And Her Name Is…

Let me just start by saying the baby is not here, but we have a name. Yes, I did say I was going to wait until she was born to reveal the name, but apparently I am not good at waiting. First of all, I do use blog nicknames. It’s for privacy, but at the same time I am really laid back about it. I have said things or posted things with all of our names at some point. So if you were ever curious here is the real name run down.

J= Jeremy I have talked about this before when I have written about “the other Jeremy and Natalie”

Z= Zion He is our first born and we had his name picked out long before we were ever pregnant. It definitely has biblical significance, but it’s also inspired by a Lauren Hill song.

SJ= Sedona (or Sedona Jean) she was named after Sedona Arizona.

Ezie= Ezra and he is named after his great grandfather


Elle= Ellis

I announced it on my personal Facebook page the day of our anniversary. The significance there is because J and I met, married, and started our family in Ellis county and we really liked the name. It reminds us of Alice or Ella which are both girl names, but Ellis itself is more predominantly a boy name. Because of this we were reluctant to choose it for our girl (even though there are other girl’s named Ellis), but we kept on coming back to it over and over. Her name will be Ellis Evelyn. It’s fitting that she has a name so intricately connected to our marriage since she will be born the same month we celebrate 15 years.


The middle name is after her grandmother. All of our children have family middle names. Z’s is my dad’s, SJ is mine (and it’s also my aunt’s name from my mom’s side) and Ezie shares his grandfather’s middle name.

Obviously we put a lot of thought behind the meaning and history behind our children’s names and in Ellis’s case her name means God is Jehovah.

I threw this post together at the last minute, because I wanted to start doing daily updates about the last days of pregnancy and I really long to call her by name. I do already at home and the kids have for a while now, but now I can finally say it on the blog even if it is the “Elle” nickname.

So Ellis Evelyn it is!

We should be meeting her soon.

By |2015-11-09T13:44:59+00:00November 9, 2015|Uncategorized|6 Comments

My Best Guess

Just a heads up, things are starting to get a little more quiet here on Messy Mom as my due date approaches. My focus is on other things right now as you can imagine. Today we are 18 days away from the big November 24th due date. I am really tired, but in a way I am also revved up because I have been nesting like crazy. J and I plan to spend the whole weekend preparing the house for the arrival of our little one and for our parents who will be coming to help in a week.

I have a tradition where I try to guess the stats before the baby comes. Everyone is welcome to join in. There are no prizes other than bragging rights. I think my dad won last time with Ezie. He came a little sooner and was a wee bit smaller than the rest of us thought. Speaking of which, Ezie was born just shy of 39 weeks. I am 38 weeks on Tuesday so it would be like going into labor next week. Ahhhh! I am still blown away that I could be that close. On the other hand, while none of us are expecting me to go past my due date because all three of my children have been early, wouldn’t it be interesting if I went past my due date this time? Or what if she came on Thanksgiving!? So many unknowns. I’m getting really exciting!

Now then, given that history here are some of my predictions for baby #4.

Birth date/time: November 17th 11:04 pm

Weight: 8 lbs 4 ounces

Height: 21 inches

I’ll hopefully have more clues on Tuesday after my next appointment. I guess they’ll check me since I’m full term now. I am lucky enough that I dilate some beforehand so it’s like I get some of my laboring out of the way by just walking around doing my usual thing. With the first two it was just a matter of a centimeter or so, but with Ezie I found out days before that I was 70% effaced, at a zero station, and about 4 cm dilated! So we knew after that appointment that I was more than likely going to go into full blown labor that weekend and I did.

Anyway, all this rambling and still only God knows when that special birth day will be. I’m just so curious. I am probably going to give my login info to a family member which is what I’ve done in the past so that I can update all my social media accounts and post a pic when she comes so you’ll be informed.


Let the games begin!

By |2015-11-06T14:07:32+00:00November 6, 2015|Uncategorized|5 Comments

How Low Can You Go?

The title might sound lighthearted, but I am actually dealing with a serious medical condition. I think I have mentioned before that I am anemic. This is not unusual for me during pregnancy. That’s why I crave ice like an addict. In fact it’s not that uncommon for any pregnant woman to have a dip in red blood cells during this time. The problem is that despite taking all the prescribed supplements, upping and even doubling the dosage of supplements my iron levels continue to drop. Right now my blood count is an 8.3 and it should be twice that amount. I am really close to needing a blood transfusion and since I loose a lot of blood during birth it’s just not looking good.

After months of supplements it’s safe to say my body just isn’t absorbing the nutrients through the pills. So my mom hit up the health food store and stocked me up on everything the midwife recommended.


I am eating iron rich foods at ever single meal and then some. I am drinking all kinds of crazy things that I have to forcefully swallow. I am eliminating or decreasing a lot of things that block absorption (like milk which is probably a big culprit since I love milk).

The more I research the more overwhelmed I am. I was going to explain why iron absorption is so complicated, but that would be really boring. Let’s just say it is a big balancing act! So I am doing the best I can and I’ll have another test in a week for my 38 week check up.

So that’s the bad news. The good news I got another test result back today and I am GBS negative!!! With the boys I was positive and had to have antibiotics and an IV which is not fun for water birth, even if it is capped off. So I was really relieved by this news.


Anyway, I just wanted to give a brief update and ask for your prayers. I will let you know next week what the test results show. Thanks for being so supportive during this time.

By |2015-11-03T11:40:08+00:00November 3, 2015|Uncategorized|6 Comments

Halloween/Anniversary/Baby Moon Weekend

We packed in a lot of activity this past weekend I think it almost sent me into labor!

Friday morning I volunteered at Z’s school for Pumpkin Math.


I was in charge of leading a small group of kids through various hands on math problems that involved predicting, measuring, weighing, carving, and gutting a pumpkin.


The seeds were sent home with all the leaders to roast and send back in for the kids on Monday. It was my first time roasting pumpkin seeds, but I plan to do it again!


Right after leaving Z’s school I went to the Halloween party at SJ’s school. By this time I was already getting a little tired and achey, but I’ve gone every year she’s been at her school so I’m glad I got to participate again.


After that we went home and I frantically got all dressed up just in time to turn around and hit the town with J for our anniversary/baby moon. I wore a black lace dress that was a rental from Bella Gravida. The tags were still on it when it came in the mail.


We originally wanted to go on our first cruise for our 15th anniversary, until we found out that we would be having a baby instead. So we had to take things down a notch and that’s okay. Being together is really what matters to us. Getting to wear a fancy new dress doesn’t hurt either.

Before our date would officially begin we had to stop by the birth center to go over some final details and paperwork with them because as of today I AM FULL TERM! This means I could go into labor any minute and go straight to the birth center. That doesn’t mean that I will (Thank goodness! I am not ready yet). It’s still such an exciting thresh hold to have crossed and I feel like things are really starting to line up!

After our appointment we went to the Cheesecake Factory. This was significant because the last time we ate there was the night we found out we were pregnant.

The next day was spent walking around, shopping, eating and just enjoying being alone. I think the last time we did an overnight was very similar circumstances when Ezie was about to be born, and that was three years ago. So we were thrilled to have the opportunity and soaked up every minute of it.


The only thing that was a bit stressful about our relaxing getaway was that I had a slight concern that I might actually be going into labor. So we downloaded a contraction timer app and got to spend some of our afternoon practicing timing contractions while shopping. Luckily it ended up being a false alarm.

Lastly, we still managed to squeeze in trunk or treat with the kids that night. They had a great time and walked away with far too much candy!


That’s the weekend in a nutshell. I’m so glad it all coincided with turning the clocks back. We needed that extra hour.

By |2015-11-02T22:23:19+00:00November 2, 2015|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Super Amazing Wonderful Praise Report


Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 7.33.15 AM

This is the picture that was on the website.

We got a van. That’s the big news.

I know it may not sound exciting, but it is.

We are still pinching ourselves disbelief and it’s just crazy how it all came together. I really want to give all the nerdy mom with new van details along with photos, but I’ll save that for another post. Right now I just want to get down to what the significance is of all this.

In short, God is faithful. He is so good. He has always been good to us and I will continue to praise him in the midst of any circumstances, but to see his hand at work for our family over the past 4 months is miraculous!

I commissioned you all to pray back in June when I wrote “Prayers to the God of Miracles” Here is an excerpt

“The baby is coming in 5 months and all we need is a car, a house, and a job. No big deal. I say no big deal sarcastically, but it truly is not a big deal for God.

So here we go again. We need a house, a van, and a job. We need a miracle. Will join me in praying and believing for that?”

So there I was expecting a 4th child living in a two bedroom third story apartment, driving a 5 passenger car, with almost no income coming in at all. Let’s just say I was battling with some fear and doubt in a major way.

However,  in Matthew 17:20 Jesus says “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”

I want to give all the glory to God for the mountains he has moved for us. In July we moved into a house. In September J got a job, and then last night we got a van. Not just any house or job or van either. It was the house, and the job, and the van. That doesn’t mean they are perfect, but they just right for us and they all came just in time.

For example the house happened right before our lease was up on the apartment. And it’s nothing fancy believe me, but it is like night and day compared to living in the apartment with no yard, no washer/dryer, three flights of stairs to haul children, groceries etc up everyday (I could go on about other things I don’t miss, but I digress). The best part about our new place is there is an awesome christian family next door that also has young children and they have been so wonderful. When they first met us they told us that they had been praying for God to send the right family to move in next door. They prayed us in and it has been such a blessing.

I already shared the testimony of how J’s job fell into place at just the right time!

Lastly, we have searched far and wide for the right van. There was even one in Texas that J sent his brother to go look at for us, but it sold before we got to it. We looked at vans online and in car lots. There were plenty of options, but nothing that was just right. I was willing to settle though so we made lists of pros and cons for each vehicle and we were constantly calling  the credit union which has pretty strict stipulations about what they would approve.

Nothing was working out and we were starting to stress because we knew we needed a van in order to fit all four kids in one vehicle, and the baby is coming in less than a month. Then J found one that he sent me a link to and I was immediately in love with everything about it. I didn’t feel this way about any of the other vans.
It hit all the marks on my wish list and all of the qualifications for the loan (year and mileage) and guess where the van was located? 1.5 miles from our house! Who knows where the dealership bought it from, but God brought it right to us.

I don’t know why everything has to be such a close call. I am planner. If I had my way this would have been lined up long before we ever even thought about “trying” to have another baby. I guess I still need some growth in the area of trusting the Lord!

Anyway, that’s the super amazing wonderful praise report. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us and even just stood with us in the trials. I feel so grateful and we are truly blessed.

By |2015-10-29T13:41:42+00:00October 29, 2015|My Life|7 Comments

The Final weeks of Pregnancy



Whoa… it’s almost baby time! This week is all about preparation because next week I am gong to be full term. Actually that’s not true. I used to think that, but turns out that is “outdated” information. Things have already changed since my last baby!

As USA Today reports (2 years ago)

“Generations of mothers-to-be have heard that babies born any time between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy were “at term” — neither too early nor too late. But that is now officially outdated wisdom.

A pregnancy is “full term” only in the narrower two-week window that starts at 39 weeks, under new definitions published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology and endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.”

Here is the new rundown

• Early term: Between 37 weeks 0 days and 38 weeks, six days

• Full term: Between 39 weeks and 40 weeks, six days

• Late term: Between 41 weeks and 41 weeks, six days

• Post term: 42 weeks and beyond

I found this to be interesting. 37 weeks is still significant though because if I went into labor this week it would be considered “preterm” and therefor high risk. So I would be admitted to the hospital. If I went into labor next week it would be “early term”, but low risk, normal, and healthy. I would have the green light to give birth at the birthing center as planned.

So this week is all about getting stuff done in preparation for baby girl (whose name I am still anxious to announce. I might cave!)

  • Sunday- Clean out freezer and refrigerator. Stock freezer. 
  • Monday- Look at mini van options
  • Tuesday- Research Study (this is not pregnancy related, but it’s an appointment I was already committed to)
  • Wednesday- Appointment with Midwife, GBS test, scope out hospital and hotel routes with mom
  • Thursday- WIC appointment (I am getting Ezie, the baby, and I signed up for the women, infants, children nutrition program)
  • Friday- Appointment at birth center to finalize preregistration paperwork and discuss birth plan!
  • Saturday- Dad watches kids so J and I can have our “baby moon”

So I have something scheduled everyday and most of it is all baby related. Next week I’ll be packing my bags getting the house ready!!! Hopefully we will have a van by then because that is the last major necessity that has to be taken care of ahead of time. We have a major prospect lined up, but we still have some praying to do before we pull the trigger on it.

Chances are I won’t have the baby until 39 weeks, but I would rather be prepared ahead of time. At least to the best of my abilities, nothing ever works out exactly like I plan. It’s just like when I throw birthday parties. My mind is reeling with to do lists and I think I am covering all the details, but it never fails that I am frantically trying to pull it together at the last minute! It always works out though. This is just another birthday. It’s the birth day and I can’t wait to find out when and how it will all take place.

By |2015-10-27T11:39:16+00:00October 27, 2015|Pregnancy & Birth|3 Comments

Farm Party Highlights

I gave some behind the scenes planning details as I was busy preparing for the ultimate farm/3 Little Pigs party. I also shared the elaborate farm theme menu. Still, there is SO MUCH more that I haven’t had a chance to reveal about how Ezie’s third birthday panned out.

Ezies 3rd birthday

My brother sent me some previews from the multitude of photos that he has (and a I have few that I took myself). I am sure I will do some tutorials and craft related posts later, but for now I can’t help but pass along the highlights that I do have. This was one of the best parties I have ever thrown. I am so grateful that the weather cooperated and that we have so many laid back creative friends that could get into such a silly theme party! It was the best.

As I already mentioned the theme was farm, which was so perfect for a fall birthday party. We had a little photo, prop, and costume area that was a lot of fun.




I also came out dressed as a cow at one point (the things we do for our kids) and told the story of The Three Little Pigs, with help from some volunteers. I’ll have more pictures of that later, but for now here is a pic of the cutest big bad wolf you’ve ever seen!




We then had a house building contest and I think the kids could have spent days messing around with those cardboard boxes. The creativity was so impressive and it was such an economical game. I highly recommend this activity whether you are having a birthday party or not.







Okay, last one. I made party favor bags for each family instead of every kid this time. I already had the brown paper bags and I printed out the barn so I didn’t even have to buy any supplies. I also made printable stick figure families to glue inside the barns that I cut to allow for open and shut doors.


Like I said I’ll post more at some point, but when I got the email with those photos I couldn’t keep all the cuteness to myself!

By |2018-12-14T10:05:26+00:00October 26, 2015|Crafts, Creativity, Parties|14 Comments

When to Introduce Video Games



When my son Z was four we were given a Wii. It was a hand-me-down. No exchange of money was involved. The consoles have since been discontinued anyway, so it really shouldn’t be too big of a deal.

It was a very thoughtful gift and we still enjoy using it so I don’t want to come across as ungrateful in anyway. I just want to share my story for any moms on the fence about when and if they should introduce video games into their children’s lives. It seems like there is a big divide between the electronic game lovers and haters. I have met parents (and read many reports online) that exhibit both extremes.

I personally have never had reason to be anti video games. We got a Nintendo when I was 5 years old. I played it, but I certainly never had any addiction issues or negative impact so that was probably what has shaped my opinion. However, Z loved the Wii on a level beyond my expectations! He also loved games on the phone or the computer. From ages 4 to 6 I would say he was obsessed with Mario and Sonic.

He is a smart kid, which I honestly think contributed to his obsession. He would eventually conquer the games he played. Although it wasn’t without cost. There were many times he lashed out in anger when he lost. He would be grounded for treating family members aggressively while playing. He would have break downs and cry huge tears over games. It was painful for me to watch. He had a video game addiction and it was scary.

One day I asked a mom friend who has kids several years ahead of mine how she handles it. I knew she would be knowledgable because not only is she a homeschooling mother of 4 boys, but even her husband who is a successful business man has nights dedicated to playing video games with his friends (I know this because sometimes my husband joined in). My question to this wise woman is how she balances the gaming. I expressed my concern and explained that I didn’t want to pull the plug completely, but I didn’t know what else to do. She paused and thought out loud saying that I could consider setting some strict boundaries and rules with a timer and then she said something that kind of made me mad. She said

I don’t know. I can’t really give you advice because we don’t deal with that. The boys are so busy with school work, swim team, and church. They are outside a lot and yeah they play video games, but we just don’t have much time for it. We have a lot going on. 

Ohhhhhh, well. Us too I thought sarcastically. Except I was really burnt up by her non-answer answer. I guess if my family were just as studious, athletic and dedicated to more important things then I wouldn’t be having this problem.

I can see why 4 years ago I would feel that way, but now I get it. I mean I really get it. Z is in school all day. We get an hour of screen time a day, if that. He has a lot of other commitments and things that he puts his energy into. So even though Minecraft and all that is fun, it’s not the obsession that it was. He’s matured more emotionally since then too. Don’t get me wrong, he still gets overly competitive in his gaming at times and I’ve caught him being rude and ignoring people while playing, which of course is unacceptable. Also, I have had to be really careful of any games online because I have learned that some of them include interacting with other players and I am completely 100% against that! He knows he is NOT allowed to communicate online under any circumstances whatsoever and I keep a close eye on it, but that’s another topic.

I have seen how there are good things that can come from video games. Z and his dad have really bonded over electronics.


Z got to join a programing course for his birthday this year and this was his showcase.

He has learned a lot of problem solving skills. He’s pretty much already a techie mastermind in my opinion. I wouldn’t be the surprised at all if programing or computer engineering is in his future (like his dad).


The day Z got to get out of school to go see the robot his dad programed.

So I am still not anti-video games. However, as I look back I can see how maybe we would have been better off waiting until last year when he was 7 to introduce gaming.

Keep in mind this just a personal testimony, all children are different. It’s not like I am one of those parenting experts or something.

Next up I have to worry about when he is going to care about having the latest and greatest (i.e. super expensive) game device. Or when the violent games become an issue. Yikes.

Sometimes I feel like I am in my own live action parenting video game having to get through unforeseen obstacles. I guess I’ll worry about conquering the next level when I get to it.

By |2015-10-23T10:37:49+00:00October 23, 2015|Family, Parenting Tips|13 Comments

Birth Photography



I know birth photography isn’t for everyone, but for some of us it is such a wonderfully significant milestone it’s worth documenting. I am currently working on doing multiple guest post about my natural birth experiences. I had to dig the digital photos out of the archives to get to my pictures for these blogs, but after looking through all of them and reminiscing I knew I just had to share some of them on Messy Mom.

For how different each one was (birth center, Texas, home birth, water birth, hospital birth, Kentucky…) All of my pregnancies and deliveries have been quite predictable, which is a blessing. Without further ado here are some black and white photos of each stage of my last three pregnancies and deliveries.


The belly


Ah, yes the retro iPod. This was at about 37 weeks with Z. 



Full term with SJ


ezie belly

Days before Ezie’s birth.

I tend to carry all of my babies the same I guess. I always gain 25 pounds and I usually don’t get stretch marks… until the end. Ha, you thought I was one of those lucky women, but no.




My first baby. Laying on the bed at the birth center. J said I was mean. I don’t remember that! 



I have almost NO photos of labor with SJ because the photographer and the midwife got there right when it was time to push, but here is one strategically cropped photo of me in the bathtub in our home. I was literally crowning and that’s my midwifes head in the foreground. Sorry if that’s TMI for anybody. 



Here is a shot of me swaying with my husband during Ezie’s labor. I did eventually get in the water though after I progressed a little more. 




I’ll spare your the graphic photos of when Z was born, but J was the catcher and here he is with my midwife the very moment Z was delivered.



Seconds after SJ was delivered. 


ezies deliver

I don’t even have my arms around Ezie yet in this photo. It’s the very moment he was born. 


Meeting the Family 


meeting family z

The grandmas meeting our first born.


meeting family sj

Big brother and the grandmas meeting SJ at our home birth. 

meeting family ezie

Z and SJ meeting their little brother for the first time. 


The First Look

Here are the first close up shots ever taken of my three little angels.







Stay tuned for the 4th installment, which will be about a month from now!

By |2015-10-22T11:48:26+00:00October 22, 2015|Babies, Pregnancy & Birth|8 Comments

What I’m Reading

My library trips have slowed down quite a bit since school started, but I still have instant access to ebooks and audio books so I’ve been mostly sticking with that.

By the way, a little update that I briefly mentioned on Facebook. I temporarily lost a library book. I am usually pretty good about getting stuff back on time, but this book seemed to be completely missing and I could not find it anywhere! I had already renewed it a couple times and I was freaking out. I sorted through all the clutter around my nightstand. I was tossing junk over my shoulder, and sifting through papers and tossing piles of books off of each shelve muttering out loud about I had JUST seen it! How could this happen!? The irony of the whole story is that this is the book that was missing.


Secrets of an Organized Mom. Doh.

The good news is I did eventually find it weeks later, but I never finished reading it. I obviously never learned anything from it either.

The last book I did read (or I guess I listened to) was called Kiss by Ted Dekker.


At the beginning of the year I asked Messy Mom followers what I needed to read in 2015 and one of you mentioned this author. It’s taken me almost all year to get to it, and he’s not my usual cup of tea, but it was fun to change it up. Ted Dekker is a New York Times best selling christian author who mostly focuses on Fictional mystery thriller stuff. Surprisingly Kiss was the second mystery I had read in row actually. This is totally out of the norm for me! I just finished Girl on a Train and then went straight into Kiss.

J actually read Kiss first and he never reads novels. EVER. That’s all it took for him to be hooked on Ted Dekker though. Not only Dekker, but audio books. It’s been fun to talk about what we are reading and to have some else understand the importance of a good narrator to read an audio book and the speed of the reading etc. Seriously. Don’t even get me started. We’re nerds.

J just finished reading Black, which is also by Ted Dekker and I started it, but I just can’t get into it.


It’s too much fantasy for me, but even as I type this on my laptop with J sitting beside me he is convincing me that I just need to give Black one more shot, promising that it picks up. Fine. I’ll give it a try honey, but only because you’re cute and I want to impress you. But it doesn’t mean I’m about to do a Lord of the Rings marathon or anything.  IMG_9742

Alright, so now I want to hear what you are reading and if you have any suggestions. I will probably have more time when I am recovering from birth and breastfeeding around the clock.

I have Jen Hatmaker’s For the Love on hold at the library and I’ve heard so many great things about that one.

Now your turn. Are you a reader? Do you and your spouse ever read the same books? Are you a hard copy, audio, or kindle kind of reader? I’m always looking for suggestions on what to read next!

By |2015-10-20T23:05:02+00:00October 20, 2015|My Life|11 Comments
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