There are many ways to make shopping with small children a pleasant experience for both a mom and her children.

For example, if you have an infant you can put the carseat on top. Just kidding. That’s not recommended. What was I thinking!?


Well, you could put the carseat in the cart. Although you may not have space for your groceries, but who needs groceries anyway. Oh yeah, I do. That’s why I’m here.



Anyway, once your baby is old enough you can just put the baby in the seat. Except I think these buckles were designed by Flat Stanley because for real they never fit my kids.


For multiple children you can simply put the baby in the seat, the middle aged children in the car, and the oldest can push. I can assure you that everyone will co-opera… HEY! WHAT ARE DOING!? GET YOUR BOTTOM BACK IN THAT CAR THIS SECOND YOUNG LADY!



Who am I kidding, the best way to make grocery shopping pleasant for both mom and children is to use Walmart’s online grocery pickup service. Trust me on this one. I have been using it for months and it’s changed my life. There are so many reasons you will love it. I narrowed it down to 10.


1. It will save you tons of time! One’s you start shopping online it saves your favorites. Most items I buy over and over so I just have to go through and click everything on my favorites list. Boom. Done.

2. You will save so much money. Not only from not falling for impulse buys, but also because it’s easier to compare the price per unit when you can see everything conveniently listed side-by-side.

3. They do substitutions. And if they do have to substitute something they’ll give you the bigger package at no extra cost to you! Oh yeah and they label it and they also label the fragile stuff. It’s awesome.


4. You CAN use your reusable bags if you want. This is me and my trunk full of reusable grocery bags after making a Walmart run.


5. You can bring your kids and live to tell about it. Photographic evidence here.


6. You can edit your order. If you already submitted your list, but realized you forgot something you can add it.

7. You can easily track your spending and shopping history This helps with budgeting, keeping track of your “inventory”, or if you ever need to return something. It’s all right there.

8. You can check and approve your produce. I’ve always been impressed with the produce they pick. On my account they know I prefer hard avocados and somewhat green bananas. If however you don’t like what they selected you don’t have to accept it and you will be refunded.


9. You can get $10 off for signing up under me. Even if you only do it once it’s worth it to get $10 right?

10. Also I get $10 off when you sign up using my link and you can do the same thing with your friends and save even more.

The way it works in case anyone is curious is you select a time for pickup. They are set up in one hour intervals so it’s pretty flexible.

Then they call you when it’s ready and you call them when you arrive. img_9167

They bring all your groceries out and go over your order with you incase you aren’t satisfied. Then they load it up in your trunk all for FREE.


I know it sounds too good to be true. I am still pinching myself, but it is true. You really should give it a try.

You and your children will thank me.