish redoing this website! The list could go on, but do I feel bad? No. This summer I’ve handled what I can handle. This whole section of life for that matter. J has been in school full time and some overtime. I’ve been in single-mom mode and even if that wasn’t my excuse I don’t feel guilty for not being super mom/wife/woman. And of course you shouldn’t either (just in case anyone reads this and has those feelings, not that any woman ever would). I mean, it would be super if I could keep my children from coloring every inch of their bodies with a marker

or if I didn’t send the school lunches packed up in breast milk storage bags

or if I didn’t discover an old avocado in the kids room hiding among the children’s stuffed animals.

That would be super, but I’ll take what I can get. I probably shouldn’t use the word SUPER, because I am superb in many areas, perfection is more of what I am referring too. Regardless of all that I haven’t done, I feel like we’ve had a successful summer. For us today is the very last day before school starts back up. It’s a super fun Monday for us, I hope it will be for you too!

By |2015-05-14T23:15:31+00:00August 18, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Summer’s Caboose

I can’t believe it. It’s almost here. The end of summer break. It wasn’t so bad that I can’t stand to look at it for another second, it’s just the feeling of accomplishment that makes me giddy. I knew it would be tough, and it was. Some days were better than others, but what I am really here to write about last week. The first week in August. 

Let’s take a look at some of my phone photos to see what we did for our boredom busters. 
1. Yard Sales
I am totally digging yard sale season and it can be a fantastic family activity. Sure my little ones weren’t thrilled with the idea when I introduced it, but we struck gold when we came upon three houses in a row with young families that had lots of gently used items that they were practically giving away. Actually, some of it they were literally giving away. We showed up right before the sale ended and they were going to donate the items anyway so they said take what you want. The kids and I walked away with bags of stuff and a smile on our faces. 
 I got some cute tops the one in this pic still has the tag on it.

I got so many pajamas that I had to divide them up and give them away! 
I also had to clean out our closets to make room so the next day I was able to pay it forward by giving away some of the stuff that still looks great, but isn’t worn anymore. When I put Z to bed that night he actually THANKED me for taking him to the yard sale. Happy day!
2. Company
We don’t usually have people over because we are so squished in our little abode. However, last week my brother and niece and nephew were in the area so they stopped by. We ate frozen pizza and fruit salad and the kids had playtime. It makes me we want to have friends and family over more often! 
3. National Night Out
There was a festival in the parking lot of a nearby Target store where all of our local heroes came out with trucks, boats, and equipment that you could actually go interact with. It was a way to promote awareness of crime prevention and community safety. There were also tons of vendors giving away freebies including dinner, snow cones, and cotton candy. I am telling you we had a blast! And it was completely free. You know I love free. 
It was Sedona’s first time trying cotton candy. I love how that is all you see in the photo above.
4. Sleep Over 
We spent a couple nights at my parents house last week. Our husbands all had work to do so it was just my mom, sister in law, me, and 6 children ages 6 and under. When my sil told my niece E that we were going to have a slumber party she froze, got wide eyed, and said “Wait a minute! Do you know what that’s called!?” Then raising her voice to a shriek she said “SLEEP OVER!!!” and started to dance around.  The next day My sil did their hair in matching pig tails and they looked sooo cute.

 It was a nice visit
5. TV 
We like to stay active, but I also wanted to mention that sometimes the kids veg out on netflix (when I can get them to slow down for 20 minutes if you know what I mean). I didn’t think my summer boredom busters list would be complete without mentioning this familiar summer pastime. The above photo was taken at a Doctors visit. We’ve had a lot of those lately with getting school physicals and all.
6. Nature time 

The Cincinnati Nature Center Playscape is one of the coolest places for kids that I have ever visited. They just celebrated their 3 year anniversary and had a big party with crafts, scavenger hunts, and prizes. The weather was gorgeous! What a way to finish out the final days of summer. 
By |2015-05-14T23:15:31+00:00August 14, 2014|Uncategorized|1 Comment

SJ’s 2nd Year of Preschool

I can’t believe this will be SJ’s last year of preschool. I never  necessarily even planned for my children to even go to preschool, but as you know SJ case is a little different. The idea that a year from now she will be starting kindergarten really shocks me! I suppose I am getting ahead of myself. One year at a time. I am so very anxious (in a good way) to see what this year will hold for her.

You may have noticed I have a page on my blog now that is dedicated strictly to SJ’s story and her current progress. I don’t have any recent updates because I feel like we have been at a stand still over the summer. I always keep a log of new words and phrases that I notice SJ saying and the last time I did an entry was the end of June. Maybe some of it’s because I have been too busy to notice, or maybe it’s because she was on vacation and out of school so she is just plateauing. Or perhaps this would be a slower time anyway. These burst of vocabulary breakthroughs do tend to happen in waves. I’ll be glad to have her back in school full time though, and not because I want to be away from her because I don’t. 

It’s just that I can tell a difference in her progress when 
they are purposefully working towards speech compared to the incidental learning that usually happens at home.

She has two new teachers this year. One is for academics the other is speech. I hate change and having school age children has forced me to adapt to new people on a regular basis. Bleh! However, I LOVED her therapist in Louisville, I loved her teacher in the toddler program, and her therapist last year, and I am sure these two lovely ladies that she is currently paired with will be just as nice of a fit. I already have a good feeling about it since SJ received a card addressed to her personally with a hand written note inside. It told SJ to her to let her mom and dad know that she will be in the classroom on a certain day and time and to come by to say hi. In other words, meet the teacher.

Last year’s teacher and this summers therapists. She will forever have a special place in our hearts!

I do have one little prayer request which isn’t really hearing or CI related, but it kind of is. SJ has always had huge tonsils. She snores like a 50 year old man and she has since she was a one year old. Seriously. However, we have had many experienced Doctors and Pediatricians take note of this fact without showing any concern. My mom brings it up a couple times a year because she just wants to make sure SJ is safe and her airway passages are clear. Then SJ’s team of therapists brought it up at our end of their meeting and told me to talk to her ENT about it at our next appointment so last week when I saw her Otolaryngologist I did just that.

He said that her tonsils are a 3+, and that is on a scale that ranges up to 4. So they are in fact big, but without frequent strep throat or sleep apnea (neither of which she deals with) there is no reason to remove them. In fact there is some kind of a cautery tool that they would normally use for surgery that cannot be used on SJ because of her implants. An alternative procedure would affect the coronary bleeding which is an added risk to consider when weighing how valuable this surgery would be to her. Once again it doesn’t mean that they are ruling it out and don’t want to do the surgery, but he is going to reevaluate in a year and see if she has grown into them at all. He said sometimes these things correct themselves with time. I don’t know why there always has to be another hand, but on the other hand he said there are advantages to doing the surgery while the child is still young. It’s easier on them, so we don’t want to put it off if it is inevitable.

Sheesh. Don’t quote me on all the details of that because I wrote down what the Doctor said, but I don’t have the paper in front of me. I just remember him saying to not worry about her for now because there is space in her mouth, so she is fine. It would be my heart’s desire that she would not have to go through another surgery if we can avoid it. I pray that this situation will be cleared up without any medical intervention. In the grand scheme of things it is not an earth shattering concern and I do believe God’s hand has her covered head to toe.

So that’s what is happening with the girlie. She has had a wonderful summer.

 I am sure she is going to be bummed to realize it’s over, but happy to be reunited with her friends. One week to go!

By |2015-05-18T05:08:53+00:00August 12, 2014|Hearing Loss, My Life, Special Needs, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Breastfeeding in a dress

Breast is best, but can it work in a dress? See what I did there? First of all, about the breast is best, it’s a slogan I’m quoting and it’s scientifically proven, at least for now. Some people can’t breast feed their baby. Some people don’t want to. I don’t care how you feed your baby. This particular post is about breastfeeding, but please don’t be offended if you’re path looks different than mine! I have been the first to admit that the thing I would miss the most if I couldn’t breast feed would be the freebies. Not the nutrition, not the bonding, but the flat out frugality of it. The second favorite is getting to eat all of those bonus calories! How noble of me. I am such a sacrificial lactavist.

I have breastfed for 4 and 1/2 years between my three children over the course of 7 years. I started out like most new moms, kind of awkward and self conscious, but now I am comfortable enough to breastfeed on an airplane with the toddlers head resting on the arm of the male college student sitting next to me. I prefer not to be in that position again, I am just saying I don’t give a rat’s patootie anymore.

I used to think there was no way of breast feeding in a dress because you would have to pull the whole garment up so I would choose my outfits accordingly.

Since then I have learned that I could gear my shopping toward dresses that I could nurse my baby in simply by pulling the neck line down. Whether sporting buttons, a crisscross wrap style, or even strapless most styles these days are very accommodating.

Here are just some of the dresses that I have to choose from.




This is an instagram I posted of the dresses I packed for my trip to New York and I have easily nursed in all three outfits.

Here is one that I cannot wear while breastfeeding! It’s super form fitting and really high up in the front.

Although, one time I witnessed a mom wear a shift dress like this for her babies dedication and then when it was time to nurse she went to the cry room and had someone help her unzip the top of her dress  so that she could feed the newborn. That’s quite a bit of effort, but I guess it shows that it can be done if you are really set on a particular outfit.

The point is, if you are breastfeeding, don’t be afraid to branch out. I recommend layering with nursing tanks and nursing bras. Those are my go to for wearing under everything. It just makes life simpler during this season. My advice to new moms that are just starting out, wear what you feel comfortable in and when in doubt practice at home first to see if you can nurse your baby with ease in a certain ensemble. I promise you I have done this on many occasions before I have determined what to wear. You are better off giving it a go in private before you are at a restaurant and realize the material isn’t as stretchy as you thought all the while trying to console the hungry screaming baby in your arms.

By the way, it is World Breastfeeding Week (or at least it was) so to all the women out there that are feeling exhausted, embarrassed, or the many that are just in love with the whole experience I hope you are encouraged that you are doing a great job. Hooray for the normal, beautiful, natural thing that it is!

Our Week In Michigan

I couldn’t possibly squeeze all of the beautiful scenery, joyful laughter, and peaceful refuge that we found the week we spent in Michigan, but for now I will sum it all up in the tradition of my weekly summer updates starting with

1. Lake

We spent most of our time on Lake Huron which we jokingly referred to as the ocean because other than the lack of salty flavor it definitely felt like we were seaside on the beaches of East Tawas. I felt just as exhilarated as the kids did with each crashing wave that stole a layer of sand out from under my feet.

We went to a couple different beaches, but I was satisfied with the first one we pulled up to upon arrival. It’s pretty cool when your best friends own a house and a coffee shop right next to such breath taking views.

2. Boat

Our friends also own two kayaks and we were so determined to get out on the river with them that after practicing paddling in the driveway we decided we could fit the children in the boats with us and we went for it. 

I only have iPhone photos since I wouldn’t dare bring my camera out there, but man it was gorgeous. Just an absolutely amazing evening. 

I love seeing wildlife even if it’s as simple as a worm or a squirrel. On this little exertion we spotted a deer, bats, duck families, and a rabbit.

3. Kite

Taking our power kite to the beach was like bringing it to it’s home land. It fit in so well there among the other kiters. 

It was like a baby though compared to the kites that are used for kite boarding. 

I have heard of this sport from my friends and considered it on my vacation bucket list to get to watch it. I heard that these guys were beginners, but I was impressed nonetheless.

4. Fair

One of my favorite evenings spent in Michigan was surprisingly the night we went to the county fair. 

I got the hugest kick out of watching Ezie and SJ take in all the sights, tastes, and rides. 

Although they did crash pretty hard when the party was over it was fun while it lasted and don’t let me pretend that I didn’t have some nostalgic fun. You see that ride in the middle? 

 I was worried it would be a little too wimpy for me. How much of a thrill could you get going round and round? I even vocalized my suspensions when I didn’t even see real seat belts in the carts. Hoooooowever, when the ride started going and picking up speed and my body was smashing all of it’s weight and then some into my Michigan friend I knew I was in for a thrill. I screamed at the top of my lungs and laughed hysterically for no reason. A little drool slips out of the side of my mouth as my cheeks flapped toward my ears with force. I worried that the drool that slid off of my face had surely landed on my best friend who was crying beside me. Oh well, we were stuck now. Eventually the weight of the speed forced my head to collapse onto her shoulder. Well, if we weren’t close before we certainly were now! I will not forget that ride anytime soon. It will be a couple years before I am due for another adrenaline rush like that.

5. Sand

I know sand goes hand and hand with lake, but it deserves it’s own category since we have spent so much time playing in the sand this summer, especially in Michigan. 

My only complaint is the frequent cigarette butts. Bleh. Major pet peeve. Come on people! Nature is not an ashtray!

6. State parks

We went to multiple state parks that each had their own unique feel. One night we grilled under the light of the lighthouse. 

At another park we saw the history of the lumberjack 

Then there was sunset after beautiful sunset.

and every place we went was a new discovery that just made us want more Michigan, more outdoors, more America.

I can’t believe we were blessed with a vacation like this right when I least expected it. I feel so refreshed and am eagerly looking forward to this next season now that summer is nearly over (Hello August!). This vacation destination is definitely one I will look forward to revisiting though and in the mean time I’ll be a walking brochure for anyone interested in what Pure Michigan is all about.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:31+00:00August 1, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Our 5th Annual Cow Day

Chic-Fil-A time, cow day, dress-like-a-cow, free food, cow appreciation day- whatever you want to call, it it’s a fun time and something that is starting to become one of my favorite days of the year!

This year I was saddened when I realized Z would be out of town for cow day. I had already planned on painting the kids faces this year and almost considered changing our whole summer schedule around  the event just so that he could be a part of the action. That was unrealistic though. So instead I decided we could still dress up and take pictures like we do every year, but we would do it before cow day at my aunt’s barn.

The weather was gorgeous and the children really ate up the chance for some extra special pretend play.







Then later they ate up the free food when all but Z went in dressed like cows on July 11.

On the left is my niece for her first cow day wearing the same dress SJ wore 5 years ago on her first cow day (pictured right). It was so sweet! 

Between all the free meals we’ve gotten over the past 5 cow appreciation days, my family has ordered at least $75 worth of free Chic Fil A. That’s a pretty sweet deal. I am cheap, so I usually just get a couple kids meals and share with the kids. I don’t mind because it’s still delicious, but on cow day you better believe I get myself in full garb and I order a chicken sandwich meal with a LEMONADE all for me. YUM.

The whole experience just makes me smile! I’ve decided at this point it’s worth it for me to come up with a permanent costume. Every year I dress in white and tape black spots to myself, but I think next year will be different. Yes I am already planning for next years cow day. I am a true CFA fan. Moo.




By |2015-05-19T20:08:52+00:00July 28, 2014|Creativity, Frugal Living, Uncategorized|1 Comment

My Not So Baby Boy

I can’t believe my baby boy is going to be 22 months old! It’s just about every morning J and I wake up and see this pile of blanket and boy sprawled across the bed and it appears that his limbs have become longer over night and his sturdy little body is covering more ground with each passing day. We marvel out loud about how big he’s gotten. J said yesterday that he does not remember the other two being that large at that age and I said “Yes they were. He is about to be two years old! It just feels like he should still be our little baby so it seems impossible.” I think it’s also that fact that I would usually be pregnant right now. When Z was this age I was expecting SJ and with SJ I would have just found out that I was pregnant with Ezie. The fact that we are delaying the next pregnancy because of our current life status (underemployed, living an apartment, going to school full time) is something that’s hasn’t gone unnoticed in my mind. I am not upset about it, but it’s a new family dynamic for us and it’s going to be a while before our little fellow has to give up the complimentary title of baby.

I am not sure about his height and weight, but he has a doctor’s appointment next week so I’ll find out then. I can always tell how much he has grown though by how well he can reach the door knob.

These three photos show the growth between November, January, and July.

Now he is about to be able to reach the keyhole! 

As far as what he has been up to lately, his favorite song to sing to is “Apples and Bananas”. His favorite show is where he learned that song and it’s called Baby Genius. And let me sarcastically tell you it is a real Emmy winner. He loves sweets just like his mama, but besides that his favorite food is probably eggs. He loves to buckle clasps that can be found on highchairs, shopping carts, and car seats. He can’t undo them, but boy does he love the satisfaction of snapping them into place!

Here I am trying to copy his expression. All of my kids made the funniest faces at this age.

The most frustrating thing about him at this stage is his aggressive tendencies. He has always been a biter. Now add to that hitting, throwing, and spitting and you’ve got yourself a real bruiser I’ve googled my options on correcting this behavior. I’ll let you know how that goes. Sigh. The cutest thing about this stage is his sweet little voice. I just love hearing him talk. He is really into possessives right now. Mommy’s keys. Me’me’s phone. SJ’s shoes. Daddy’s car.  He knows what things are and who they belong to and he will tell you all about it.

One other milestone I need to report for this stage is his first haircut. I know for some it wouldn’t even count because I just trimmed his bangs, but when I clipped a piece that messy mop on top of his head it become baby book official in my opinion. It’s funny because Z had his first hair cut on his 2nd birthday and SJ was right around her 4th birthday. I wanted to wait until Ezie was two, but his hair was constantly covering his eyes. I thought to myself You can be stubborn and wait until he is a nice even two to get his bangs out of his line of sight or you can cut his bangs and give him the gift of vision right now. and that is how the 21 month haircut was born.

I didn’t touch those curls though! 

He does get mistaken for a little girl now and then. Especially since some people think Ezra can be a girl name, but I don’t worry about it. He is a cutie pie for sure and I treasure these final months of him being a one year old.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:31+00:00July 22, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Fun For the Fourth

Keeping with my summer progress reports I am delighted to share that we had an exciting week full of family, fireworks, fun, and festivities. Here were the boredom busters for last week.

1.  Family

This week was FULL of family. We visited my aunt that lives out in the country at the beginning of the week.

We also spent a good deal of time with the cousins that live about an hour from us so that was a real treat.

Lastly, we had family, including J’s parents, come from Texas.

2. Games

Amongst all of socializing and stimuli the kids have had this past week there were some quieter moments tucked in there as well. One night we just hung out and played games. Classic children games like the one that spins around a bunch fish opening and closing their mouths while you try to catch them, or dilapidated game of candy land where every single card has been bent, bitten, or torn, but you can still make where you are supposed to move your gingerbread man so that’s all that matters. The adults even played one of my favorite card games called Hand and Foot. My team won by the way. Just sayin’.

3. Water Table

There are a few different places I have been to that offer these water stations where the kids wear little aprons to keep dry while their hands get to splash, pour, and play in the water. This particular water table is at the Cincinnati Children’s museum and it’s a hit every time!

4. Camping

Because the grandparents came in their new RV they rented a camp site to stay at while in the area.

Z and SJ got to spend the night with them and we had campfire where we roasted hot dogs and smores, we hiked and saw wildlife. We did all the fun stuff that comes with camping minus sleeping without electricity.

5. Fireworks

We had a BLAST at the church’s 4th of July party.

The fireworks were great, but it doesn’t have to be an activity limited to the 4th. One of the things that’s great about this season is that you can easily find sparklers and poppers for sale and use them for entertainment throughout the summer. That’s what we’ve done.

6. Beach

We spent a lot of time at East Fork beach which is where the family was camping. It wasn’t the pretty blue water with gorgeous white sand, but it was still an enjoyable and relaxing time for sure.

I am pleased with how the summer is starting to pick up the pace and I can’t wait for what comes next.

By |2015-05-19T20:13:25+00:00July 8, 2014|My Life, Uncategorized|1 Comment


I love the 4th of July, it is such an uplifting, lively holiday. On Sunday we all wore red, white, and blue. It was a last minute thing. Since we made the effort to coordinate I asked my sister in law if she could snap a quick picture of us. Ezie was literally asleep in this photo and we had a slew of unattractive vehicles (like my own) in a very bland looking parking lot behind us. I still loved the photo though, as we have very few of all 5 of us. So I learned how to photoshop around strands of hair so that I could tweak the background, then I made some color adjustments, added the text, and BAM- I’ve practically got a personalized greeting card now.

Here are some throwbacks to other times that we wore patriotic colors. 

From our family to yours, HAPPY 4th of July!!!
By |2015-05-19T20:14:19+00:00July 5, 2014|Creativity, Uncategorized|1 Comment

One Month Down

We have officially made it to the second month of summer! I don’t have much to share about our fourth week in the season of heat. Here are a few activities we’ve implemented in these first 4 weeks in the season of heat:

1. Educational youtube videos

I mentioned we are working on all the 50 states capitols. Z and I just about have them mastered. For that we use the clip from Animaniacs called “Wakko’s 50 State Capitols” and we are also trying to learn some spanish along the way this summer and one of the videos that all three kids seem to benefit from is De Todos Colores. It’s about 12 minutes of pictures with the spanish word spoken out loud and it’s all on youtube.

2. Coloring

I know this is such a simple and obvious boredom buster, but there is something to be said of this simple activity.

My mom gives us these rolls of paper that they throw away at Delta and the backs of them are blank so they just doodle all the live long day on that stuff.

Well, not all day. That would be nice if they did, but it’s fun while it lasts. What would have been trash has brought hours of entertainment at our home.

3. Toy Rotation

When I was pregnant with my first we felt like we were grown ups and we needed life insurance. The guy that handled our case offered advice that meant nothing to me at the time, but now I see it as mommy magic. It’s toy rotation. When they see all their toys all the time it’s like they don’t see them at all, but if you take them away and pull them out periodically and then suddenly it’s like they are discovered in a new light.

Before summer began I went through the big bin of toys in our home and I threw some stuff away and sorted out what was left. That means cars go with cars, super heroes are in another category, and all the potato head pieces are together at last. Toys are kind of like food. Who wants to eat a bunch of left over muffins, eggs, pizza, salad, and ice-cream all mixed up and put on a plate like a casserole? But separate it and put them in their prospective meals and that’s appealing. It has been nice to pull out a set of dominos or trains to keep them busy for a while whereas before they were just sitting in the bottom of a big plastic tub. For the record the room has since become mostly a hodge podge of toys that probably hold support groups at night to deal with their rejection, but I plan to get back to a rotation again it really did help when I needed a moment of peace.

4. Visiting far away friends
The summer is a great time to see those friends that don’t live nearby. We drove about an hour away last week to visit some of our favorite playmates and sadly I took no photos.

5. Bubbles
The joy of bubbles need no explanation, but sometimes you don’t have any bubbles. Or what about when you spilled your jar or lost your wand? Well, my friends, the fun does not have to stop.

I pinned this idea a long time ago and it came in handy last week. All you need is some straws, dish soap, water, and tape.

They had a ton of fun with this one.

6. Celebrating Birthdays

Last week we celebrated my birthday and the Z and SJ made this lovely cake (with assistance).

We were also invited to one of SJ’s classmates birthday parties. You can imagine their excitement at this place.

We have another party next week. Hooray for summer birthdays! 
By |2015-05-14T23:15:31+00:00July 2, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments
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