Today I am thankful for lists. I absolutely love lists! I used to keep lists on paper but switched to digital archiving of my information about 7 years ago. Actually, the switch happened after SJ was diagnosed and I had to get more organized to stay on top of all of her appointments and my prenatal checkups. I asked my blog readers for suggestions and one of you said “Cozi” is very helpful in keeping all the family stuff together. I have been using Cozi the family organizer app ever since. Today I worked off of 4 lists. Today on Cozi I was using my Thursday to do list and Elle Candy Land Party list.  I was going to post screenshots of my lists but I would be too embarrassed. First of all spelling and grammar go out the window when it comes to my lists. Sometimes I have to do detective work to decipher what I even meant to say when I hurriedly did voice to text on a list. Also, my lists include some stuff that is personal and often includes people’s names so I am not going to show the list on the internet, but here is an example of someone else’s.


I also use an app called List Ease for groceries or shopping.  So today when I went out I used Ellis party list for shopping and I have just a regular grocery list.

I know that lists are not very exciting but I don’t know what I would do without being able to organize some of my thoughts and to be able to visually assess my accomplishments at the end of the day. I do this every weekday and have for the past ten years. I know women that have the cutest planners and geek out of the brands and the different colored pens they use. I think that is super cute and fun but I tend to lose paper. That’s why I keep everything on my phone in my apps. I will leave links to the apps in case it’s helpful for anyone looking to be more organized. I personally use the free version of both.




I am very busy right now getting things together for Elle’s birthday party this weekend. Having lists definitely helps me to be able to accomplish stuff like that. That’s why I am grateful for my lists. It’s boring I know, but if you are a list person you get it!