When Amanda Met Michael

Today I am kicking off the 2016 How We Met series of love stories with a  guest post from Air Force veteran Amanda Huffman. She will be  telling us the story of how she met her husband in the military.

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Michael and I met for the first time at a football game. We were actually volunteering for the Reserve Officer Training Program (ROTC) we were both a part of to help raise funds for activities throughout the year, but it was for a college football game, we were helping park cars. I was assigned to the Purple lot and he was the leader. It was his first time being a leader of a parking lot and when we were sent to the lot no one really had a clue what was going on. Huffman (my hubby) was receiving instruction from the people coordinating traffic and a group of us stood not knowing what to do. I asked one of the girls do you know his name, she said I think it is Huffman, I yelled “Hey, what are we supposed to do?” He made a hand gesture, which I now know means, I don’t know, just wait. Somehow, we got the point and we waited for further instruction and eventually got to our spots and began parking cars.

A few months went by and our paths crossed again. This time we were on a military base visit (Nellis Air Force Base, near Las Vegas). His friend was my flight commander and so our paths kept crossing and it culminated with a group of 13 wandering from casino to casino down the Las Vegas strip.


A few months later, I signed up for a trip to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I signed up to go because a guy I liked was going. My future husband was coordinating the trip so when he called to ask what tours I wanted to do I tried to find out what my crush was doing so I talked to him a lot to try and figure out what my crush was doing. The trip ended up being a great experience. Michael and I talked and at the end of the trip he thought I might be the one. I still had no clue.

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A few weeks later we ended up going to see Passion of the Christ with a few other guys and he walked me back to my car and we set up a “date” to help me learn a military maneuver I was struggling with. Driving to our “date” I remember wearing my love potion shirt and being so excited, nervous and confused. I wasn’t even sure I liked this guy and I was finally happy with myself. I had decided over Christmas break I was tired of trying to pretend to be someone so people would like me and just was free to be me. The trip to Lawrence Livermore was in February and we saw the movie in March. Each day our paths would cross, sometimes strategically by me, other times by him. We ended up spending a weekend in mid-March at an Army training that I am unsure how I got signed up to. The one thing I learned was how happy I was to be in the Air Force training program and my feelings for Michael started to grow. We spent all of our downtime together talking and getting to know each other and by the end of the weekend we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend.


I think it is funny that our paths crossed over and over and most of the time it just went unnoticed, but it was meant to be. We finally got the hints we were given and ended up together and then were never apart.

Michael and I got married March 31, 2007 in his hometown. He was already officially in the Air Force and I was about to graduate college and follow him to New Mexico. I served in the Air Force for six years before separating to stay at home with our now two sons. We have lived in New Mexico, Ohio and now California. We have had so many amazing adventures together and life is so much more than I ever expected.



Amanda Huffman blogs at Airman2Mom www.airmantomom.com with stories incorporating life experience from motherhood and daily life while occasionally throwing in memories from her Afghanistan deployment. Her blog is a source or encouragement and inspiration to others on their own life journey . You can follow Amanda by liking Airman to mom on Facebook page, or following her twitter.


Thank you for sharing your story Amanda and more importantly, thank you to you and your husband Michael for serving our country.


By |2017-01-05T21:50:22+00:00February 22, 2016|Marriage, Uncategorized|8 Comments

How We Met 2


I am pretty excited, okay EXTREMELY excited about the 2nd annual installment of “How We Met”- a series of love stories. I’ll be kicking it off on Monday, but before that I wanted to take a look back at last year’s couples and give an update of what’s gone on since this time last year. I’ll give you a hint. It starts with a B and ends with abies!

Karin and Cameron (the couple that were found to be compatible in a Lifespan development class)12565401_10153815637325930_1320024551978135448_n are expecting their first baby! They are having a girl and she is due in a couple weeks. Congratulations to them. I can’t wait to get the text when that sweet little bundle arrives!

Kailei and Brad (the couple that met in preschool) had a baby last March. Kailei emailed me recently and says “She has made our life even sweeter and we have loved every minute of being parents!” Congratulations to them too. She’s beautiful.


Andrea and Mike (the couple who met at the gym) ALSO had a baby! Solomon James was born November 3rd. He is their 8th boy in a row which the Doctor said is extremely rare. He sure is a precious little bird.


Nancy and Richard (the couple who met in the school parking lot) have a new grand baby! It’s my sweet Elle.

She is the 7th grandchild and my sister in law is due any day now. That will make 8 grandkids in 8 years for the Weavers.


The next baby is a boy so it will be 4 and 4!

Anyway, I couldn’t help but share the baby news I have from these lovely Messy Mom contributors. Be sure to come back on Monday when “How We Met” returns.

By |2021-04-29T18:27:39+00:00February 19, 2016|Marriage, Uncategorized|3 Comments

#Triggersbook A Giveaway!!!

1454438056018I am seriously pumped about being a part of the Trigger’s launch team. The book Triggers by Amber Lia and Wendy Speake is all about exchanging parents’ angry reactions for gentle biblical responses. Sounds like something I could use a refresher on. You all may remember my 31 day series “Teachable Parenting” where I covered many of the parenting philosophies from the books Love and Logic, Wild Things, and Loving Our Kids on Purpose. Well, this book goes hand and hand with those same principles.

What I love about the Triggers book though is that it’s written by MOMS  (the other books are all men and they can only relate to a certain point ya know?). Because the authors of Triggers are experienced mothers they know you don’t have time to sit down and read lengthy chapters siting all kinds of scientific studies laced with pediatric psychologic jargon. Instead it is just to the point on a topic by topic basis. They cover the most common areas that can trigger anger in your home. This is especially great when you are looking for an answer to a specific incident in you life. For example when running late has been your latest trigger, you can check out the table of contents and head right over to that part of the book to glean some wisdom. This is a real life example by the way. The running late and video games chapters in particular were so helpful to me at the very moment that I needed them most.

I also love that they quote scripture and keep Christ and his teachings at the center of it all. If you have a problem with your child’s back talk you might feel like it’s something people in the Bible never dealt with, and certainly not Jesus, but that’s not true. Each chapter will point out how God has given us direction for these parenting challenges from trivial debates to monumental blow ups. Then each chapter closes with a prayer and the authors are both women of prayer. They are praying over this whole project and the parents that are picking up this book.

I could give you quote after quote that jumped out to me. For example here is one from Wendy that I can totally relate to

Though I’ve often felt like a failure, I’m starting to see my quiver of strong-willed arrows as a blessing. Because when all is said and done, and the beauty of His plan for their lives bears fruit, I won’t be able to take any credit myself. I think I would have been proud for the way they turned out if it had been easier. But as it is… they belong to Him. From conception to completion, all His. And there’s nothing left for me to do, but trust Him!

The exciting news is I have a copy from Wendy and Amber that I get to give away to one of you! Sign up for your chance to win and I’ll send the book to your doorstep. The contest will last for the rest of this week and on through the weekend. I’ll touch base with you if your name is picked.

a Rafflecopter giveaway




Triggers was just released yesterday and is already a number one best seller of Amazon’s Christian Family books. Go grab your copy today.

By |2016-02-17T13:35:38+00:00February 17, 2016|Uncategorized|7 Comments

If We Met Today Would We Still Be Friends?

I used to watch the show New Girl. Emphasis on “used to” in case you think it’s a recommendation. If you like it that’s cool, but if you are wondering if it’s clean comedy. No. It’s not.


Anyway, back to my point. The main character is Jess (played by the adorable Zooey Deschanel) and her best friend is Cece (played by Hannah Simone ) Cece and Jess have been friends since childhood. Sometimes the show will have flash backs of when they were younger. The Jess character is supposed to be the awkward clumsy teacher in glasses, while Cece is a professional model. There was one episode where Jess and CeCe find their relationship challenged as Jess doesn’t fit in with any of CeCe’s model friends and hurts CeCe’s feelings by demeaning her career. Of course they make up and all is well at the end, but the part that caught my attention is when one of them says “If we met today do you think we would even be friends?” and the other replies “I don’t know, but we’re friends now”

I love that sappy part. It totally reminds me of me and my BFF Mels. This is not the best picture, but it’s the most recent.


We met at church 14 years ago when we were both college students. I was married and she lived in a dorm, so it’s not like we were exactly alike, but we had plenty enough in common. We went to the same church, hung out with the same friends, had very similar upbringings, and we both shared an infinite love for Ben & Jerry’s.

However, time marches on and now I have 4 kids live in Ohio and I’m pretty much a soccer mom without the soccer. She lives 6 hours away in Michigan. She has an online shop where she sells vintage clothes. She knows all kinds of snobby coffee stuff. She is just coolness, or whatever the current hipster word would be. She will argue with me about this, I can promise you that. She really is tons of artsy free wheeling fun though, whereas I am super tied down and mostly cranky.

Yet, we still managed to stay friends even with the physical distance and all the changes. We make sure not too much time goes by without Facetiming, texting, or talking on the phone after my kids go to bed. And hopefully at least once a year we manage to visit each other (although now she needs to get her butt down here and meet my new baby!)

When I think of Jess and Cece I wonder, if Mels and I met today would we be friends? Probably not. I am sure we could get along, but none of that matters. Now that we are friends we are stuck with each other. We have history together. That’s that.

All these hypotheticals got me thinking If I met my husband today would we be friends (Or lovers? Insert giggle. Sorry I couldn’t refuse). Except that question doesn’t really work for us, because if we had never met who in the world would we be? I mean I still have my personality, but we are one and he is a MAJOR part of who I am today. We have shaped each other at such an intricate level that there is no unshaping. If we had never met we would not live where we do now, we wouldn’t have our kids, we probably wouldn’t even be into the some of the stuff we like because of our influence on one another and the influence of the people we have come across as a couple. It’s like another dimension that I don’t even want to think about. It’s a stretch, but let’s say J and I met today instead of 20 years ago. I would say yes, we would still fall in love and get married, but I am grateful I didn’t have to wait that long!


Do you have any friends that you have known for so long you can’t imagine life without them? If you met today would you be friends?

By |2016-02-12T11:01:11+00:00February 12, 2016|Uncategorized|2 Comments

For the Love Book Review

I just finished the book For the Love- Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards. Above Jen Hatmaker’s name on the front cover you will see the words “Best selling author  of 7”. 61aOOoMsXML._SX333_BO1,204,203,200_
A couple of years ago  I did a little review of 7 and it wasn’t my cup of tea. In fact I believe I said “I personally found myself very much like an outsider amongst her cool group of friends…” But I heard great things about For the Love and I wanted to give a try.

Guess what? I loved it.

This time I felt like an insider. I know that sounds funny, but I really felt like I was just hanging out and chatting it up with a friend. I laughed out loud, I cried, I pondered. Seriously. I’ll admit if this was a book by a newbie writer we would all be really confused and probably give it two thumbs down because she is all over the place. This is not a book were each chapter builds on the next. She can be giving a word about the church and a call to action in one part and then having a humorous look at turning 40 the next. Oh and there are random recipes in there too. So it really is kind of disjointed and hard to figure out what she is going for, but I didn’t mind one bit because it just worked. It was great.

My favorite chapter was the one where she addresses fashion concerns. I loved her description of hipster kids fashion in Austin Texas. I know about this epidemic because I love Austin Texas and have visited many times. I also know about the “miniature Anthropology ads with a  side of inner torment” because I have an instagram account. I have seen my fair share of babies with skinny jeans and bowties hanging out in teepees. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I had to give a hearty amen out loud when I read this part from Jen.

“Im Just saying there is a place for Garanimals, folks. Sometimes kids need to wear jean shorts and T-shirts because, well, they are children, not performance art installations.” 


My favorite quote from the book, was one she shared of Annie Dillard and it says “How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives”.


Truly inspiring, although it got me wondering if I will look back and feel like I spent my whole life breastfeeding. Just kidding.

Okay, now for one tiny critique and it’s not a critique really, it’s just a thought. The chapter called “Poverty Tourism” gave some harsh insight into the downfalls of short term mission trips. I won’t go into all the details, but it implied that a lot christians are doing more harm than good when they “helicopter in to love on the Have-Nots”.

She pretty much rips the church and youth to shreds in this bit and I felt conflicted. I tried not to be offended, but mostly I was confused. Here is what I gathered from it in the end. Jen says she has spent “years of conversations with missionaries, local leaders, poor community members, and nonprofit directors.” and this has been her conclusion. I have to take her word for it and assume this really is a problem that is happening. Still, after thinking about it for a while I felt proud. Because even with being as objective as I could possibly be I realize that the churches that I have been a part of have been doing right. I didn’t even realize this was an issue because I know literally hundreds of people that love missions in a genuine way. I know dozens of missionaries on a personal level. We have community with them and the relationships and mission trips are so much deeper than just a what can I gain from this experience attitude. So this chapter may be a slap on the wrist for some, but it was a wake up call for me to really encourage my friends that are serving RIGHT NOW in Kenya truly loving on the kids, not just for a Facebook photo op, but because the love of Christ has inspired them to be a light and serve the fatherless and the widows. I could go on and on about our friends in different nations all over the world serving as full time missionaries! I have seen so much life transforming good come from the seeds of short term missions. I am really grateful to have had a few opportunities to go on these trips and I pray that when the time is right there will be more.

Anyway, I still feel like this book was very empowering and inspiring.  I obviously enjoyed it and recommend it.   For the Love.

By |2016-02-11T13:51:48+00:00February 11, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ist Grade Valentine’s

It’s that time of year again. I don’t do anything major for Valentine’s day. I usually manage to grab 90% off Valentine’s for 30 cents after February 14th and save them for the following year. That’s what we are doing again this year. However, I do have an appreciation for those that like to come up with cute things for class parties and such. Here are some of the adorable little expressions of “LOVE” that Z came home with last year.


First off, all of his valentines were in this fun bear box that he decorated. I love how it says “Valantimes Day” and he also wrote “Box of Love” on it. Too cute.


He also wrote little messages to me on a paper in a felt fortune cookie. I don’t know what room mom did all the work behind these, but they were in a Chinese food take out box and they turned out adorable.




Then there was this alphabet that Z wrote with the I, O, and U all in red, but the O is a heart. This little treasure is so special to me.


This next Valentine is from Z’s teacher. To think that she took time to cut out 21 hearts and write out an acrostic with affirming words for each student. Wow. It’s simple and inexpensive, but really speaks volumes. Such a sweet gift (and excuse the chocolate stain in the corner, that was from a different valentine).


I thought this was clever. I have no idea where you would find these ninja chopsticks in bulk, but the “Hiyah Valentine” is so cool. This Valentine was from one of guys in Z’s class.

All of these crafty sentiments are sweet, but this next Valentine really takes the cake in my opinion. Props to her mom for letting her do her own unique creative thing. I removed the name by the way.


It’s simply a piece of paper glued to construction paper and written on with the classic 1st grade handwriting. She even included Z’s desk number. “Nuber3”. Isn’t that great?

The best part of all though was when I noticed that she had cleverly repurposed some old paper that was maybe attached to a prescription drug or something. It says “keep out of reach of children” and list side effects. I cracked up when I saw that. I am not making fun of it at all, it’s totally something I would have done when I was a kid. I often would find whatever I could from around the house and just CREATE. I tell ya, this girl is going to do great things. I love it!
So those were my fave 1st grade Valentine’s from last year. Z’s 2nd grade class party is tomorrow. I can’t wait to see what he comes home with this time.

By |2016-02-10T12:25:29+00:00February 10, 2016|Uncategorized|3 Comments

I’m Back… Hopefully

Things have been a little crazy at messymom.com. Mostly because of technical issues causing my website to crash repeatedly all day every day. So if you come to MessyMom.com and it looks like it no longer exists, just hang tight because it probably just means the website crashed again. I really hope that won’t be the case anymore. I think J’s troubleshooting is starting to bring some resolve. I hope so because I have some exciting blog essays, guest posts, tutorials, and even a giveaway planned for the near future so keep your eyes peeled for that stuff. In the mean time here are some photos of what has been happening in my messy life.

I did my first photo shoot since my “maternity leave”. It was of a ballet recital. The whole thing was so powerful I was moved to tears and if all goes as planned SJ will be starting lessons with this group in about a week! There is more to the story, but I’ll try to keep my mouth shut until it’s officially official.


Z got to bring home a Guenia Pig from school last weekend. I have recommended the book Humphrey the Hamster before and they do the same thing in that book series (have a class pet that goes home with students on the weekend). Z’s teacher says it’s a great way to make learning fun and connect what they are doing at school to home. I LOVE that!



Today all of the kids are out of school due to snow. It’s really pretty outside. The snowflakes are so huge you just absolutely have to lift your head up, open your mouth, and try to catch them with your tongue.


Z had his 2nd pinewood derby recently. He got 2nd place for creativity! It was a father son effort, but Z came up with the idea and did most of the work on his own. We are so proud of this little guy.


SJ celebrated the 100th day of school in style. They were supposed to dress like 100 year olds (if you follow me on Facebook you probably saw a lot of these pics already). I didn’t have much notice that she was supposed to dress up so we just went through the closet and chose anything that happen to look like it could fit the grandma stereotype.


J and I got to go see two of our all time favorite artists at a local venue. John Mark McMillan and Josh Garrels, for those who are curious. The last time I was at a concert was at this same venue and I was pregnant with Elle (it was John Foreman). This time she was outside of the womb and protecting those little ears with noise cancellation headphones.

She was so great at the show. She slept through the whole thing!


Lastly, we watched the Super Bowl with just the two of us (the 6 of us until the kids went to bed). It was a great excuse to chow down on pizza, appetizers, brownies, and pie. We had a great time and were happy to see the Peyton Manning get another victory. I know we are only a month and a half into, but I’d say 2016 has been a pretty great year so far.

By |2016-02-09T09:35:36+00:00February 9, 2016|My Life|4 Comments

Acknowledging the Self Control Crisis

I recently did a book review of Strong and Kind by Korie Robertson. I mentioned the idea presented in the book to choose two character traits that you would want to be the main focus in your home.

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J and I chose Self-Controlled and Compassionate as our two character traits. J was the one to choose self-control and I went along with it because we are in this together. I have to be honest though, I really struggled with the idea of self-control as one of our main family goals. That did not sound like fun to me. It didn’t even sound biblical. Yes I do realize self-control is a fruit of the spirit, but subconsciously I hear the word “self” and I think “selfish” then add the word control and I think “controlling”. There is nothing I dislike more than a selfish controlling person. All we need is love right?

You guys must think I am crazy. The rest of you are probably obsessed with self-control and have it mastered.

So to avoid resentment about the very thing I am supposed to be imparting to my children I did a little research.

Scripture and truth about self-control began to resonate with me. It’s not glamorous. You won’t hear of people being honored at their funerals for how much self-control they had.

It’s a big deal though. It’s in the Bible for a reason and I am 100% on board with making it a priority in our home.

Obviously self-control that is contrived by legalism will only leave you feeling like a failure. On our own there is no way we can have a healthy balanced sense of self-discipline. Biblical self-control however is critical. It means having a backbone in the face of temptation and denying one’s flesh. It’s doing the exact opposite of what our culture says to do (which would only leave us hopeless in the end). The lust of the flesh is an ever increasing craving for an ever diminishing pleasure as C.S. Lewis puts it.

Proverbs 25:28 says a man without self-control is like a city broken and left without walls. I have seen the affects of this. I’ve watched powerful ministries ripped to shreds due to a lack of self-control. It can cost you everything. You can have so much success that you are standing among the stars, but without following God’s command for self control the enemy has the perfect opportunity to kick the ladder right out from under you. Having self-control actually amplifies and supports the other spiritual fruits. It allows you to have integrity as you serve and move in the gifts of the spirit. I definitely want that for my children.

So when it comes to self-control as a core value in our home I’m still not like Ohhh yay! I love self-control. I know my kid’s will too. Now let’s practice by setting a jar of forbidden candy on the coffee table. Woo hoo!

What I do know though is that the media is screaming indulgence! Our society reeks of entitlement. We are a nation of instant gratification who would rather point fingers than take responsibility for anything. We have a self-control deficiency!

Enough is enough. It’s going to take an intentional effort on my part to teach my children the truth. God has given us instructions, a path, and a plan. The Holy Spirit guides us and has given us the reins of self-control. I want myself and my family to grab ahold of those reins.

So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.

-1 Corinthians 9:26



By |2016-02-03T14:06:38+00:00February 2, 2016|My Life, Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Hanging My Hat

I took this week off from blogging. Not because I didn’t feel like writing (because I really have). I just needed to focus on Elle this week. We had 4 different appointments so it’s been intense.


After waiting a month for these evaluations, and really hoping for some concrete answers, we walked away with more questions. It wasn’t bad news. It was just conflicting. I feel like my hands are tied right now and I have prayed Lord is this just a season of waiting? Is there anything I can do to help my daughter? and I felt in my heart the word that was given to me at the beginning of the year. Next. And I was reminded to do the next right thing.


So I called our current audiologist and asked if I could just come meet her in person and she graciously agreed. She allowed me to stop by right then! How amazing is that? We sat down and talked. She answered my questions. We came up with a plan. I needed a plan guys. I am a planner. I was willing to not have one if it was the right thing, but this was an answer to prayer for me.


The plan right now is to hold off on hearing aids. With her head still being wobbly and her still sleeping so much, the hearing aid would be more of a nuisance than it would be beneficial. Once she is upright and on the move then we will do a hearing aid in the left ear.

Granted all of this could change. There is so much up in the air right now. I feel like my entire head is up in the air. My mom likes to use the idiom “where do you hang your hat?” and that is it. I needed to hang my hat on something! Another month of waiting for the next ENT visit, ABR, or genetic testing results would just make me go crazy. I can’t hold onto this hat. I need to hang it and so for now I know that is no hearing aids, I will continue with early intervention therapy, and continue monitoring for fluid and hearing tests. Even if it changes, I’m going to be okay, but for now that’s the plan . That’s the next right thing.

Thank you for all of the prayers. I know that they have made an impact.


By |2016-01-30T22:10:14+00:00January 30, 2016|Special Needs, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Strong and Kind

I decided that instead of a brief synopsis at the end of the year of all of the books that I remember reading, I would do a review (or at least share some thoughts) of the books as I read them one at a time.


I just finished Strong and Kind: and Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed by Korie Robertson.

I feel guilty because I kind of gave the book a bad wrap when I shared on Facebook last week. I said I was anxious to move on to another book and admitted to falling asleep reading it. It’s not my all time favorite parenting book and I’ll admit, not being a Duck Dynasty fan probably takes away a lot of the appeal. However, I did glean some valuable wisdom from Strong and Kind and I am really glad I read it.

The title Strong and Kind are the two main character traits that the Korie and Willie Robertson wanted to instill in their kids as they were raising them. Toward the beginning of the book there is a list of character traits to pull from.

The idea is to choose your top two from the list and be intentional about teaching these habits to your children as well as exhibiting them yourself. Of course it’s hard to choose just two. We want all of them. Korie even mentions that in the book. You should want all of them and strive for all of them. But by choosing two above the rest you can really focus and have a better chance of actually following through because you are making it a priority.

Here is the list and I don’t remember if you are “supposed to” add your own, but I don’t see why not.

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I sent this list to J and it took him days to decide. I was more inclined to choose the first two that popped out to me. I’m not too surprised. That really is typical of our personalities. He chose words of power and determination, while mine were more about the heart and emotions. Again, I am not surprised. We’re opposites (remember my Ricky and Lucy comparison?).  I like to think that we balance each other out. So we settled on one of his words and one of mine. That is how we came up with Self-Control and Compassion. I bet you can guess who chose what.

I’ve been thinking and studying what these words really mean and what the Bible has to say about them. It’s been a very positive experience and I plan to share more soon.

What two words do you think you would choose for you family? I know it’s hard, but even thinking about it is a good exercise every parent should consider. So despite my skepticism in the end I did like Strong and Kind and if you like the Duck Dynasty clan then I would definitely recommend it.

By |2016-01-21T22:55:46+00:00January 21, 2016|Parenting Tips|1 Comment
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