Valentine’s day is tomorrow and for Messy Mom that means it’s time for the How We Met series.


This will be the third year I get to highlight some inspiring and unforgettable love stories. We have an amazing and diverse group of participants this year whose stories are all truly testimonies of God’s hand in our lives; his perfect destiny is far above anything we can dream up on our own.

I’ll go ahead and introduce the couples that will be sharing their stories this week so that you can see what we have to look forward to.


Amber and Alex


I don’t want to ruin the fun by sharing how they met, but let’s just say it involves the book of Leviticus. Sounds romantic right? Just wait, it’s so stinking cute. Alex and Amber are such a perfect pair. They have a huge heart for adoption, foster parenting, and worship through the arts. They are truly an example of what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ. You do not want to miss their beautiful story.


Emily and Colton


I was thrilled when NYC’s barista extraordinaire agreed to write a guest post for me. This couple’s story is incredible. I am not exaggerating. You might laugh, and cry, and want to be their best friend after you catch a glimpse of what God is doing in Colton and Emily’s life.


Heather and Blake


Heather is a fellow blogger who writes about her unlikely journey as a homeschool mom. Homeschooling was never on her radar when she imagined her life as a mom, but God completely hijacked her plans. A similar thing happened when she first met her husband. You can read about this adorable couple on Thursday.


Barb and Rene


The All American church girl falls for a hispanic translator in Mexico. These two have the sweetest story and a really powerful ministry, so hurry back on Friday to read all about that.


I want to give a big thank you to everyone who is participating in the series this week. It is going to be awesome, and if you want to check out some of the previous love stories from the How Met Series you can look back to How We Met II in 2016 and the original How We Met from 2015.

Come back tomorrow as we kick things off with Amber and Alex and their super fun gang.
