From 3 to 4

I am excited about my little boy turning 4. I really am. I have heard nothing but great things about this age. If I were honest I would say that 3 was kind of a rough age for my little guy.

He understood a lot more than he did at 2 and there were less tantrums, but it was still a time of testing. There was the broken glasses incident which accelerated the upgrade from his baby glasses to his first pair of kids prescription lenses. We also had a couple trips to the ER to discover his first broken bone, and first set of stitches. We experienced a little run in with shoplifting. Whether he knew what he was doing at the time is debatable, but he certainly knows now.
We had a lot of positive milestones too though. It was at three years old that he learned all of his letters and the sounds. He is starting to sound words out and should be able to read very simple words soon! He also knows his street, city and state and what the American flag looks like. He is obsessed with geography. His favorite puzzle is what he calls the TEXAS puzzle, which is hilarious because it’s actually the U.S. and Canada and he knows this. Typical Texan I guess.

One time he was drawing directions on his magnadoodle and placing markers on locations saying “this is H.E.B., and here is our Lighthouse (church), and all of this is on Texas.” I was impressed and I asked him if he was creating a map. When he said yes I said “is that fun to you?” Of course I am just a little befuddled by his fascination, as an adult I admit to having the WORST sense of direction and have never really figured out how to read maps.
The other day I was updating the baby books and I finally got to fill in his favorite color, and the time he first dressed himself (orange and February 25). His entire baby book is almost finished and I could cry just thinking about. He is not a baby or a toddler anymore. He is a bright, adventurous, energetic little kid though, and I can’t wait to see what to see what the next year will bring.
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 16, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

N&N Fruit Pizza

After multiple request, YUMAZING feedback, and even a pinterest I am sharing the secret to this popular party dish.

First of all it’s a really simple recipe.

8 oz. cream cheese
4 oz. Cool Whip (1 3/4 c.)
1/4 c. powdered sugar
16.5 oz. package of refrigerator sugar cookie dough
1 lg. pizza pan
Fruit of choice: kiwi, blueberries, strawberries, bananas
*For the optional simple syrup coating recipe see below
rolling the cookie dough into one giant cookie that fills the pizza pan. Bake according to directions (mine was 16-20 min. at 350 degrees). Let cool completely, about 30 minutes. For the topping you will combine sugar, cream cheese and Cool Whip. Spread over cookie crust. Arrange fruit on top. Nancy’s Cooking Tip: Simple SyrupYou can help keep cut up fruits from turning brown by coating them with an acidic juice such as lemon or orange. Also, a simple syrup mixture, which is made by boiling equal parts of sugar and water, is commonly used for soaking cakes or pastries to make them moist. This same combination can be used to soften or sweeten fresh or dried fruits, and can be flavored with lemon or orange juice.We coated our fruit pizza with a juice flavored simple syrup to help keep the fruit fresh. Here is an example recipe:


  • 1 quart filtered or distilled water
  • ½ lb granulated sugar
  • 2 oz freshly squeezed orange juice (about 3 medium oranges)
  • 2 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 3 medium lemons)


  1. Boil the water and sugar, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and cool the syrup.
  2. Add the lemon and orange juices, then chill the syrup.

Natalie’s Decorating Tip: My favorite part is decorating the pizza. You can get as creative as you want with your design. Cut up the fruit into bite size pieces. Use a variety of shapes to create interest such as, half circles, triangles, and dots. The fruit itself will really do all the work for you in this case because they are already so colorful and unique. Make sure that anything canned or juicy is drained well so that it don’t bleed onto your frosting.

This 2011 pizza was for a class of ’11 graduation party and the #4 (shown at top) was for my son’s 4th birthday.

The fruit pizza is sure to be a hit at almost any occasion, but let me add one final tip. Make sure you try a piece shortly after serving because this pizza goes FAST!
Today’s post is linked up to Things I Love Thursday.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 15, 2011|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Bob Tomato Pinata

For my son Z’s 4th birthday I had this idea to make a Bob the Tomato pinata.

I remember doing a craft similar to this when I was a kid so I figured it should be a cinch. Unfortunately, it went through several different stages and repairs before the final product. However, the important thing was the kids had a great time and it all worked out in the end.

Here is what did NOT work for me
1. A regular balloon
It ended up looking more like a roma tomato because baloons are more oval. Next time I would maybe opt for a small punching ball.
2. Using a paper mache adhesive to apply the decorative tissue paper
The paste ended up softening the pinata form and collapsed in some areas making the tomato look a little rotten!
3. A string tied directly through the paper mache
The weight of the pinata was too much for the string to handle, but a little masking tape and extra glue to reinforce the rope did the trick.
Here is what did work for me!
1. An instructional video for pinatas that I found online
I looked up a few different tutorials. I used one layer of newspaper strips which may have overlapped in some areas. I have read to use up to 4 layers, but one was sturdy enough for this group of little kids. You don’t want a pinata that is impossible to bust.
2. Streamers and heavy weight paper/construction paper for decorating the pinata
You could use paint or colored paper, but to me the tissue paper looks like a traditional pinata. It is also more forgiving if you end up with a less than perfect form like I did because you can layer it in certain places.
3. Candy and fruit snacks
It takes a lot to fill a pinata, but the fruit snacks worked great because they are light weight, but take up a lot of space, and kids love them.
4. Party Favor bags
I used veggie tales silly bands as the party favor and put one inside each party bag along with a twist tie. Then I stuck a white label on each one so that guests could write their names and use their bags to gather the pinata candy.

This way each child knows which bag is theirs, every one gets something, and everyone has a place to put the candy they collect.

This post is linked up with Works For Me Wednesday over at We Are That Family. Oh, and here is a little video I made of the pinata and cakes. Our yard is usually not a bunch of dirt, but I live in Texas where we have had the opportunity to experience a drought over the past few months. Hopefully it will rain again someday!

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 14, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

A Very Veggie Birthday

We celebrated Z’s 4th birthday party with Bob, Larry, and the whole Veggie Tales gang. It was vegtastic, vegerific, veg…um, well you get the idea. Here are the top ten ways I had a BIG theme party with a little budget.
1. The invitations
I found some packages of unopened party invitations at the thrift store for a buck!

I just glued the photoshopped image that I made of Z with the veggie clan, and Ta-Da…

super frugal customized invite!
2. Book and Activity Zone
For this part of the festivities I just took a little piece of the indoors outside for kids to read veggie tales books, or do veggie puzzles. We had a variety of ages at this party so it worked out well.
3. Bathroom Signs

We had dozens of guests, many of which had never been over before. The party was outside, so these signs came in handy for anyone that wandered in for a little ‘potty time’.
4. Party Favors
I found veggie tales silly bands at family christian stores online for 90% off!

But would you believe they wanted to charge shipping for each one making my total over $75.00?! That’s when I called up my family to check out all the christian stores near and far to find 20 of these 50 cent veggie bands and we did it!
5. Pinata
This was way more difficult then I expected it to be, but here is the end result of my home made bob tomato pinata.

It was full of candy and veggie tales fruit snacks.

The back of the fruit snack have games so I cut them out for the activity table. The kids loved the pinata and I plan on doing a how to post on that tomorrow.
6. Cake
I was thrilled when I found that Mary, at Giving Up on Perfect, was doing a Veggie Tales party. Her Bob and Larry cake idea was amazing. She shares how she created them on her blog. The cakes really added to the decorations.
7. Party Food
Along with the cake we knew we would need to supplement with snacks and other desserts for the amount of people that would be attending. To stick with the theme my mom made veggie squares and I decorated her famous fruit pizza with the number 4.

It was all gone in no time!
8. Photo Album

I am a sucker for photographs so I had a picture of Z in a Veggie Tales frame along with a Veggie Tales photo album that I have had since I was 13!

I used it to display my favorite moments of the birthday boy from the past 4 years. I was almost in tears working on this project.
9. Birthday Outfit
I am clearance girl in case you didn’t know. So when I had to choose between an oversized $17.00 Larry shirt or clearance bin hat and t shirt for $4 each, I went with the discount items. My mom said the 4th of July garb was fitting for the weekend of 9/11. Works for me.
10. Movies
Veggie Tales have exploded over the past 18 years, but it all goes back to the movies. We had our party at night so that we could project veggie tales movies against the garage. We used a white sheet as our screen and I let the guys do all the technical work with the computer, projector, and speakers. The weather was PERFECT for this Friday night outdoor cinema.
The party was full special memories, and silly fun, but I loved the fact that the message that was there throughout the night, thanks to the theme, was that “God made you special, and He loves you very much.”
This post is linked up with Oh Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday. I also want to add a special thank you to my parents (Z’s Me’me’ & Pe’pe’). Without them this party would not have been possible. Thanks for the time, energy, and creativity that you contributed to this unforgettable occasion!
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 12, 2011|Uncategorized|14 Comments


I am officially the mother of a 4 year old. He tried to argue with me about that at first (typical). The morning of his birthday I said “YOU ARE FOUR YEARS OLD NOW!” He said “NO, I’m not. I’m THREE!” I tried to explain and encouraged him by talking about all of his friends that are also four years old and he said “why are you talking about those boys being four when I’m three?” Although as of yesterday he was announcing his new age to everyone and showing off four fingers, which at this point takes quite a bit of concentration.

The big milestone of this year is his FIRST “friends” Birthday party. Up until this point we have celebrated with family only, but this year we also invited all of his little pals from church. I admit I was a little intimidated by the idea of entertaining all of these kiddos. Four year olds don’t shy away from expressing their true uncensored opinions. Fortunately, these were all really sweet kids. For me, the best part of the party was seeing their reactions to all the activities we had planned,

and some that we hadn’t

It was a great turn out and an unforgettable evening. I’m sure it will go down in my memory bank as one of the best birthday parties ever. I have to admit though, this party did not just come together on it’s own I’ve been dreaming this night up for a long time. I even mentioned it on this blog more than once. I also left a comment at a year ago sharing my theme idea for Z’s party. And just like my anniversary and SJ’s birthday I will be posting A LOT more photos and details. I just can’t help myself.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 12, 2011|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Class Reunion

When J’s 10 year class reunion was right around the corner (8 years ago) he said he didn’t want to go. I remember having this conversation on a sidewalk in downtown Fort Worth. We were all dressed up for a date night. I told J I thought he should go, and he looked at me and said, ‘I don’t know why I would want to put myself through that. I have absolutely nothing to show for myself.’ I just looked right back at him with the slight head tilt. Really? NOTHING to show for yourself?’
I can laugh at his comment, because I know that he loves me and is proud of me, but he also knows how to put his foot in his mouth sometimes. Don’t we all? Well, know it’s my turn, and although I have been looking forward to my 10 year reunion for about 10 years, I was floored when I saw that the tickets were $53 per person and included 2 drink tickets and light appetizers. I responded to the facebook announcement by sharing that I wasn’t going to be able to make it. I wasn’t the only one that was put out by the arrangements and there were some classmates planning a separate event that would include some kegs and a bonfire out in a field.
Let’s see, I could sip on high priced cocktails at a snooty venue in Dallas, or I could hang out with a bunch of drunk people and a fire during a drought. Hmmmm? I felt like a High School student all over again with no place to fit in.
So in the midst of my wallowing I picked out a movie on Netflix called You Again.

I had no idea what it was about, but it showed up as recommended and it was comedy rated PG. I thought it would be worth a try. It turned out to be about a girl that had a really rough time in high school. After graduation she moves on with her life and becomes successful, but then finds out her archenemy, the popular girl that bullied her in school, was marrying her brother. It really hit the spot for what I was going through!
As it turns out the student council (basically all of my closest friends in high school) changed the venue and dropped the price. So I guess I will be going in about 2 weeks. I am not sure what to expect, but I know that you can expect to hear all about at when it’s all over.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 10, 2011|Uncategorized|3 Comments

The Help

Back when I was watching TV I saw a guy named Myq Kaplan on last comic standing. I remember this hilarious joke he had about movies vs books. He says “Every book’s made into a movie. You should go see the movie; you don’t have to read a book. But book people are getting smart, they’re called authors, they’ll re-release the book when a movie comes out. Put a picture of the actor on the cover: trick people who like movies into buying the books. Like, ‘Fight Club’ is a movie made out of a book; they re-released it, people are like, ‘Oh, Brad Pitt’s in this book!” He actings like he thumbing through a book and says “Hmmm…So far just words.”

J’s sisters had all read The Help and one of them tossed me a copy and said here you will love it. I read the back, shrugged and said I will give it a try. She almost snatched the book out of my hands like I wasn’t giving their beloved novel a fair chance. I assured her that I would read it and a week later I had the book back in her hands and gave her my review which was “YOU WERE RIGHT! I LOVED IT!”

The last couple days of reading I crammed in a few hundred pages because I knew my friend wanted to see the movie and I wasn’t about to watch it without finishing the book. The movie was good, really, but the book was better. I don’t know how many times I’ve head that line about various movies, but I think it’s the first time I’ve ever uttered those words, except for maybe Marley in Me, which I didn’t really read (I had the audio version). Now I understand why the book is always better. I spent over a dozen hours reading over descriptions of various scenes, the characters inner thoughts and emotions, and the background or history behind the storyline. The movie however is out of your imagination and into the hands of the directors, producers, and actors all trying to cram 500+ pages into a couple hours. “The Help” movie was 2 1/2 hours long and they still cut out a lot of stuff! They also changed some parts to be a little more of a heroic happy ending, but also more predictable if you ask me. I won’t mention specifics to avoid spoiling the story.
My friend Amy and I have a habit of conversing through blog comments. So regarding your last comment Amy, I would go ahead and read the book even though you have seen the movie because it’s worth it!
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 9, 2011|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Documentary Love

Thanks to leaving my laptop in my friends car last night I am a little late to join the Top Ten Tuesday party. Although this list is really more of a “the first ten documentaries that come to mind” than it is a TOP ten anyway. Here goes-

1. Babies

I’ve blogged about this one. I loved this film that follows 4 babies from different parts of the world and shows life from their perspective for their first year. Super cute film to watch by yourself because the culture nudity could be awkward with certain company. Moving on…

This movie probably isn’t as pertinent now as it was when I saw it 5 years ago because we are making some headway in auto industry to allow for some alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles. It’s still a very interesting film though.
Even though this was more of a lower budget documentary as mac lovers my family and I really enjoyed this film that explores how it all began and what it has become of the Macintosh brand.
I love creation science and learning about the mystery behind how we all got here. Ben Stein does an excellent job exposing how the scientific research groups over the years have ostracized anyone who embraces intelligent design. It’s a fascinating watch.
This film will leave you with your jaw on the floor when you see the absolute knock down, drag out, competitiveness of some upper crust parents from Manhattan trying to get their toddlers into the most elite daycare program. It’s so ridiculous you will think it’s a joke.
I love penguins, so when this film debuted in 2005 I was anxious to find out when the first showing was at the Magnolia theater in Dallas. Being in the right place at the right time got me into a special private screening. That is probably why this academy award winning documentary will always be one of my faves.
Let’s see, there is this one, King Corn and, Food inc. which are all good movies that make me disgusted with what I eat for a couple hours before I have another kit kat craving. Or most recently J watch a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Thanks to that netfix rental we are slurping down kale, celery, apples and whatever else we can juice, but actually I’ve been enjoying it.
It’s been almost 10 years since this film about the 1999 national spelling bee came out, but it’s such a classic. It’s real, it’s quirky, and I love it.
This story of Arthur Blessit’s quest to carry a 12 foot cross around the world is adventurous, touching, and inspiring. My mom got to meet Blessit at the airport one day and was able to share how much we have all been “bless-ed” by his courage and obedience.

When I stumbled upon this movie about the public education system in some of the more underprivileged areas of America I didn’t realize what I was getting into. It made me grateful for the opportunities I’ve had. It also made me desire to do more to create change. Oh, and it made me cry. So yeah, you need to watch it.
Those are the first 10 documentaries to pop in my head, but I am sure all week long I will probably be thinking of ones that should have been on the list. Tell me your favorites. The best ones come through recommendations!
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 7, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Television Confession

I have a confession to make. It’s something that might label me as an outsider. It sets me apart in some ways from most of my family and friends, and most of the modern world. I hope that you won’t judge me for it. The fact of the matter is, I don’t watch TV. Not only that, but I rarely even watch movies.
I used to be addicted to the television. I had certain shows that would keep me company morning, noon, evening, and late into the night. I never had cable, but it didn’t stop me from having the bedroom and living room TV on all the time. But, somewhere in between kids, and trials in my marriage and my own personal life I started to become disgusted with some of what I was seeing. My eyes were being opened to the deception that I had been desensitized to and none of the messages that were being projected through the house were resonating with the message that I am trying to project through my life with Christ. Now hear me out, this wasn’t some kind of religious media diet where I decide to quit watching certain things so that I could be holy. I liken it to my beverage diet. I used to drink sodas. Around 12 years ago I stopped and I just don’t like them now. I don’t turn up my nose when people drink Dr. Pepper. That would be hypocritical of me because I still drink milkshakes and sugary coffee drinks. I am not trying to be anything I am just doing what works for me.
That’s about it, there are no anti TV rules here, but I just lost my appetite for most of it. J and I used to be on different pages about the matter, but he has found himself feeling the same way I do and that’s where we are at for now. We do watch episodes of Monk on Netflix every once in a while and J loves football. I try to limit Z’s TV time, but there are so many great children’s movies out there and PBS kids too. We also love documentaries. For movies I try to look them up on before I watch. They have reviews for every movie and list out any content that might not be family friendly.

So there you have it. I gave birth in my bathtub, I go to a charismatic church, I don’t pay for haircuts, and now you can add I don’t watch TV. So if you thought I was normal, sorry to disappoint. I will say though that even though my standards are so strict that there is very little left in popular entertainment that I find appealing, I do watch some movies and you’ll find out what later this week. Once again, I really don’t want to come across as self righteous or legalistic. All I know is that I’ve been down both roads and for me the one less traveled has been incredible!
By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 5, 2011|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Little Accomplishments

For those that do not know about H.E.B let me just start by saying, I am sorry. It’s just a grocery store, but for some of us it is a cult like movement. I remember being 15 and hearing some of the older ladies at my church buzzing with excitement over the new H.E.B. that was coming to the area. It all sounded like a bunch of blah blah blah to me. How could people be so boring? Now I am that age, and I understand the impact that a decent grocery store can have on your life. And apparently my kids love it too. One time Z was throwing a fit in the car and I threatened to take him to Wal-mart and he said “No mommy! I want to go to H.E.B!” That’s what I call a chip off the old block.
Z and H.E.B. go way back. He’s been collecting their buddy bucks for years literally. These little reward bucks are given away at the checkout and can go toward a vending machine game that dispenses stickers.

The stickers are worth a certain number of points that can be collected in a booklet and turned in for prizes.

It’s elaborate, I know, but now you see one of the reasons why some people are in love with this place. Z eventually got hundreds of points that he turned in for a bunch of prizes that are now either lost or broken, but it’s not really about the prizes.

He accomplished something.
When our church presented the annual fundraiser for the local women’s center I though it would be something that Z could get into. The goal is to fill a baby bottle with loose change or donations as an easy way to support the work that they are doing at the women’s resource center. I explained to Z that we were raising money for babies in need and any time we got some coins we could put them in the bottle. Since then he comes to me enthusiastically with any money that he finds around the house or from his grandparents so that he can drop it in the little plastic bottle.

This week we topped off the bank with what amounted to $25.00. It may not be an earth shattering donation, but I think it’s a great start for a little boy with a big heart.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:44+00:00September 1, 2011|Uncategorized|3 Comments
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