While this post is sponsored by GoHaus, all opinions are my own (as always).

Whether you are building a home, remodeling one, or even in our case renting, choosing the right flooring is critical.


Not only does it add to the character of your home and play an important role in the design aspect, it also serves a very practical purpose in the functionality of your abode.

When we were remodeling our home I didn’t have children yet and there were so many things I never took into consideration like cleaning up catapulted meatballs or having the floor second as a landing pad for a child learning to walk. Will juice stain it? Will fleas live in it? Will it withstand hours of the families “Just Dance” championship? There is a lot to take into consideration.

As I mentioned before we recently moved into a new rental property and while I am thrilled with the hardwood flooring that is throughout most of the house, there are other parts of our new place (like the basement and kitchen) where the flooring is lacking. I LOVE this piece from www.GoHaus.com called “Install the Right Floors for Every Room” because it goes beyond the asthetics and really walks you through how the floors will be treated in each area and what kind of floor is ideal for that particular space. I have gotten so much inspiration from this website and J and I are getting pumped about tackling some projects in our new place. I know it might not seem like there is much leeway with home renovations when you are renting, and truthfully it does put serious limitations on just how much you can customize, but where there is a will there is a way!

In our last rental property we were able to successfully install and remove plank flooring from our apartment and the results where so successful we are 100% ready to try this approach again. In fact, I have had a lot of people ask how the preexisting floor underneath looked after years of having our temporary floor over it. At the time I couldn’t answer that question because we hadn’t moved yet, but now I can say with certainty that the flooring underneath was preserved the whole time. I even have a time lapse video of the floor removal that I will be sharing tomorrow and you can see for yourself.

All of that to say that even renters can have some options when it comes to flooring projects and as a bonus you can take the floor with you when you move! This method of installation is called a floating floor because it does not have to be glued, stapled or nailed down to the subfloor or underlayment. The flooring simply stays in place using a click plank flooring which is what we did and plan to do again. For a detailed tutorial of  how to install a click floor check out gohaus.com.

I’ll be sharing more about the outcome of our apartment tomorrow and I’m definitely looking forward to showing you how the floor installations go at our new place. The right floor can make a room look bigger, feel warmer, and welcome you home from the moment you step foot in the door. I encourage you to go check out GoHaus for inspiration, tips, and advice on all things flooring.


So GO! Be inspired and start that flooring project you’ve been dreaming up. You know you have been wanting a change. Why not start from the ground up?