I haven’t blogged or really been social online in several weeks. My biggest reason for this has been my computer crashing! I haven’t had any computer issues since I got my iMac 5 years ago. Everything from my meal plans to my side hustles are on my computer, and when it’s not functioning properly it’s fair to say that NEITHER AM I! It appears to be fixed now so I’m hopefully back in business.

I won’t go into all of the details of what made February such a whirl wind of a month, but I did want to document one of the most memorable parts.

We got snow.


I know Ohio is not alone in these crazy winter storms. My poor friends in Texas got hit so hard that most of them were living the frontier life with no electricity or sometimes water! I remember what that is like from when we had that terrible power outage last April. No fun.

I personally love the snow. The last couple of winters here have been fairly mild so I am grateful for this surprise snow dump.

We made the most of it. The day after we got the first 8 inches J took off of work and we spent our afternoon sledding.

We even brought hot chocolate to-go in those mugs that keep beverages warm. While we were at one of the best sledding parks ever we bumped into some friends.

These two have been buds since they were 2 years old so that was a fun impromptu reunion.

The next week when we got more snow we made our traditional snow cream. I looked up the recipe on MessyMom.com.

It was really sweet because SJ was the one leading this activity and there were pictures of her on the recipe post from 6 years ago.

Times have changed, but snow cream is still the perfect winter treat!

I can’t even remember the number of snows cancellations and two hour delays this month. It doesn’t affect us too much since we are mostly at home, but it’s always fun to have snow days, even for homeschoolers.

We had fresh eggs throughout the snowstorm too! We were worried about the chickens with the temps being close to zero. Most chicken breeds are actually really winter hardy though and they all did great. They didn’t love necessarily love the snow. Our white hen, Mary, flat out refused to walk around outside. But most of the birds eventually ventured out a bit.

Getting eggs that weren’t frozen was a chore, but we managed to brave the tundra a few times a day to collect our breakfast.

The snow has pretty much all melted now leaving a slushy mud pit in our backyard. The chickens are thrilled to be able to forage again.

They have spent the past several days pecking away at the soft ground in search of bugs and other tasty treats. I loved the time that we had in the snow, but I am also getting excited for spring. It will be here before you know it!