I am officially the mother of a 4 year old. He tried to argue with me about that at first (typical). The morning of his birthday I said “YOU ARE FOUR YEARS OLD NOW!” He said “NO, I’m not. I’m THREE!” I tried to explain and encouraged him by talking about all of his friends that are also four years old and he said “why are you talking about those boys being four when I’m three?” Although as of yesterday he was announcing his new age to everyone and showing off four fingers, which at this point takes quite a bit of concentration.

The big milestone of this year is his FIRST “friends” Birthday party. Up until this point we have celebrated with family only, but this year we also invited all of his little pals from church. I admit I was a little intimidated by the idea of entertaining all of these kiddos. Four year olds don’t shy away from expressing their true uncensored opinions. Fortunately, these were all really sweet kids. For me, the best part of the party was seeing their reactions to all the activities we had planned,

and some that we hadn’t

It was a great turn out and an unforgettable evening. I’m sure it will go down in my memory bank as one of the best birthday parties ever. I have to admit though, this party did not just come together on it’s own I’ve been dreaming this night up for a long time. I even mentioned it on this blog more than once. I also left a comment at Givinguponperfect.com a year ago sharing my theme idea for Z’s party. And just like my anniversary and SJ’s birthday I will be posting A LOT more photos and details. I just can’t help myself.