I will admit, I have been so grouchy about the weather this year. I started getting excited about fall in September because after Labor Day it’s all about pumpkin spice everything and boots and cardigans right? Except it was stinking hot in September.

Then October came around and I thought for sure the fall I know and love would make an appearance, but nope. We spent our first weekend of October at the farm doing all the traditional fall festivities in our shorts and tank tops. It was still hot.

Then fall break came and I got my wish. The temperatures dropped. It wasn’t pleasant though, it was literally freezing at night and bitter cold and dreary during the day. I tried to stay positive but the idea that we would skip fall and go straight from Summer to Winter was almost depressing to me. I never even got to wear the cute fall outfits I love because I had to bundle up with a winter coat and layers of wool socks. I know these are first world problems, but the weather definitely has an effect on my mood and as the temps dropped so did my spirits.

Fall 2018 doesn’t end there though.

The very last week of October the leaves suddenly transformed and there were pops of color all over the sides of the road.

We have had  GORGEOUS 50 and 60 degree weather.

It’s brisk and cool but not enough to see your breath or have to wear a winter coat.

Ohio is so pretty in the fall and sometimes I have to hold back the tears when I see gradients of color everywhere. It’s so beautiful.

I can’t help it. It truly rejuvinates me and I smile when leaves let go of their branches and the golden and burgundy dancers gracefully float toward the ground. Autumn has always been my favorite season and jewel tones are my favorite shades. That’s one of the reasons J and I picked November for our wedding.

We love the fall and once the Halloween decorations are gone I can really revel in the goodness of harvest season.

I have friends who are Christmas enthusiasts and see November as the perfect time to break out the Santa colors and evergreen trees. Don’t worry guys, I am not going to slam you (you know who you are). I am happy that you are happy! I don’t roll that way though. I felt like I was rushed into pumpkin spice lattes and hay rides when it was still 90 degrees outside. Now that the scenery and temperatures finally match season we are in I am going to soak it all in! I love snowflakes, but I don’t want to feel rushed into the next season when my favorite one is happening now. No Christmas music or decorations for me.

I am all about the Autumn.

For me that means my anniversary! It also means bon fires and outfits that are lightweight layers. Or my love for taking walks and hikes surrounded by glorious trees.

It also means soup and squash and my youngest daughter’s birthday! Lastly, of course I think of thankfulness because of Thanksgiving.

That’s why I am doing this series and that’s why today I am thankful for FALL!