This post is a part of 31 day series about downsizing. Check out the other posts here.

Ahhhh, I already missed my first day of the 31 day challenge. I figured it would happen, just not so soon! It’s okay though, my baby’s first birthday party is a really good excuse and I don’t regret focusing on that all day yesterday.


The party does kind of tie in to today’s topic though, because I was going to blog about our hideaway coffee table and when we had 10 more people in our apartment last night we “hid it”.

Having a coffee table isn’t necessary, but they are nice to have for popcorn, laptops, or my favorite- a place to prop your feet up!

 However, when you are limited to a small space they can be inconvenient to have in the middle of your room. That is why my husband J designed this media table.

He built the coffee table a while back, and when we found out we would be moving to an apartment he made the table as a way to conceal the coffee table when not in use.

Now you see it

Now you don’t

I’ve wanted to show off J’s carpentry for a long time now, but I realize it might not be that helpful to other people living in small spaces since building your own furtniture isn’t the most practical tip.

 There are plenty of other options though. Having an ottoman is great because you can use it for seating or as a table. There are also less worry when your toddler bangs their head on it. Getting a coffee table that has storage space is great too because small spaces never have too much of that, right?

What does your family use for a coffee table?