SJ’s 2nd Year of Preschool
I can't believe this will be SJ's last year of preschool. I never necessarily even planned for my children to even go to preschool, but as you know SJ case is a little different. The idea that a year from now she [...]
Breastfeeding in a dress
Breast is best, but can it work in a dress? See what I did there? First of all, about the breast is best, it's a slogan I'm quoting and it's scientifically proven, at least for now. Some people can't breast [...]
Our 5th Annual Cow Day
Chic-Fil-A time, cow day, dress-like-a-cow, free food, cow appreciation day- whatever you want to call, it it's a fun time and something that is starting to become one of my favorite days of the year! This year I was saddened [...]
Fun For the Fourth
Keeping with my summer progress reports I am delighted to share that we had an exciting week full of family, fireworks, fun, and festivities. Here were the boredom busters for last week. 1. Family This week was FULL of family. [...]
Last Day of Kindergarten
Today I put Z on the bus for last time, at least for Kindergarten. I remember putting him on the bus for the first time 9 months ago. I watched him square his shoulders, march to the back, and sit [...]
More Than Words Can Say
*This was originally written over a year ago. Sometimes I just need to write even if I keep it to myself, but today, on the 2nd anniversary of her diagnosis, I am ready to share.* In the world of hearing [...]