Back before the American What Not to Wear there was a British version with Trinny and Sussanah. Maybe you remember it? Those girls were great at fashion advice, but one thing they said that I have never forgotten is that they disapproved of shorts. For any occasion or tempeture. No shorts. Ever. Gasp.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t love shorts. Shorts mean I have to shave, or that I have to look at girls/women wearing too short of shorts and try not to stare at their butts. I don’t want to see a 16 year olds cheeks hanging out, but it’s like someone with a weird birth mark on their face or something. You try hard not to look at it, but it has magnetic power over your eyes! So frustrating. Anyway back to Trinny and Sussanah, I can get why shorts might seem inappropriate for some, but I look at it the same way fellow blogger Amy feels about ceiling fans. Fine for HGTV to be anti-fan , not fine for a family living in Houston trying to keep utilities down. 
Today is a shorts day for me because where I live in Ohio it is a high of 86, but it looks like we may have cold front coming through. Bring on the fall! Until then here is a selection of shorts from my closet.It turns out every pair of shorts that I own are from thrift stores! I probably bought all of my summer bottoms for less than what I would have spent on one pair off the rack. Yippee.

First of all the cut off shorts. You have got to love the thriftiness of repurposing old pants. 

Actually, these were already cut off when I found them at a vintage shop in Lousiville. They couldn’t be any more comfortable and yes it is perfectly acceptable to tuck a shirt in without a belt, I read it in a magazine. 

In keeping with the grunge theme, I also have a pair of ripped up shorts. Also very comfortable. 

Now let’s get a little more formal with my dress-pants-shorts (oxymoron?). 
They are a little more risqué than what I wear for my day and night job (mother hood), but they make shorts look chic, unless you wear them with brightly colored underwear. That changes everything. Both of these photos were taken on dates with my husband.

Like I said, I have a few other pair like khakis of all colors, but that’s what I have photos of. I don’t plan on doing a What I Wore Wednesday on a regular basis, but I did want to sneak in some of these summer favorites before it’s strictly cardigans and boots. I get giddy just thinking about it. For me it’s the most wonderful time of the year.