What Is A Google?

You have to watch everything you say around here because there is a little boy that hears it all even when you don’t think he listening.

I’ll be giving J a recap of the day and suddenly we’ll hear a voice come from the other room “yes I did make a mess and mommy was not happy.”
This morning during a conversation with J, a word catches Z’s ear and he chimes in “what’s google“? I said “It’s a search engine” and inevitably I hear “what does search engine mean?” I know he knows what the internet is so I tell him “it is the little box on the computer screen that you type words into so that you can find the information, video, or website that you are looking for. That’s why it is called search, because you are searching, and engine because it is like a machine that needs power to run.” After dissecting the words he is satisfied with that answer and he goes back to his toys.
We have 3 days until his 4th birthday and I can tell because he is starting to enter the question stage and I love it! Learning that the cow goes moo is adorable and I love that too, but asking questions and learning about the farmer’s market (which is where we went on Saturday) is a little more exciting. When Z was playing with Mr. Potato head the other day he mimicked a scene from Toy Story where he scrambles up all the facial pieces on the potato and says “look I’m a Picasso”. This opened the door for me to teach him about the real Picasso and my heart started dancing. I can’t believe he is getting to the age where we can have a discussion about Picasso, albeit an elementary one. That’s good though, because I enjoy art, but I am not an expert by any means.
Speaking of not being an expert, have you seen all the children shows that teach spanish? I live in Texas and so I am around the Latino community quite a bit, but my spanish is un poquito, so the other day when Z started singing some spanglish song from Go Diego Go, I thought oh snap! I know amigo, ayudame, and vamos, but what the heck is res-ahh-tay? It turned out he was singing “al rescate amigos” which as the song says means “to the rescue my friends”.
While I really do look forward to this next developmental stage, he is learning and changing so rapidly that I do get a little nervous that he will pass me up and I won’t be able to answer his questions. I guess I can always just google it, which is what I did in the case of rescate. After all, that is what a search engine is for.
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 1, 2011|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Boys Will Be…

Boys will be dare devils. Boys will be super heroes. Boys will be army men. Boys will be boys. Of course sometimes these imaginative adventures come at a price.
On Thursday night I decided to head outside and enjoy some left overs in my favorite Adirondack chair while the kids ran around and got some fresh air. This summer has been so extraordinarily hot that we have to wait until dusk before it’s even bearable. It was 8:15 pm when I watched Z fall out of a tree and gash his shin open on the little branch that came down with him. He was only about 4 feet up and it wasn’t a bad fall, but it all happened in such a way that the wound was extremely deep and we had to take him to the ER where they administered 5 stitches.

It was not easy to comfort him as they held him down and stuck a needle through his numbed skin. He looked at me with buckets of tears dumping out of his eyes screaming “Make them stop. Owww! Mommy hold me!” I tried to keep it together, but it was too much for me to watch and I had a few tears sneak out as I told him how it was all going to be okay and that we would go get some ice cream when it was all done. Ice cream makes everything better, or maybe that’s just me.

I can only hope that these hospital visits are coincidental and not a foreshadowing of our future. Z has had surgery, a broken collar bone, a ripped off toenail, and now 5 stitches all before his 4th birthday! I have never experienced any of these things and I am almost 30. He always bounces back quickly, but at the rate we are going we would be able to send him to the college of his choice with the amount that we are spending on medical bills.
Any advice from mothers of boys or girls with a history of injury? I think I am going to need your wise council, that or I just need to hire a full time doctor.
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 29, 2011|Uncategorized|3 Comments


I love words. That’s what I’ve been talking about this week. I just like reading and writing, even though I am not that great at grammar or spelling. The other day I had to fill out a questionnaire using pen and paper and it was so hard to have to rely on the spell check in my brain! Seriously, I am ever so grateful for the little red lines under my words that indicate that questionnaire is not spelled questionaire (I’m using a real life example here).

My love of words is probably why I am not a huge fan of texting abbreviations or initialisms. Although I do use them some, I am pretty old fashioned. I wrote a post about this once called textiquette. Times are changing though and these initialisms are becoming more acceptable. They are even starting to show up in the dictionary. I don’t really know why. The should have a separate dictionary for acronyms because they are not really words, they are letters that represent several words. It could be called the all caps dictionary. But no one consulted me about this and so we are officially introducing several new acronyms into the Oxford dictionary such as LOL and OMG.
It was no more than 10 years ago I remember chatting with a couple of friends debating the meaning of the term LOL. One of them said it was laugh out loud. I said I thought it meant lots of love, and the other girl said we were both wrong and confidently declared that it stood for little old lady. After some research I found out that we were all right, and lots of luck could been thrown in there too. LOL began in the 1960’s and did in fact mean little old lady, but for the current generation it obviously means laugh out loud and if you don’t believe me you can look it up in the dictionary along with sexting and wassup. To be honest, it kind of irks me that misspellings and initialisms are making their way into the beautiful English language. I’ll probably come around, I usually do (like with texting in general), but can’t smiley faces be right side up? I drove past a car that someone had written on with shoe polish and it had a message followed by a colon and parenthesis, or in other words :). I totally understand using this emoticon when typing and maybe she was just trying to be cute, but my fear is that the next generation will not even know that smiley faces are not supposed to be sideways!!! I digress.
I am not trying to be a LOL, but does anyone else wonder if electronic communications will change the way we speak and write forever?
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 26, 2011|Uncategorized|8 Comments

What’s the Word

We know the English language is constantly evolving. Especially in the digital era that we live in new words and trendy phrases are popping up left and right. But when does a new word actually become a word, like a real word? I hunted around the web for a while and made some new discoveries about this process, particularly from merriam-webster.com. Believe it or not there are actually people that get paid to spend hours reading magazines, books, and other published materials in search of new words. I can picture it now “Honey, would you get your nose out of the sports section and take out the garbage!” “Quiet, I am tying to work over here!”At the Merriam-Webster office they call this activity “reading and marking”. If they find a new word or new variation of a word they mark it along with what context it is written in. Then the word gets put into a computer as a citation. From there it is reviewed by someone called the “definer”. Once the word is used in a substantial number of citations, that come from a wide range of sources, over the course of several years, then the definer determines it’s meaning and whether or not it should be added to the dictionary. It’s serious business, but there area also a few exceptions. If a word makes a enough of an impact to look like it is going to be an important word that is likely to last it just might get to skip the lengthy process and jump right into the dictionary. This was the case with the word AIDS in the 1980’s. So we know that new words are making their way into our modern vocabulary, but what about the old words, do they ever die off? Absolutely. Take Snollygoster for example. Snollygoster was removed from the dictionary almost a decade ago and it means “a shrewd, unprincipled person, especially a politician”or at least that is what it USED to mean, if you know what I mean.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 24, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Learning a Language

Me: Z, it’s time to get your shoes on.

Z: I will, I will, I promise!

Me: Do you even know what that word means? (I asked him because at that time he was “promising” everything!)

Z: Yes. A promise means that I will give you your satchel back.
He had been watching Tangled and there is a scene where Rapunzel says she always keeps her promises and she promises to return Flynn’s satchel.

Obviously Z didn’t get the definition quite right, but he was starting to implement a new word and piecing together how it is used.
I love watching this process happen right before my eyes. Last week I had another little conversation and I posted it on Facebook. I got such a great response from it that I thought I should share it on here too.
Z and J were sitting on the bed and I walked in the room and started putting laundry away.

Z: “Mommy you are interesting.”

Me: “Yeah, I am pretty complicated.”

Z: “Daddy, this could be difficult for us.”
That kid just cracks me up! I remember when he was barely one he said the word “appeased.”He was just parroting me, but still, it caught my attention. Same thing when he verbalized his feelings at age two by telling me he was “disappointed”. Although, he is almost 4 now and he sounds like he is two when he has a temper tantrum, but for the most part he takes after his mama in his love for words.
On the other hand SJ is still not interested in using words. We try and coax her to talk, but we’ll just have to wait until she is ready. She points a lot and she can say mama and bubba (for brother), but she doesn’t even do that all the time and she is a year and a half. That’s okay though. I am totally comfortable with them learning at their own pace.
I think language, expression, and communication are fascinating and beautiful. My children may develop in these areas in different ways, but either way as a parent it is a joy and a privilege for me to get to watch it happen.
What about your kids? Did it feel like they were never going to start talking or that they were never going to STOP talking, and did they learn at the same age?
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 23, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

3rd Annual Blogiversary Poem Part 4

At the end of March spring was in bloom and I was all about fun in the sun

First I wrote about baby clothes then showed a pic of baby with none

In April we experienced a little torndado and worked on entering the gardening scene

And then I talked about some new additions and ways that we are going green

I loved visiting to Austin Texas with J and two of our closest friends

Then the next week I talked about art and I just didn’t want the fun to end

Week 41 we got a new roof and learned some lessons in patience and stealing

Then a lesson in grief when a baby chick died which for a while left me reeling

Then I talked about packing and showed some pics of what I wore when I was gone

Z had been learning lots of new things and that’s what I talked about all week long

After that I did a little series about my perspective as a pastor’s wife

Then I shared about loosing my brother and the impact that he had on my life

I turned 29 , had some birthday fun and gave a glimpse of our urban farming

In July we were gone for several weeks and traveled a distance that could seem alarming

When I finally got home it was really hot, but I still felt like it was good to be back

Now it’s time to for another year of blogging because blog writing is where it’s at!

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 21, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

3rd Annual Blogiversary Poem Part 3

Check here for part 1, and here for part 2.

I shared some pictures of Z in his glasses because he was so stinkin’ cute

Then the poor little guy broke his collar bone and he got pneumonia too

Thanks to being snowed in I had a little time to read and clean my room

the next week Z started feeling better after two weeks of feeling gloom.

In February I wrote about our safari and baby SJ’s latest addiction

The month was actually full of cool stuff that really helped jump start my system

I blogged about parenting and then showed photos of my girl who just turned one

Then I had to share at least 2 posts about all the cool birthday party fun

On week 32 I wrote about sleep, libraries, imagination and more

And I had a series on once a month cooking where I shared freezer tips galore
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 19, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

3rd Annual Blogiversary Poem Part 2

Read part 1 here.

I gave some updates about baby girl and what she was up to on week twelve Then shared lots of pictures of the kids when they dressed up as Woody and Belle

November 6th was the big day! We celebrated marriage in a beautiful setting

Then on week 16 I finally moved on to talking about something besides our wedding On thanksgiving week I was feeling thankful, but then again I guess everyone was And after that I was feeling cheerful because we started getting ready for Christmas Week 19 I shared some of life’s moments. The ones I want to remember well

Followed by a visit to Bethlehem and a few Christmas songs like the First Noel The week of Christmas I lost my mind when we headed out for holiday trip But it didn’t take long to cheer up as we celebrated our biggest Christmas yet I did a recap of Christmas week followed by some new year’s goals It’s funny how much it snowed this season and yet somehow it never got old

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 16, 2011|Uncategorized|1 Comment

3rd Annual Blogiversary Poem Part 1

Here is the next rhyming recap of what I wrote about in my 3rd year of blogging. It’s divided up week by week and begins with the first of the 5 part series.

On August eight one year ago my blog was up and looking fine Then suddenly my domain was gone and there was no blog on August nine But by the 16th I was back in business and wrote my blogiversary poem And after that I talked about babies and all the different places they go

I talked about texts, twitter, and skype on week 5 of blogging last year

Then my little boy turned three and told us his sister wanted a beer

I shared about a special notebook showing how dreams can become real

Week 8 the topic was all about SJ including a look at baby’s first meal

I wrote all about the silly gossip I had read about a few celebrities Then I talked about being pro life and issues that are important to me That’s when I took a little blogging break I guess I was busy with other things Like getting ready for our vow renewal and shopping for new wedding rings

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 15, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

The Photos I’ve Been Taking

This is my first FULL week back since being away for almost all of July and it’s been a packed schedule.
On Saturday I was hired to do my first photo booth. If you’ve never seen this latest photo booth trend you probably will soon. It’s popular at proms, weddings, and parties and how it is done can vary. Sometimes it’s a rentable photo booth that instantly prints out 4 consecutive photos just like you might have seen at the mall. Or sometimes it’s a little studio area with props and costumes. That’s what it was like at this 18th birthday party that I photographed. Here I am with my lovely assistant and BFF.

Then throughout the week there were lots of other fun photo shoots, but I can’t share them yet until the magazine is published in October. Can you imagine trying to do seasonal shoots for October in 105 degree weather!? That’s how it works though. I am always shooting 2 months in advance so that they have time to do layout, print, and have the issues arrive at your house by the first of the month.
Yesterday the only pictures I took were of Z’s firetruck bed. It’s funny how last summer I did a post about how much he has grown up and I posted this photo of his new toddler bed

and less than a year later he upgraded to our adult guest bed and now that is where he sleeps every night (until he joins us in our bed). We got the fire truck bed from Craig’s List for $50 and today I sold it on Craig’s List for $60. I was a little bummed though because I posted it with bedding for $75 and the buyer offered $60 then later I had someone else inquire and I guess I could have sold it for full price. Oh well, live and learn. I am still happy to have made a anything off of it.
Speaking of my little boy growing up, his 4th birthday is 3 weeks away and I’ve got a Veggie Tales party to plan. My friend came over to do crafts last night, but we ended up just hanging out and eating homemade bread. Next time though we are going to get serious and I am going to make a Bob tomato pinata. Today I started working on the invitations which I am super excited about.
More to come!
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00August 13, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments
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