Meet Isabella
For SJ's birthday this year I thought it would be really special if she got an American Girl doll and and then we could take the doll to the American Girl Doll Hospital for hearing aids. The problem is I knew we [...]
Cow Under-appreciation Day
First off let me say that I love Chick-fil-A. If you read my blog then you probably already know that I am HUGE fan. However I do want to bring some attention to how Cow Appreciation Day has made some changes that [...]
My Personal Hearing Loss Story
This might be a bit of a bore, but I just got hearing aids and there are a lot of people shocked to learn that I have hearing loss. Shoot, even I am a little surprised in some ways. So [...]
Baby Elle 5 Months
Here we are on the tippy tail end of Aril and Elle is closer to 6 months than she is to 5, but I haven't posted an update yet. At 5 months she weighed 17 pounds. She is in the top [...]
Mail Organization Tips for Small Spaces
As someone who has a large family in a small space I know how challenging it is to find ways to have good mail organization without an office. However it's even more imperative that we do keep papers and files under control [...]
Messy Blog
Every once in a while I have to do some house keeping on the blog. If you know me, or even if you just note the name of my blog, I am not that great at house keeping. This is [...]