Putting Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra® Diapers to the Test

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Huggies® for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

This post brought to you by Huggies®. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Messy Mom .


Between my three children I have been changing diapers for almost 8 years now. I have never really kept track of how many, but without a doubt I have changed thousands upon thousands of diapers. So when I had the opportunity to try Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers I saidBring it on!




Ezie is a 2 1/2 year old, 27 pound heavy wetter. When it comes to testing the endurance of a diaper he’s the toddler for the job!





I was already a fan of Huggies® to begin with. They’re durable, affordable, and from what I can observe they seem comfortable. But it gets better, Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers are now available at Walmart at a new LOWER PRICE! Plus they have a new and improved Leak Lock System with quick-absorbing layers for up to 12 hours of protection. 12 HOURS! They’re perfect for nap time, bedtime, road trips, or anytime.



I’ve dealt with my share of leaky diapers. I remember trying everything to prevent it. For example, when I was a new mom I had a friend teach me the double diaper trick to keep kids dry at night. It entailed wrapping your kid up with one diaper and then putting another one on top of that just before bedtime. I had another friend teach me the no drinks allowed after 6:00 rule to help prevent leaking. Sometimes these tricks worked, sometimes they didn’t.





I don’t have to worry about any of that with the Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers! They provide protection against wetness all night long.



The fun Mickey Mouse designs from Disney were a hit and the fit was nice and snug with the flexibility that is needed for an active toddler.





In other words the Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers stay put even when he doesn’t!





Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers. The perfect fit for the perfectly huggable baby.






By |2018-02-01T10:22:08+00:00March 27, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

2 Years of Speech

 SJ said her first word just barely over two years ago, when she was three years old. She said “up” and pointed to go upstairs. I freaked out. Just a little bit.

From then on I started documenting everything. Okay, maybe not every word she said, but I have notes on my phone that I use to keep track. The name of the list on my phone from that time was “Words SJ Said Without Prompting”

What that means is that she said them spontaneously without anyone coaxing her and cuing her to say a specific word. She was able to parrot a lot of words, but she didn’t necessarily know them. Things really took off in the fall of that year.

The next year, in 2014 she started putting words together

This time last year she said “Mom. I hear phone!” and it was a huge breakthrough.

The words just kept rolling in and she was beginning to really communicate her needs.

Over the summer she was saying sentences and I started a new list called to “Sentences SJ Said”

or “Stuff SJ said at Christmas time”

So she progressed from sounds, to words, to spontaneous language, to multiple words, then sentences and lastly conversations.

That is where we are now. Good grief, I am crying just typing this out. Sometimes it feels like we aren’t getting anywhere, but as I look back I can see how far she’s come.

I used to get really excited when I noticed her say a new word. Now she has so many words I can’t keep track. Instead I find it cute when she doesn’t know a word and I get to teach her one. Like recently when she asked the word for feather or honey. Or yesterday when she called the refrigerator a closet.

It’s so hard to get video of anything. She’ll be chatting up a storm, but the times I actually sit down to record something she is a vault. I do have some snippets of a 15 minute conversation I had with her while she was preparing a snack. Please excuse her wild end of the day hair and the disaster in the background. I don’t call this space messy mom for nothing.

She has a LONG way to go before she is caught up. I’m proud of how far she has come though and I have to focus on that and remember my favorite Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 to keep things in perspective.

I am going to paraphrase a little here, but you’ll understand why.

For I know the plans I have for SJ declares the Lord, plans to prosper her and not harm her, plans to give her hope and a future.

By |2015-05-18T04:16:14+00:00March 23, 2015|Hearing Loss, Uncategorized|11 Comments

My Loud Dishwasher

Most of my adult life I have been washing dishes by hand. I know it shocking that there are people in AMERICA in the 21st century that do not have dishwashers, but it’s true!

I won’t go through all of the places we lived and why there was no working dishwasher, but washing dishes in a tub of soapy warm water was my reality for over 10 years, other than a short stretch of time before we sold our house in Texas.

We did a complete kitchen remodel and we went all out for the energy efficient stainless steel dishwasher. My favorite feature was the “top rack only” option for when you only had half a load of dishes.

I remember when we bought that dishwasher. We were at the home improvement store and the salesperson was showing us all the bells and whistles of their best appliances. We got to the dishwasher and he asked me if my cell ringer was on. I gave him a confused and reluctant Yeeees. Then he told me to put my cell phone in the dishwasher! I thought he was crazy, but you know what they say “always trust a salesman”. Not really, but I was going with the flow. Then he shut the door and had J call my cellphone. The salesman grinned and looked at us like we should be just as excited as he was. My husband was nodding and looked impressed. I was still  confused until I was informed that the dishwasher was so sound proof that you couldn’t even hear a phone ring inside it. Which must be a big selling point for some. For me it just meant that if the kids hid my phone in the dishwasher I was never going to find it.

So that was the time that we had a fancy silent dishwasher. The next dishwasher came when we moved into our current apartment.

What’s teeny, tiny, and beige all over?

Our kitchen.

It’s the kind of kitchen you would find in a camper. See that row of white drawers in the foreground? We installed them. The kitchen originally came with a whopping total of 4 drawers, 6 cupboards, and literally two feet of counter space. It would be perfect if you were a single minimalist living in the 1980’s. It’s okay though, because one thing it does have is a dishwasher. It’s clunky, old and it is LOUD. The volume is like having a monster truck rally in our kitchen. And I am totally fine with that!

When I hear that dishwasher spraying and swishing, heating and drying, I am just reminded of all the dishes I am not washing by hand. Sometimes when the rhythm of the noise is just right I swear it is to the tune of the opening chorus from Les Miserables.

If you are not familiar with The Work Song from the French Musical then just imagine the opening song from Frozen. Pretty much the same thing.

My word for 2015 is “good”. I am determined to look for the good in things this year and that’s how I feel about my dishwasher. It’s good. It’s not the best, but it’s good. It is a blessing.

I know this is a really bazaar assignment, but I want you to listen for your blessings today. There are going to be the obvious things like birds chirping or children laughing, but go even deeper.

I remember hanging out with someone and their heater kicked on. You could hear it rumble and she apologized because it was so loud.

No apology needed! We have heat. We can be warm. That’s a blessing.

We all have a loud dishwasher in some form or another. Take that thing that could be considered intrusive noise and watch it become music to your ears.

By |2021-10-25T15:39:44+00:00March 20, 2015|My Life, Simple Living, Uncategorized|14 Comments

Meeting a Project Runway Fashion Designer

A couple years ago my best friend called me to let me know that there was a deaf designer on Project Runway that signed and had a cochlear implant. I had never watched the show before that or since then, but I religiously followed that entire season rooting for Justin LeBlanc the entire time. At one point he was actually eliminated and it was very emotional. I might have okay, I did shed a tear, but then he was able to get back on the show because you know how those reality shows can go.

 I was thrilled to see a role model on a popular TV show that was deaf like my daughter and I even blogged about how I was a big fan. So when I found out that Justin LeBlanc was coming to my SJ’s school I was ecstatic! I had the opportunity to photograph the event for the school. After LeBlanc was introduced to the kids (grades K-2) they had a Q&A which mostly included 

Can you make shirts?
Can you make a hat?
Can you make shoes? 
Did you make your clothes?
Did you make my clothes? 
Can you make toys?
And lastly, How old are you?

 The answer is yes he can make just about any clothing item, but no he did not make the clothes anyone there was wearing, and he is 28 years old.

 Afterwards LeBlanc helped all them decorate their own hat. It really was the coolest thing! It was like watching the mini version of Project Runway with all of them busily losing themselves in the fabric and materials.

Then came the fashion show! 

 All of the elementary age students walked down the runway in front of their classmates and other special guests. It was adorable to say the least. 

At the end LeBlanc shared a little bit more about his hearing loss and what his passions are.  I was able to get a picture and talk to him briefly when everything ended. In classic fan girl fashion I started sputtering out “It is SO great to meet you. I never even watched Project Runway until you were on it” and his response was “Yeah, me neither.” I have had a lot of PR fans ask about what he was like in real life, not that I hung out with him for a week or anything, but for that afternoon he was so polite, sincere, and always had this smile on his face.

His parents were there too. Whenever there is a deaf celebrity I am always most interested in the parents behind the scenes, because that’s what I relate to and I loved getting to visit with them. 

 I’m sure everyone there took away different things from the experience, but the highlights for me were hearing LeBlanc talk about how Project Runway was kind of like a designer summer camp for him because he had six weeks being completely unplugged. No cell phone. No social networking. No TV. Just hours upon hours spent working on clothes and really getting to focus on his craft, which he had never had that opportunity to do to that extent before. 

On top of all that channel 12 in Cincinnati was there. 

Much to my surprise they decided to interview me (I am the only woman in the video. It’s about the halfway point and they also show a short clip of SJ while I am talking). I’ll admit it was a little bit intimidating and definitely made me self-conscious, it was still a great experience though. The cameraman and anchorwoman were so personable and down-to-earth. You can view the video on their website. 

 Local 12 WKRC-TV Cincinnati – Top Stories

I really can’t say enough good things about the fashion show at Ohio Valley Voices and I do want to give credit to Justin Leblanc designs, Sewn Studios, and TJ Maxx for donating their time and materials. I know that it means so much to these kids and their families.

 I meant what I said in my interview

“It’s really inspiring to have someone that’s deaf that’s shown how successful you can be despite whatever challenges you may face. I think they had a great time”

By |2015-05-18T04:17:58+00:00March 10, 2015|Hearing Loss, My Life, Special Needs, Uncategorized|14 Comments


Wow! I had no idea just how packed February was going to be (and I’ll go ahead and tack on the beginning of March since we are over a week into it, and February is such a short month). 

It’s all been good stuff though. Lots of wonderful things took place this past month and I haven’t been able to expound on too much of it here on the blog, so I thought I’d give a little summary of what’s been happening with my family and then I will stretch out some of the details in other posts later. 

For example, I could probably spend all of this week and next talking about everything that went on at the tea party yesterday, 

but I really don’t want to do that to you guys. So we will definitely talk about some of it a little bit this week, but then I’ll be doing more tutorials, tips, and ideas throughout the year. In fact, I love parties so much (and so do my readers according to my stats), that I think I’m going to give a little party advice or do a party feature every month

Because somebody’s having a birthday every month, even if it’s not someone in my family! 

For now let me just say that SJ had an amazing 5th birthday

First thing that morning I gave her a headband I had purchased for 50 cents at a consignment shop the week before. She wore it at school all day and actually got out early due to the weather. When she went outside to play in the snow I told her she had to take it off to wear a winter hat, but she figured out a way to wear it with the hat! She even put it on with her pajamas and I had to remove it in her sleep. 

The next day everyone had the entire day off for snow and we went sledding. 

 Then the next day she got to be on TV! We both were, and if you follow me on Facebook then you may have seen the clip, otherwise hang tight, because I plan to write all about the big Project Runway event that took place at my daughter’s school and I’ll share about it later this week. 

Top all of that fun stuff off with the ultimate Tea Party on Saturday.

Cuteness overload!!! 

Speaking of cuteness,  I want to do a future post about the Mother Son Date Knight that I went on with Z. 

We had a fantastic time and everyone said he was best dressed kid all evening.

In Ezie news, I plan to give an update about potty training… or lack there of. 

That’s about it, other than that J completed one more month of college. That means 3 months left. THREE MONTHS YOU GUYS! I can’t focus on it or I will inevitably double over in tears of joy from the magnitude of what this means for our family. It’s really hard for me to wrap my brain around the idea that we are that close to the big breakthrough. It feels like being pregnant. That feeling that- 

Wow, our lives are about to change forever. I don’t know exactly what to expect, but I do know that it’s going to be exciting, and awesome, and fulfilling. 

I just can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store. 

So, all in all it’s been a wonderful month and I hope to get to catch up on what everyone else has been up to. I guess it’s too late to say here’s to a new month, but it’s a new week for sure and I’m hoping it’s a good one.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:25+00:00March 9, 2015|Uncategorized|6 Comments

My Top Ten Tips for Natural Birth

On instagram yesterday I had a question from a follower that is having her first baby.

This question comes from Brooke of stylehomeandhappiness . On a side note you should follow her IG account. She does a lot of pin it spin it, and she always looks so cute!

Anyway Brooke writes:

“How was your experience with an at home water birth? I am due in June and although I will be delivering at a hospital with no option of water birth, I still plan to delver drug-free. Any tips?”

To answer the first question having an at home water birth was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

 However, after having three natural births I’ve covered just about every scenario including one in the hospital and one that was not a water birth. So, even though all women, babies, and births are different I do hope that what helped me through labor and delivery might also help you and anyone else that is interested in labor techniques.

1. Commit

Just like marriage, running a race, or any endeavor that takes endurance you have to be all in. If you think, “Maybe I’ll just wait and see how I feel at the halfway point” then you will quit, because you probably will not feel good. This applies to a lot of scenarios. Some things take determination. If you do get an epidural or have some other form of intervention there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! I can’t stress that enough. However, if you are passionate about wanting to go natural then make that commitment ahead of time. This is critical!

2. Connect

Find other mother’s who had a natural hospital births and listen to their stories and advice. If you don’t know anyone personally check the web. You could spend days reading other women’s experiences on line. I have all three of my birth stories written in detail here on messy mom.

3. Prepare

You have to mentally and somewhat physically prepare yourself for the act of labor. This could mean childbirth classes, books, or online videos. You don’t want to go into childbirth without doing your homework.

4. Create Your Atmosphere

Even though you are going to be in a hospital you can still play music or have special momentos around you.

5. Wait it Out

It’s so hard to know whether or not you are actually in labor. The rule of thumb is wait until contractions are a minute long and three minutes a part. Don’t be surprised though if you never get those text book constant contractions they talk about. My labor was never consistent. You’ll know when it’s time though. The longer you wait the better your chances are of not getting that epidural.

6. Utilize

Make the most of the natural pain management the hospital offers and find out what that is ahead of time. There may be a birthing ball, rice sock, or shower. You can always bring your own stuff too, like a tennis ball or oils for massages. Unfortunately, you usually never know what helps you in the moment, until that moment!

7. Visualize

This one sounds cheesy, but it’s so true. I can’t say enough how much visualization helps me in labor. Practice before hand. This one can get kind of spiritual too, so my disclaimer is that I am a christian and I use prayer and scripture when I’m in labor, but I have also imagined flowers slowly opening up or butter melting until it’s completely liquefied. I’m really visual so using imagery like this helps me  focus.

8. Know the Stages of Labor

If you know what to expect then you can use that knowledge as a road map. Recognizing transition for example helps you know just how close you are to having that baby in your arms. Sometimes that is all the encouragement you need.

9. Have Help

Whether it’s a doula, your spouse, or a trusted friend don’t go into labor alone. Have someone with you that knows your birth plan and will be completely supportive of that.

10. Loosen Your Body

This goes hand in hand with number 4 and 7.


In the movies you always see women screaming their way through birth, and that’s part of the reality of it, but ideally you want to moan or make the “puh” sound. Screaming, clenching your teeth, straining your neck- all that is tightening up your body and when your body is scared and tight it is is no position to birth. I wrote a post a long time ago about eliminating fear during labor and there is more info there.

I would say this is my #1 tip out of all of them, just to do your best to relax. Make a motor boat sound (or “blow horse lips”) to help you keep those lips loose. That was a tremendous help when I was in labor. Your body will take over and do what it was made to do.

These are some practical tips that worked for me, but no matter what happens you are going to do a great job and I am sure you will be a fantastic mom! 

I hope this list was helpful. Anyone else that wants to chime in with advice please do so! As strange as it is, talking about birth never gets old to me.

By |2015-05-18T04:18:21+00:00March 5, 2015|Pregnancy & Birth, Uncategorized|8 Comments

Her Toy Story

Two of my latest attempts at tweeting were some of my thoughts about Toy Story.

I just love Toy Story. The whole series is phenomenal if you ask me. I suppose the reason some of it is sentimental is because when I saw Toy Story 1 in the theater (multiple times) as a girl I had no idea that I would be seeing the prequel in the theater with my son 15 years later. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect with how it all landed. 

Part of SJ’s birthday tea party is inspired by the movie in a way. Remember the scene in the first movie where Sid’s sister finds Buzz and he ends up dress up as the Mrs. Nesbit character “suckin’ down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her little sisters”?

Well, I don’t on plan on having a one armed space ranger at the tea party, but I knew I wanted some of SJ’s toys to be special guests along with her friends. First I had to decide which ones (because it is a surprise). Her Brave doll she got when she was two was definitely a contender, but she lost all her clothes,and that’s not the kind of party we are going for. Some other toys were too big or too small to really fit in at the table so I narrowed it down to the final three and I think SJ will be really happy when she sees them at her party!

First off Minnie Mouse

If you watched the video about SJ’s winter program then you know why Minnie was a front runner.

Second was the flower bunny.

When we went to Vermont last summer SJ carried this floppy bunny around the whole time!

She became super attached, but it wasn’t her bunny. So when we flew back to Ohio they had to part ways. Shortly after that she found this bunny for 50 cents at a yard sale and so it became the rebound bunny. As with most of her stuffed animals  SJ likes to dress it up in her clothes. I didn’t have a problem until I noticed her underwear supply seemed really low. I finally figured it out one day when I decided to undress all of the stuffed animals and realized all of them were wearing panties under their clothes. She’s thorough!  So anyway all of that to say flower rebound bunny will definitely have a place at the table.

Lastly, dolly.

SJ received this doll for her third birthday, just after her second CI surgery. It was a gift from my Michigan friend, the one that made all those cupcakes for her first birthday. Dolly is very special
because she was hand made by my best friend and delivered with love in a time that best friends (and aunties) are needed most. SJ has already dined with dolly on several occasions. She’s too floppy to sit up on her own, so SJ cleverly props her up by slipping Dolly’s legs inside a tissue box. I couldn’t imagine the tea party without this little rag doll.  

I know it’s creepy for a grown woman to talk so emotionally about dolls and stuffed toys, but obviously this is for my daughter. To me they are just toys. You know, child’s stuff…

Okay, fine! I’ll admit it. I have had a little too much fun planning this tea party. It definitely makes me feel like a kid again. I think we could all stand to have a little more child like imagination from time to time.

What about you? Did you have a favorite toy/lovie growing up? How about your children?

By |2015-05-14T23:15:25+00:00March 4, 2015|Uncategorized|11 Comments

3 Ways To Screen Netflix (and other forms of entertainment)

Yesterday I explained why the media diet your children are on is so important, but how do we know what is healthy when it comes to the entertainment they consume?

The answer is that it’s pretty much the same way we figure out what is healthy when it comes to the food they consume, and it’s easier than you think!

1. Read the Labels

Just like the packaged food we buy is required to have nutrition information, the shows you watch do too! They are called TV Parental Guidelines and appear in the upper left hand corner.

I am shocked at how many people do not know what those letters stand for (and for a while I was one of them). If you have wondered yourself than here you go-

  • Y is all children
  • Y7 is directed to older children
  • TV Y7 FV is appropriate for older children, but may contain more intense violence
  • TVG stands for General Audience
  • TVPG stand for Parental Guidance
  • TV14 is Parents strongly cautioned and probably not appropriate for chidden under 14
  • TVMA is for mature audience only (unsuitable for anyone under 17)

  • D is dialogue (which I used to think was drug references)
  • L is for crude language
  • S is sex
  • V is violence
  • FV is fantasy violence

And here is my nerdy little secret, although these ratings are intended to help parents know what is suitable for children, my husband and I use them as adults. Can you imagine!? We are grown ups that are allowed to watch whatever we want and yet we CHOOSE to filter some stuff out according to the TV ratings. We are that crazy.

2. Do your research

Just like at the grocery store you can’t always count on on the FDA when you get really serious about your diet you have to actually do some research to see what is in the foods you are eating. Same thing with TV  and movies, the little labels don’t tell the whole story. That’s why I love Focus on the Family’s Plugged In  website. You can look up any show, movie, music, or video game and it will give you a thorough review of what to expect according to specific categories which include

  • Positive Elements
  • Spiritual Content
  • Sexual Content
  • Violent Content
  • Crude or Profane Language
  • Drug and Alcohol Content
  • Other Negative Elements

There very well may be spoilers when you have this much detail in your review, but this resource has been absolutely critical for me. I want to kiss the computer screen when I look up a movie for my kids and realize what I avoided exposing them to thanks to this website! And again, I would be lying if I didn’t admit to using it to see what I wanted to invest my personal time watching.

Common Sense Media is a very similar concept to Plugged In and is an excellent resource. The main  difference that I am aware of is that Plugged In is from a specifically christian perspective. The advantage of Common Sense Media is that many of their reviews are built right into Netflix. 

If you are browsing Netflix and click on the title of a show or movie, then you will see the members star rating, and the description. It’s kind of hidden, but if you scroll down on the right you will see movie details, awards, rating, and then BOOM “Common Sense Media Rating”.

Click on that to get a detailed description of how kid friendly the content of the show is. I just randomly chose Mr. Peabody and Sherman, and My Fake Fiance’ for screen shots to show you what it looks like . 

This is such a great option for me when searching for what to watch because I usually want to read the description anyway and then you have this Common Sense rating conveniently right there.

3. Don’t put the junk where they can access it

Another Netflix option that I am so grateful for is the customized account settings.

When our kids browse through Netflix they only have access to children’s programing, which is so nice even if only to avoid some of those disturbing movie covers. To set up this option click on your account icon in the upper right hand corner then select manage accounts and click on that to create an individual account for everyone in your family. For your children’s accounts you can check the box that says children 12 and under. Then you can click the option for little kids or older kids to make it even more customized. We don’t have TV,  (we have a TV screen, but we don’t have access to any channels) but for those that do the V-Chip is a great way to do the same thing I have just described here. If your TV was purchased in the past 15 years than it has one!

Almost all of our modern day technological devices conveniently have parental controls built in you just have to know how to use them. 

For us this means having passwords on the Wii and Apple TV. No little early morning risers can just sneak in the living room and watch TV or play games without going through us first because they have to have the password.

To set this up on the Apple TV go to the main menu then select Settings >General>Restrictions and choose a 4 digit pin number.

To set this up on the Wii go to options>Wii Settings then pus the +button, and click parental controls. Then Click yes and a make a 4 digit pin number.

And here are some other links for parental control setup for the iPhone/iPad, Xbox, You Tube, and Amazon instant video.

Just remember, that while these features are certainly helpful they are NOT a substitute for parents actively observing and deciding what is being viewed in their home.   

Those are just 3 basic tips for trying filter what our children are watching. This of course is only scratching the surface. My children aren’t old enough to have their own gadgets or use the internet yet. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it and I’ll do another post twice as long for how to screen that content! I loved reading the comments yesterday about how some moms have chosen to make reading or outdoor playtime and artistic expressions the priority in their home. Why not tell the TV to take a backseat, especially during these critical formative years. I like that! However, if you’re children are going to have any television or movie time at all, these resources are such a blessing for parents to really know just how healthy or UNHEALTHY their media choices are. 

If you have any other advice or tips for content filtering please share in the comments. I know this list isn’t exhaustive and I’d love to hear from you! 

By |2015-05-18T04:18:44+00:00February 27, 2015|Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|7 Comments

Healthy Media Habits For Children

Last week I blogged about the entertainment industry, 50 Shades of Grey and all that stuff (and there is a lot of STUFF). I really appreciate the tremendous amount of supportive feedback I got from you all, but that was for adults. What about what our kids are watching?

How do we know what is appropriate entertainment for our children in a culture that is saturated with disrespect, lust, greed, and all kinds of mixed spiritual messages? 

To some degree it’s the same way we find things that are healthy for our kids to eat in a culture that is obsessed with sugar, preservatives, and convenience food. I’ll admit that I am not the best example of feeding my kids a healthy diet, but I have made it a major focus this year and since then the magnitude of the junk they consume is becoming apparent to me.

We don’t have to let food trends and cereal commercials determine what we feed our children, the same way we don’t have to let production companies dictate what they consume on a spiritual level.

We have the opportunity as the gatekeeper of our homes to decide right now what kinds of content our children are viewing on television or in movies.

Children, especially preschool age, are little sponges. At that stage they are observing and soaking up everything they see every waking hour and using it to shape their worldview and learn how to navigate through life. So this TV stuff is pretty important, but what do we do about it?

Just like with diets there are hundreds of different approaches to living a healthy lifestyle. What your kids watch and how much they watch is a very personal decision. However, no matter what your convictions are you have to know how to implement them.

First of all whether food or TV, leading by example is going to be the most effective thing you can do. This is really true in any area of parenting. “Your words and standards will carry more weight if you practice what you preach and limit the amount of time you watch TV or spend on the computer. Also, your kids notice the kinds of movies and shows you watch, so model responsibility there as well.” (from the book “Wild Things The Art of Nurturing Boys”)

Another TV tip that goes hand and hand with the food comparison is to focus on the positive and make an activity out of it. If your children are involved in cooking with you, or really engaged in learning about gardening they are more likely to want to eat healthy.

So consider watching TV with your child. I know, that is the one time you have to break away, but on occasion you can really see what it is that they are consuming and take the opportunity to talk about it whether it’s good or bad. For example “Oh, that was not a nice. They shouldn’t call people idiots”. It’s also a great time to discuss emotions or interests with your child. On the contrary, If you just bark out orders about what they should be eating or watching it is less likely to be a habit they will ever truly obtain.

These are just a couple of the many strategies for implementing media boundaries and guidelines in an effective way.

Tomorrow I am going to share some really practical advice on how to use some of the free content filtering options that are available.

So check back then for Part two (Monitoring TV and Netflix).

By |2015-05-18T04:18:55+00:00February 26, 2015|Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|9 Comments

My First Guest Post

I know this might be confusing because I just announced my first guest post a couple weeks ago, but this time I am the guest.

This is my first time getting to share on another blog and I am so honored and just giddy over the whole opportunity. Thank you so much to Holly Barrett for featuring this post for today’s Testimony Tuesday.

 I hope it touches people’s hearts. It has been an emotional experience to step out and share and I felt the Lord healing broken parts of me as I wrote it.

Here is a just a little excerpt from what you will find on Holly Barrett’s blog today:

” I picture my [future] self as a very experienced, mature woman that has more
wisdom than I do now. The woman who has made it to the other side of this
journey. The woman who’s finally somehow arrived?  She will share my testimony.
 So when Holly put out inquiries for submitting
guest posts I didn’t think it applied to me. I don’t have a testimony, or the
one I do have isn’t ready. I’m just trying to stay afloat in the storm.
the Lord spoke to my heart and showed me that I am in fact a testimony of His
grace, His provision, His faithfulness, His forgiveness, and His patience as I

To read the rest please visit Holly Barrett .org

By |2015-05-14T23:15:26+00:00February 24, 2015|Uncategorized|3 Comments
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