It’s already that time of year you guys. Two months until Christmas and two weeks until Operation Christmas Child. We’ve got our boxes and just need to gather a few more things to be ready to send them off. If you’ve never participated in Operation Christmas Child or don’t know anything about it go to for all the details or feel free to send questions my way. Every year there are some details that change to make this massive operation run smoothly. Here are some of the changes for 2017.
1. National Collection Week is November 13-20
2. You can find a list of drop off locations at It’s so easy to find a place even though the list may vary from year to year. They are everywhere! 
2. No toothpaste or candy this year! I already had kids toothpaste so I guess I’ll be keeping those.
3. This year you can get official OCC boxes at Hobby Lobby for $2.99. That’s what we did this year. They are so festive and then the kids have a little “toy box” to keep!
4. The labels are available at Hobby Lobby, or certain churches/drop off locations or even sometimes at Chick Fil A! You can also just print out this label cut out which gender and mark what age your box is for then tape it on top of your box. 

5. One thing that hasn’t changed about Operation Christmas Child this year is the emphasis on prayer. I like to show the kids videos that are available online of what happens with the boxes and how we want more than anything to spread the love of Jesus and pray together for the children receiving these gifts.

I’ll never forget three years ago when we brought our little box into church and SJ (who couldn’t talk much at the time) started signing airplane because the logo is a shoebox airplane. The sign for airplane or fly when held upward is I LOVE YOU! I have the full story here.
Those are my 5 little tidbits to make this year’s Operation Christmas Child a success. For all other information please visit