Our Obesessive Complulsive After School Schedule

It’s a big dilemma. Now that school is back in session parents everywhere are struggling with what in the world to do with their circus animals after the show is over. I have gone through different seasons in my life and I am sure there are many, MANY more to come. But for now structure is our friend. At least my own hippy-dippy version of it.

J and I have coordinated in regards to this schedule and there are still a few things left to tweak, but for the most part this is it. The whole shebang. What we do after school, when we do it and why.

4:00- 4:10 Take off shoes, unload back packs/lunch boxes, and get a snack

We don’t get home from school until about 4:00 and the first thing you have to do is unload. Also, most of us are hungry.

4:10-5:00 Watch TV

We have cut the TV down to 90 minutes maximum during school days (30 in the morning and an hour after school). If you knew our “after school taxi routine” you would know why it is completely exhausting! So immediately after we get in the door seems to be the best opportunity to veg. I know not everyone does it this way, but I prefer it and the kids like it too.

5:00-6:00 Go outside weather permitting, otherwise play in the basement

Sometime between school and bed the kids are going to have some energy to burn. This is the hour to play hard and get exercise. Thankfully I don’t have to be as creative in this area as when we lived the apartment, but if that is the case for you hang in there. It can be done.

6:00 -6:30 Do chores

Chores are really important in our house. This is one that I adjust accordingly. They don’t all have to get done in this time slot, but I at least want to know that there is some allotment for them regardless of how it’s distributed.

6:30-7:00  Eat Dinner

I originally scheduled more time for dinner, but we didn’t need it. The kids (ages 2, 5, and 7) won’t stay in their seats for that long.

7:00-7:30 Homework or shower

This slice is kind of flexible because at this age my kids rarely have homework and they rarely shower. I’m joking. Kind of. Anyway, this little sliver of time is negotiable depending on our needs for that day.

7:30-7:40 Brush teeth, go potty, put on PJs

Sometimes they don’t want to use the restroom, but at this age I make them try and I tell them full stomach+empty bladder=good nights sleep. That’s my theory.

7:40-8:00 Read Stories 

I don’t think I really need to go into all the numerous benefits of reading aloud to your children. I haven’t done it every night of my child’s life that’s for sure, but I try to make it a priority. This is our 20 minute block of reading time and the dynamics are really fun right now because sometimes Z reads to the younger siblings, or J will read a more advanced story with Z in another room. It’s worked out really well!

8:00- Lights out 

Can I just say that my children have NEVER had a bedtime this early. They total night owls and I have always been envious of parents that have hours to themselves after tucking their kids in at 7:30. There are many reasons I think this earlier bedtime is going so smoothly right now, but what I attribute it to most of all is not having a movie or tv show before bed. I used to see the TV as a nice way to wind down. I mean, who hasn’t fallen asleep during a movie or a late night show or two? Research shows otherwise though and after the results I’ve seen I have definitely become a little obsessive about no screen time at nighttime during the week. One day during chore time someone turned on the TV and was watching Rescue Bots and when I saw it my eyes got all crazy, my hair turned green, and I started flying around the living room on a broom stick screaming TURN THAT TV OFF!!! NOW!!!!! It wasn’t that bad, but I did overreact a little and I have repented. That’s really how passionate I am though.

There you have it. My schedules are always subject to change and of course stuff coms up, but I really see this one working for us. I hope to keep it up throughout the year.

Do you have an after school routine?

By |2015-08-26T07:15:35+00:00August 26, 2015|Uncategorized|12 Comments

Getting to School on Time

getting to school on time

This is a repost that I wrote a couple years ago, but it’s a great reminder for me and it might be helpful to some of you. I have mentioned that my number one goal for this school year is to get my kids to and from school on time!

Maybe for you it’s get to the bus stop, or get to church, or go to work on time. I don’t claim to be an expert, but when I actually do implement these tips they really work. So here it is my 5 tips to get there on time (originally posted on September 11, 2013).

1. Time yourself

In order to know how much time you need, you need to know how much time you take.
When I had my second child I was shocked by how difficult it was to be even close to on time. So for a while I set a timer each morning and then stopped it when we were leaving. I was shocked to see how much one little newborn changed our routine, but once I was realistic about it I gave myself more time to get to where I needed to go and we were back on track.

Time how long you spend getting ready in the morning then write down your typical schedule. Once you see the pattern you can plan your mornings and set your alarms accordingly.



2. Dress to the shoes

This is a Fly Lady thing, but it’s helpful. She will tell you to get fully dressed including your lace up shoes. She even advises you to do your hair and makeup so you feel motivated and in the zone. When you are in your pjs and socks you feel comfy and lazy. This doesn’t mean you have to get all dolled up. Trust me. I usually look like a bad tabloid photo most days, but I do like to get myself ready first and have some solitude while the little ones are still in bed. Then I wake the kids up. I think of it like securing my life jacket before assisting a minor.

3. Set everything out the night before

Last year before SJ started school I posted a question on Facebook for advice on the matter of getting up early and getting to school on time. “Have everything ready and laid out the night before” was the most popular suggestion I received. I am going to work on it.


4. Give yourself extra time

Something unexpected always happens. You may have to go back to the house because your child forgot their backpack. Or maybe you can’t find your keys at the last minute because the lining of your purse has a hole in it and your keys slipped in there to become a part of some secret society. Or who knows you could even arrive at school to find that your child took both shoelaces out of her shoes and retied them into a the most intricate of knots that not even a high ranking boy scout could undo. These are real life examples here. When you have done #1 and timed yourself add 10 minutes to whatever amount of time you have concluded you need for each task.


When I asked for advice on Facebook last year the best tip I received was in all caps it said “DO NOT HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON”. This is critical!

Comedian  Jim Gaffigan jokes

“The snooze bar is a wonderful invention. Nothing like starting the day off with a little procrastination! As my first decision of the day I will go back to bed.”


*The snooze bar bit begins at 3:54*

Not to get all serious, but his snooze bar joke did get me thinking. Do I really want to spend the first 30 minute of my day in a groggy debate with myself about whether or not I have more time to sleep? Maybe you can’t think of a better gift to yourself than hitting snooze and that’s cool. I like to think of the snooze bar like a real bar. Some people can go to the bar and have a drink and it’s a delightful little treat. Other people go to the bar to have a drink and wake up the next day with an enormous headache and a hideous pair of celtic boots they paid a gypsy $700 for (true story from my neighbor). I think I am a snoozaholic and saying no to the snooze last year made all the difference in getting to school on time.



Alright ladies, or should I say “late-ies”, he he. That’s all the tips I’ve got for you today, but feel free to share your own. I’m still a work in progress myself.

By |2015-08-25T10:42:14+00:00August 25, 2015|Uncategorized|5 Comments

Carter’s Size 8 and More!

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Carter’s. The opinions stated in this review are genuine. 

When I mentioned that I was doing our back-to-school clothes shopping at Carter’s you all responded with “I love Carter’s” “Carter’s is the best!” or “Us too!”

So maybe I’m not going to tell you anything that you don’t already know, which is that Carter’s clothes are adorable, affordable, convenient, and comfy. But did you know that they now offer a size 8?!


This is really exciting for my family because Z turns 8 in like a week and he’s starting to wear size 8. So when I went to the Carter’s store a couple of weeks ago it was so convenient. I was able to shop for all 4 of my kids at Carter’s and left with a bag full of bargains.

That’s right, I said all FOUR of my kids because this pregnant mama stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the baby clothes at the front of the store. I couldn’t resist doing a little shopping for the little one coming in 3 months!


Then I moved onto the size 5 girl clothes because SJ needed some new leggings and a first day of school outfit. There were so many options and I get nervous with this cutie pie because she is by far my pickiest dresser. She came with me though to choose what she liked. Carter’s makes shopping with little ones so easy thanks to their helpful employees, a nice clean layout, and even a little play table to keep the tiny shoppers entertained.


We both fell in love with the “Shine Like a Star” ensemble.


I loved how easy they make it to mix and match. I got the whole outfit for 50% off and even stocked up on some cute accessories. SJ rocked this look on her first day of Kindergarten.

Z was due for new shoes, new jeans, some back-to-school tops…the works!


I found everything I was looking for at Carter’s thanks to the new size 8 and size 3Y shoe options. The adjustable jeans are the best thing ever because growth spurts do happen! He looked stylin’ in his back-to-school clothes and he entered the 2nd grade with confidence.


Lastly, I also had to pick up a matching outfit for Ezie.Ezie

He really looks up to his big brother and they are still at an age where they love to match so how could I resist.


I scored all of these items and more at such a great price and I even got $20 worth of coupons at the end (which I already spent by the way).

Now is a great time to stock up on awesome fall fashion sets for your kiddos because the deals are so amazing! First of all you can use this printable coupon or promo code to shop at your local Carter’s store or online and get 25% off your purchase of $40 or more.


On top of that right now and through the end of August they are running the #CountMeIn Sale with many items up to 50% off and doorbuster savings like $6 leggings, long sleeve tees, or boys terry pants when you buy 2 or more. Then get ready because Labor Day weekend the entire store is 50% off! That’s my kind of a sale.

I already loved Carter’s , but some of these latest improvements have just made me love them that much more.

onthegoAre your kids closets ready for fall? Head on over to Carters.com or the Carter’s store to stock up on the styles you and your on-the-go-gang are sure to love!

By |2018-09-05T17:08:31+00:00August 24, 2015|Babies & Toddlers, Frugal Living, Schooling|7 Comments

First Week of School 2015

I have felt really optimistic about this first week of school until it all came crashing down today. J has had to take over car pooling/kid watching due to me having a fever and barely being able to breath or sleep. So I went to the doc and everyone agreed I need to be on antibiotics now. Even though I don’t love having to take meds (especially when pregnant), I am grateful for the relief I should soon be feeling.

We started this week off with a practice run complete with our first day of school clothes (brought to you by Carter’s) and then took off for a photo shoot of the snazzy ensembles.IMG_9243

I will be posting more next week for the Carter’s Count Me In campaign. I have some sale information and a coupon that I know you are going to love so be on the look out for that. 



Tuesday we did another dry run because I have become really militant about our schedule now that school is back in session so all week long we pretended to go to school. I’m talkin’ wake up, get school clothes on, and get out the door on time. We even drove to the school itself to see how we did on time.


Then we went to a park before the fog had lifted and most children were at home with their sane mothers enjoying their final day of sleeping in.


We even practiced packing a lunch and carrying our backpacks.


Sometimes I think I have lost my marbles with how hard core I have been. Then other times I realize how much it has paid off. More on that later. I’ll plan to spill all of the details of my latests OCD school schedule next week because although it’s only been one week, I am a believer.


Wednesday was the real deal for SJ. She is officially a Kindergartener.


Photo courtesy of Ohio Valley Voices

She was so excited. When I dropped her off and picked her up all I saw was a gigantic grin from ear to ear. She has two main teachers. One focuses on speech while the other is more of the academics teacher. Both of them are amazing and she has worked with them before so it should all be smooth sailing.

The best part about SJ’s first day was how talkative she was afterwards! She told us about her school bus craft. She told me she ate all of her lunch (naming each item) and said she liked her food.


Photo courtesy of Ohio Valley Voices

She said she played with all her friends (and named each one).


Photo curtesy of Ohio Valley Voices

This time last year we would have been limited to yes or no questions. She really couldn’t articulate any of the days events at all, so now I’m the one grinning from ear to ear. I am just thrilled with the progress she has made. This is going to be the best school year yet!

Z had Meet The Teacher on Monday.


So far it’s all been great. I’m already extremely happy with his teacher. This guy is passionate about reading, challenging the students, and also working on good character. I have loved Z’s female teachers, but I’m pretty excited about him having a male influence to say that learning is cool and fun!


Z has a new cast, new glasses, new shoes, new supplies, even a new haircut. We are in a tight spot right now, but the Lord has provided all of the things that we need. Every. Single. Thing. I am so grateful for His many blessings!

As for Ezie, he is feeling the effects of being the little guy. He wants to wear a back pack so we let him carry Z’s old one.


He even has Z’s old lunch box inside it. He talks about school and asks about his brother and sister frequently. He’s a trooper though. Only three more months and then he won’t be the only child at home anymore.


I’ll admit I am having a little too much fun getting that fluttery back-to-school feeling. I guess it reminds me of my childhood and the fact that my kids are still  really interested and happy about school certainly helps. There are so many things I love about this season, especially knowing that fall is right around the corner!

Do you have any school age children? Have they started school yet?

By |2015-08-21T20:39:56+00:00August 21, 2015|Lifestyle, My Life, Schooling, Uncategorized|5 Comments

The Deaf Elephant in the Room

All of my pregnancies and deliveries have been just about textbook, but there is one aspect of my pregnancy that is unusual.


It’s not something I want to make a big deal out of all, but I feel like it should be okay to acknowledge and talk about openly. The proverbial elephant in the room if you will.

My entire life I have been a carrier of a genetic mutation called connexin 26 and so has my husband, but we never knew it until three years ago. You may be a carrier of some kind of genetic abnormalities too. The thing about being a carrier is that it doesn’t affect you. From what I understand we all have genetic abnormalities. I believe it is approximately 1 in 50 people that have Cx26, if I remember correctly. I can’t seem to verify this information online so don’t quote me on that statistic. Anyway, it’s not all that uncommon, but like I said carrying only one copy of the gene doesn’t effect you, however if you have a child with someone else that has a copy of that gene you have a chance that you will pass one gene from each of you to that child. If the child has two copies of the mutated gene then they will be deaf. There are a lot of diseases and genetic abnormalities that work this way, so you may be familiar with the science behind it already.


Here is how it works when you have Connexin 26.

We have a 1 in 4 chance of having a child that gets two copies of the normal genes which means no genetic hearing loss at all, not even carriers (as shown in blue). 

There is a 2 in 4 chance of having a child that receives 1 copy of the genetic mutation (shown in purple).

Lastly we have a 1 in 4 chance that the child will receive 2 copies of the genetic mutation and be deaf (shown in red). 

I wrote all about it here on the blog when I first found out.

We never suspected that SJ’s hearing loss was genetic because we had no history of deafness in either of our families. She had testing done just before my due date when I was pregnant with Ezie. I remember talking to our speech therapist saying that I didn’t know if I wanted the results before the baby came because if it was genetic then I would be worried. They assured me that I did not have to hear what the results were until I was ready and it could wait. My response to that was, yeah right I am not going to have the patience to wait one extra second for an answer! I was just too curious about how all of this happened. In the end the problem took care of itself. Ezie was born passing the hearing test and then about a week later I learned of our genetics so I didn’t have to worry.

I say all of that because this is the first pregnancy where I am well aware of my odds. This child could be deaf and I know it. In fact I know lots of families from SJ’s school that have proven that it doesn’t really matter what the statistics are. The chips will fall where they may (if that’s how you want to look at it). I know a Cx26 family where 2 of their 3 children are deaf, one where 2 of 2 are deaf, another that has 3 of 4 even! So even though J likes to joke that we have our 1 out of 4 so we’re done, it obviously doesn’t really work that way.

It’s nice to have other families in the school that I can talk to because they’ve been in my shoes. I know one mom whose first two children were deaf and the last one was not. She tried to make nothing of it, but she distinctly remembers her last baby going berserk in her belly when the fireworks were going off on the 4th of July and she felt like the baby must be able to hear. She was right. I know another mom who said that with her 2nd (out of 3) who was deaf she didn’t have any clues until after the baby was born, but she could tell almost immediately after knowing what to look for with her other two.

Honestly, it’s not something I think about too often. I am going to be fine with it either way, but of course we would love it if the extra challenge of hearing loss was not something that this child or our family has to face. I was reading recently in the updates about the baby that her hearing is fully developed now. The book encourages you to talk to your baby and play music for your baby. It says that the baby will be able to recognize our voices when she is born. I paused in that moment and just allowed the emotion to well up into tears.


We do talk to our baby girl, and again I want to stress that Connexin 26 is not something I focus on, but the fact is- it’s a possibility. It’s information I never had to face when I was pregnant with the other three.

Who knows what will happen. The irony of all this is when SJ was a baby we had her vision tested because Z had such totally unexpected vision and eye problems when he was a baby that he actually had to have surgery. There we were. worried about her eye sight when it turns out that she had hearing loss the whole time! So the moment I think I prepare myself for one thing a completely different issue arises. All I know is that each one of our children are hand crafted by God. They are fearfully and wonderfully designed and he knows each of us in the womb. I put all of my trust in the Lord and I have a peace about it. I really do.

We will have the standard newborn screening at the hospital just like we did with Ezie. I probably won’t announce it right off the bat if there are any concerns. I just want the initial focus to be on the baby and all the fun aspects of birth announcements. If we do have anything that needs to be addressed medically, we’ll tell everyone soon enough after our family has had time to process things privately.

So that’s about it. I know that was a lot of info and this is quite a personal update, but I did want to get it out in the open. As far what we can tell so far the sweet little baby girl is healthy and the perfect measurements for my due date (which is 99 days away). I am 26 weeks and almost done with the 2nd trimester. She will be here before you know it. We are overjoyed.


By |2015-08-17T18:44:39+00:00August 17, 2015|Special Needs|6 Comments

Fruity Fun Ice Drink


I have definitely been in back-to-school mode, and I’m the first to admit that fall is my favorite season. However, the weather is still warm, we have a pool party to go to tonight, and summer isn’t over yet. So let’s SQUEEZE some last minute fun out of what we have left of this season. This is a very simple way to jazz up your drinks in a sweet and tropical way.


Really all you need is some frozen fruit and beverage o choice. You can make your own lemonade if you choose.


I am pregnant and sadly also anemic, which causes me to crave ice in a MAJOR way, but by adding fruit to the ice it infuses a bit of nutrients to my habit.


The kids love to help with this recipe including squeezing the lemons. When children are involved in cooking and creating healthy things it makes them more inclined to want to try it rather than just going for the junk food.


All I have are these cutesy Ikea molds, this project would be a little easier with just a standard ice tray, but any ice tray will work. If the fruit is frozen and the ice cubes are small it will only take a couple hours to freeze and then you can distribute it into the glasses.



We love lemonade here and I use a really low sugar recipe. Or if there is no time our own juicing we just buy Simply Lemonade and dilute half with water. So it’s more of a lemon flavored water, but it’s still so yummy and less sugar!


You could use any kind of tropical drink including something carbonated. The fruity ice is so flavorful though you don’t need to go overboard with whatever concoction you choose.



The kids and I love this drink and it would be perfect for a pool party. Or you could do strawberries and blueberries for 4th of July, or just the strawberry heart ice for Valentine’s day. It’s so festive the fruity ice makes any occasion a little more fun!

I hope everyone is enjoying what’s left of summer! What’s your favorite summer time drink?

By |2015-08-14T08:58:29+00:00August 14, 2015|Creativity, Parties|10 Comments

I Won’t Apologize for My Stance on Modesty

A few days ago I was featured on the website For Every Mom. I was truly flattered when they requested to share my piece “Are Breasts the New Shoulders“, but I was also nervous. When you have more of a platform you end up with more opposing views, which is fine. I was ready for some pushback to my post about cleavage. I even got a couple harsh responses when I wrote about my family living in a small space and was published on The Humbled Homemaker. That subject isn’t even controversial! So this time when the topic was modesty I knew I would have to put my big girl panties on and brave the negative comments. And by big girl panties I mean like 19th century knickers that go down to my knees, because that’s just how incredibly modest I am (read sarcastically).

Let me start by saying I HATE sexual crimes with every fiber of my being. I have been extremely outspoken about my stand against sex trafficking, pedophelia, the objectification of women, sexual abuse and rape. A long time ago a friend of mine used the word “rape” as a description casually in conversation. Not in the literal sense, but just like “Man this phone company is such a rip off. They are raping everybody with these charges”. My blood pressure rose and I had to speak out. We had a long talk about how wicked and atrocious rape is and why I don’t appreciate the word being tossed around lightly. I would be far less offended by a curse word than something so vulgar and disgusting as the concept of rape.

When a movie shows a rape scene I am completely repulsed by the movie itself and refuse to watch stuff with that kind of vulgarity. This is a non negotiable black and white issue for me. I don’t care if it’s a historical movie. I have said it before “When a story line includes a young child being molested  that horrendous act can be implied without it having to be reenacted and displayed for all to see on the big screen and the same respect should be shown to women when it comes to rape”.

So you can see why I would get heated when people start throwing around the phrase “rape culture” anytime someone talks about modesty. 

For example, I recently read an article about a girl who used to think wearing a one piece meant she had to be ashamed of her body, but she had a revelation of how veiling her beauty could be such a powerful freeing thing. I made a bet with myself about how many comments I would have to read before inevitably someone accuses the author of perpetuating a “rape culture”. Sure enough, I’m just a few  comments down and BINGO they pull the rape culture card.  There were several comments attacking this girls faith, opinions, and beliefs. People are telling her that because she believes that the way she dresses could possibly have an affect on a man’s thoughts, she is inadvertently stating that women are responsible for what men think/do and is condoning what rape is.

Sorry. But no. I refuse to accept that.

Not to sound like an old lady, but back in my day (like in the 90’s) you could choose to dress modestly/quote scripture and it might make you a nerd, or self righteous, or prudish… whatever. However it did not make you an advocate of rape! What is wrong with people!? The way a woman presents herself in no way means she deserves to be abused, ever. Say what you want about my beliefs, but DO NOT even think about accusing me of being a proponent of rape.

Modesty is about being whole spiritually. It’s about respect for yourself and for those around you. It’s about honor, value, and love. It is placing a HIGH value on sexuality, seeing it as a sacred thing to be cherished. In it’s purest form modesty is the OPPOSITE of rape. Okay? Because rape degrades people.  It steals power. It rips the soul out of all that is lovely and good about sex. Rape is full of pride, lust, greed and is from the pit of Hell. That’s an understatement.

Have women ever been oppressed in the name of religion? Yes. Has modesty ever been used to shame someone and make them feel less valued? Yes. But on the other side of the spectrum I feel like these days the women that are choosing modesty are like the modern day Joan of Arc. Watch out because you are about to be burned at the stake. Okay that’s an exaggeration, but you can certainly be bullied and wrongfully accused. Which is why I have decided that this is a choice I will not apologize for.

This modesty thing is an extremely complicated multileveled issue. I am certainly not trying to throw stones or make it a bigger issue than it is, but if a woman feels convicted about wearing leggings that shouldn’t warrant an angry backlash, and if a woman wants to vocalize her PERSONAL beliefs about the type of swimsuit she wears or if a school has a dress code  for crying out loud, it should not be thrown into a stigma of RAPE CULTURE. Sorry, if the all caps looks angry. I am a little bit angry, because I hate rape SO SO SO much.

I will continue to defend my belief in modesty all the while fighting for justice on behalf of the victims of hanious sexual crimes. I can do both simultaneously showing honor to God and women everywhere.

I have chosen to embrace the Biblical approach to sexuality in the way that I feel the Lord has led me even when the world rages against it, and for that I make no apologies.

By |2015-08-25T10:23:15+00:00August 13, 2015|Lifestyle|6 Comments

The Beginning of the School Year Mom is Back

I said it last year and I’ll say it again, I am that mom that starts the school year out with a bang. You may have read Jen Hatmaker’s perfect analysis of The End of  Summer Mom vs The End of the School Year Mom.

That’s me. I feel as focused as a race horse with blinders right now and I’ve got my eye on the summer finish line.

I am currently reading Organize Yourself, by Ronni Eisenber and Kate Kelly,


because that is the zone I am. Summer was fun, but now I am ready to be productive! There is exactly one week left until school and I have my calendar down to a science between Meet the Teacher, Doctor’s visits, and getting all the necessary back to school supplies.

I know I might sound like I am overdoing it with ultra planning mode for this next school year, but I want to be prepared. Last year I learned that this is the Boy Scout motto and this year I’m stealing it. I know the back-to-school drill to a degree, but this next school year is going to be throwing some major curve balls.

First of all we are at a new house, so that’s not a bad change and it’s not even a big one because it’s just one street over from where we were, but we are still in that adjustment period.

SJ will be in Kindergarten. Her school won’t change, but to think that she is beginning the rest of her academic journey this year in an accredited program is a pretty big deal!

Z is starting 2nd grade and his school is building a new building in the back yard of their current building. The playground is gone. The grounds are constructions zone. The parking lot is rerouted. Things are going to be a little different this year for everyone at his school. The staff put on a brave face, but I sense their nervousness about the current upheaval. Oh and by the way, I haven’t met Z’s teacher yet, but he’s a dude. Yep. Z’s first Mr. teacher. I think that even includes his P.E. teacher from the previous years. Not that it matters or affects anything at all, but it’s kind of cool. I wasn’t expecting it.

J will be out of school and working full-time (Lord willing, he is still applying and doing interviews. Keep the prayers coming).  So I am extremely excited to have him around at night so that we can all eat dinner together and have the slightest bit of normality as a family. Also, he is done leading worship for a church we had been working at for the past year and a half. It was a great opportunity, but we knew it was temporary and now it’s time to move on. So that’s just another aspect of this school year that will be different than last.

And finally, I will be HAVING A BABY! Yeah, so that’s the biggest transition of all.

25 weeks

Those are the family updates in a nutshell. There is a lot going on, but really it’s all good stuff! This is going to be a phenomenal school year. I have many plans, dreams, and schemes, but only one goal that I really want to get in writing and that is,

I want to be on time.

I used to get the kids to school on time when we lived 45 minutes away, but now both school campuses are less than 10 minutes from us and the problem is I know this. So instead of trying working my tail off to factor in getting gas, or road conditions, accidents, and other various set backs that can happen on a 45 minute drive I am like Eh, the schools only 7 minutes away so I still have two and a half minutes before we really HAVE to be out the door.

This is BAD! I know that mornings will be brutal and I have to be somewhat flexible if I don’t want to go into demonic mom mode, but at least for now I am pretty determined. Or as Jen Hatmaker says with great confidence and enthusiasm about moms like me at the beginning of the school year

“We will cheerfully volunteer for Class Moms and parties and Friday Folders. We will sign those daily reading minutes LIKE A BOSS. Our children will be at school on time for tens of days.”

Hey, it’s worth a shot.

By |2015-08-12T01:26:46+00:00August 12, 2015|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Where I’ve Been

You know something is going on when I come up on the one week mark of no blog posts. My excuse this time is a really happy one! We had the opportunity to go to visit friends in Northern Michigan and it didn’t take much convincing for us to pack up and take off. Our summer has been busy to say the least. SJ was in therapy the whole time, J had school and was leading worship on Sundays, and now school is about to start full time for the kids. So it might have been a bit of a whirl wind, but we were able to manage a weekend getaway.

Z was with his grandparents the past two times that we’ve visited Lake Huron so this was his first time to experience it all. It was nice to be together as a family even if there were times we wanted to disown each other. It wouldn’t be a vacation without some sibling rivalry and maybe a broken bone right? We don’t know if Z broke his wrist or not, but we probably going to bring him in tomorrow to have some X-rays done. He seems okay for now, but I just want to make sure everything heals properly if there is any severe damage. It was a playground injury by the way. He was doing some stunts on the monkey bars at the beach.

Anyway, enough story time. We really did have a great trip let’s move on to the photos.


SJ was the first one out of the car to run over to the beach the moment we arrived and then she was the first one in the water when we got our suits on. She was so sad when the weekend was over!



This is my best friend Mels. Her family has a beachside cafe in East Tawas Michigan. If you are ever even remotely close to the area you have to check out A Different Blend. Tell them Messy Mom sent you.


And while I am suggesting coffee shops she is also the creative genius behind The Lighthouse Coffee Bar in South Dallas where J and I ministered for a long time. Although they are on opposite ends of the country you will find a lot of similarities between the two menus because Mels created most of the drinks and dishes. I’ve included all the links for you guys. You’re welcome.


During our two and a half days in Michigan we pretty much spent the entire time at the beach and then grilled out at night. The weather was a little bit nippy at times, but it was pleasant most of the time. I am just thrilled that it wasn’t raining and it was windy enough to get to see all the kite boarders and wind surfers doing their tricks. That’s what those things are in the background.


I did my share of swimming, tubing, and sand castles, but most of the time I was the resident lounger.


When the little ones got tired they knew where to come.


It was a quick turn around, but worth the drive for the adventures we had and the memories we made.

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Hopefully we’ll get to return soon.

By |2015-08-10T19:58:19+00:00August 10, 2015|My Life|4 Comments

Tooth Fairy Disappointment

I have another kiddo joining the adult tooth rank. It’s funny how different it has been though. 2 years ago when Z was in this position he barely made any mention of his tooth at all and on Christmas eve it fell out! We were wondering how he would ever get to sleep that night with all the excitement. The tooth fairy and Santa all in one night?

I figured my job was done when I sneakily grabbed the tooth in exchange for a dollar, but  in the middle of the night he lost a SECOND tooth and also slid it under the pillow. I panicked, but we were able to distract him while we did a snatch and grab of the 2nd tooth. We got it all on camera which was fun.

I was hoping to do the same thing with SJ and get her reaction too. She has been anticipating this moment for a couple weeks. I remember the day she noticed her tooth was loose. She was sitting on the couch and her eyes got really big as she exclaimed “My teeth is falling out!” then she panicked and got a paper towel and stared at her tooth in the mirror. She obsessed over that tooth everyday telling anyone in sight that her tooth was broken. We explained the whole baby teeth big teeth thing and how it would fall out and you would get money. The night she lost the tooth we put it in a ziplock under her pillow and she as beaming as she fell asleep awaiting the tooth fairies arrival.
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When I heard her wake up I rushed into her room so that I could record her reaction on my phone only what happened next was not at all what I was expecting.

At first I thought she was upset because she did not see the 4 shiny quarters in a bag, but that wasn’t it. She saw them. She just didn’t want them. She wanted her tooth back and she was very clear about it. She cried for a while and then began to desperately look all over her room because she just couldn’t believe the tooth was gone.

In the long run she got over it and spent her money on a small beach bucket and shovel. I should know by now to expecting the unexpected with kids, but I certainly wasn’t predicting the first lost tooth to be so eventful for either of my children! They have a way of keeping me on my toes.

By |2015-08-04T18:17:43+00:00August 4, 2015|Laughter, My Life|4 Comments
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