This is the picture that was on the website.
We got a van. That’s the big news.
I know it may not sound exciting, but it is.
We are still pinching ourselves disbelief and it’s just crazy how it all came together. I really want to give all the nerdy mom with new van details along with photos, but I’ll save that for another post. Right now I just want to get down to what the significance is of all this.
In short, God is faithful. He is so good. He has always been good to us and I will continue to praise him in the midst of any circumstances, but to see his hand at work for our family over the past 4 months is miraculous!
I commissioned you all to pray back in June when I wrote “Prayers to the God of Miracles” Here is an excerpt
“The baby is coming in 5 months and all we need is a car, a house, and a job. No big deal. I say no big deal sarcastically, but it truly is not a big deal for God.
So here we go again. We need a house, a van, and a job. We need a miracle. Will join me in praying and believing for that?”
So there I was expecting a 4th child living in a two bedroom third story apartment, driving a 5 passenger car, with almost no income coming in at all. Let’s just say I was battling with some fear and doubt in a major way.
However, in Matthew 17:20 Jesus says “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”
I want to give all the glory to God for the mountains he has moved for us. In July we moved into a house. In September J got a job, and then last night we got a van. Not just any house or job or van either. It was the house, and the job, and the van. That doesn’t mean they are perfect, but they just right for us and they all came just in time.
For example the house happened right before our lease was up on the apartment. And it’s nothing fancy believe me, but it is like night and day compared to living in the apartment with no yard, no washer/dryer, three flights of stairs to haul children, groceries etc up everyday (I could go on about other things I don’t miss, but I digress). The best part about our new place is there is an awesome christian family next door that also has young children and they have been so wonderful. When they first met us they told us that they had been praying for God to send the right family to move in next door. They prayed us in and it has been such a blessing.
I already shared the testimony of how J’s job fell into place at just the right time!
Lastly, we have searched far and wide for the right van. There was even one in Texas that J sent his brother to go look at for us, but it sold before we got to it. We looked at vans online and in car lots. There were plenty of options, but nothing that was just right. I was willing to settle though so we made lists of pros and cons for each vehicle and we were constantly calling the credit union which has pretty strict stipulations about what they would approve.
Nothing was working out and we were starting to stress because we knew we needed a van in order to fit all four kids in one vehicle, and the baby is coming in less than a month. Then J found one that he sent me a link to and I was immediately in love with everything about it. I didn’t feel this way about any of the other vans.
It hit all the marks on my wish list and all of the qualifications for the loan (year and mileage) and guess where the van was located? 1.5 miles from our house! Who knows where the dealership bought it from, but God brought it right to us.
I don’t know why everything has to be such a close call. I am planner. If I had my way this would have been lined up long before we ever even thought about “trying” to have another baby. I guess I still need some growth in the area of trusting the Lord!
Anyway, that’s the super amazing wonderful praise report. Thanks to everyone who has prayed for us and even just stood with us in the trials. I feel so grateful and we are truly blessed.
I am so happy to see how God answered your prayers for you and your family. Thanks for sharing the power of prayer. God is truly amazing!
So happy for you!
I am so excited for you guys! A van is seriously life changing, that might sound silly, but I don’t know how we functioned so long without one. Lots of blessings to be thankful for. 🙂
Woo hoo!!! Praise God! His timing is always perfect. Though planners like you and I aren’t always so sure, He proved Hinself faithful every time! Yay!!!
God is amazing! I am thrilled to see that this worked out, right before the baby comes too! Congrats- it’s a beauty!
Thanks for this reminder that God works things out for good. Congrats on the van friend.
You’ve heard it before: He’s never late. He’s never early. BUT? HE’S ALWAYS ON TIME. 😉