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Hello, and welcome to my brand spankin’ new website! Please don’t look too closely because this site is still heavily underconstruction. I don’t know if you should even be reading this without a hard hat. Seriously though, J and I spent all weekend day and night working on getting everything transferred from Blogger to WordPress and trying to customize and organize over 1,000 posts and all the many features that go into the pages of a blog. It’s not done yet, but we are both exhausted and I didn’t want to delay the launch any longer. I can’t thank my husband enough for everything that he has done to invest in this passion of mine.


Now I do realize that some of you might be thinking this site doesn’t look that dramatically different from the old site.

[imageframe lightbox=”no” lightbox_image=”” style_type=”none” bordercolor=”” bordersize=”0px” borderradius=”0″ stylecolor=”” align=”center” link=”” linktarget=”_self” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ hide_on_mobile=”no” class=”” id=””] The Old Messy Mom Page[/imageframe]

Or maybe you like the old site better, but you’ll just have to trust me that from a blogger’s standpoint the bones of this site are thousand times better.

Since this is a blog move, let’s compare it to a real move. Messy Mom was renting a prefab home before. Blogger (owned by the google empire) owned my home. The rent was cheap (free) and it was great, but I was wanting my blog to grow and I didn’t think house would be the right size for what I was dreaming up. So last week I had a little going away party! I showed a movie, had some party favors (The Starbuck’s giveaway ends tonight at midnight! There is still time to enter if you haven’t already), and I even invited everyone to my next party (a link-up party).

Then I packed up all of my content and moved it over to this new site, which does cost a little more, but it’s a customized home that my husband J built it by hand. So it is a completely one of a kind and comes with amenities I never would have dreamed of in my old virtual house. Now I just have to learn my way around and figure out the fancy bells and whistles of it all.

As with a real move, getting into the house is only the beginning. You have to unpack and set up. Sometimes you get rid of stuff you don’t need anymore or purchase some new window treatments and such. Then it’s time to organize everything. Even when you think you have it all set you then realize you want to rearrange because you think the couch would look better on the other side of the room, or you can’t find your waffle iron and you wonder if it got left behind in the move. You just keep tweaking your crib until eventually it feels like home again.

So that is where I am at in this process. I still have a lot of work cut out for me. There may be some glitches here and there, but please be patient. I will have it all sorted out soon and then we’ll have a house warming party. You know how much I love a good party.

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