Five Things That They Don’t Warn You About Living in the Country
Have you ever felt the need to throw your hands in the air and pack it all in? Maybe move to the countryside and start fresh? You are not the only one. Now that we have the option to work from home, more people are thinking about throwing in the towel on city life and living it up in the countryside. But what should you know before you pack your life up and run away? Here are some things you should consider before moving.

There will be mice and rats
The countryside is known for being filled with animals, and this is great. What is not great is when they come inside your house. Mice are one of the biggest concerns as they tend to vacate the fields as soon as the tractors appear to harvest crops. Let us be very clear, if you see a tractor heading off into the field to harvest, you need to shut your windows and doors. If you do find yourself with an infestation, you need to look for pest control near me to help manage any unwanted visitors. They can be tough to handle if you have never lived in the countryside before but you will get used to stopping them all getting inside.
Nature will move you
In the city, the seasons don’t seem to flow. You might not realize it but the city never changes. The countryside is very different and the seasonal changes will make you more in tune with your own body and rhymes. It can be hard to get used to the change of the year,especially as it will be in your face for the first time. But once you are used to it, you will find that you sleep between and could have improved mental health. It might take a few years for you to truly understand the effect that the clear country air is having on you.
Internet is intermittent
When you live in the city, you have access to great internet speeds. Ok, they might not be great all of the time but they can be a lot better than you would get in the countryside. The signal for the internet and phones can be troublesome. If you are planning on working from home, you will have to check the internet service for the area. Sometimes, you might get lucky and find an area that has recently been upgraded. Unfortunately, some areas have bad internet and there is not much that can be done about it. It might be necessary to have a backup plan or find a local cafe with decent wifi.
It’s oh so quiet
Moving to the countryside for peace can be a great idea in theory. However, once you get out there, it can be unnerving. The countryside is very quiet. There will be no sounds of cars in the distance. There is no noise from people moving about. There is a stillness that can be frightening for the first few weeks. The countryside is also very dark. There is very little light pollution and you might find yourself being able to see the stars from your back door. The silence of the countryside can take a while to get used to but it is worth it. Your biggest problem might be the silence being broken by the cockerel in the morning but it is better than the sound of the bins getting emptied.
Nipping out is not an option
Have you ever run out of milk and needed to pop to the shops before everyone gets up looking for their breakfast? Ask yourself, how long did it take you to pop to the shops? At the most, it was probably a 10 minute round journey. If you live in the countryside, you can expect at least a 10 minute drive to the shop and there is a good chance that it will not be open. 24 hour luxuries are no longer a thing, you will be lucky to find a late night shop. When it comes to planning your day, you will need to plan more carefully. Otherwise, you might find yourself having to go without milk in the mornings. It is wise to keep the cupboards before you head out in case there is other stuff that you need. Although you can still go to the shops, it is a lot easier if you are better organised and don’t need to nip out for milk and bread at bedtime.