A Year of Isabella
It’s been a year since Isabella came to our home and if you haven’t already heard the whole story you should read ” Meet Isabella ”
It will most certainly warm your heart. With all the hate and discord in the world, there is still so much love and kindness among us, even from strangers. The short story is that SJ was given a brand new American Girl Doll for her birthday a year ago from someone we don’t even know!
The idea was that the doll could get hearing aids and SJ would be able to have a doll that she could relate to.
Since receiving Isabella a year ago she was able to ride to MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA to the American Girl doll store in the mall of America to get hearing aids on the spot! Thanks to Mémé (my mom) for this trip of a lifetime, working for Delta has its perks!
SJ loves taking care of Isabella. She fixes her hair and changes her outfits to match her own as often as possible. On a side note, Newborn size baby clothes fit American Girl Dolls pretty well. I thought it was really cool that one of the outfits that Isabella wears was really SJ’s from when she was a baby!
There have been many special memories made in the days and nights that SJ has owned this very special doll.
This whole post is basically an excuse to share a few of the photos of the doll from the past year.
The dolls are considered appropriate for ages 8 and up. SJ got Isabella on her 7th birthday and I’m glad we went for it. Hopefully this means there will be many more years of playtime ahead.