
It’s seems like there is a lot of buzz these days surrounding meal prep. I am not a fanatic about it, but I do a little bit of advanced cooking every week to have some protein ready for breakfasts and lunches.

The three items I always prep ahead of time are chicken, bacon, and hardboiled eggs.

1. Chicken

J loves this olive oil chicken from Kroger.


He likes the taste. I like that and the fact that I don’t need to thaw or season it.




You just throw it in the oven at 400 for 50 minutes. After it cools I put it in the fridge. I make enough to be able to chop up one breast for each week day.



2. Bacon

We buy our bacon in bulk from Costco because it is a staple in our house.


I used to fry bacon, until my friend who owned a restaurant taught me the superior method of using the oven. It’s so much more convenient because you just have to set it forget it.

To bake your bacon you set your oven to 375 degrees and lay the pieces side by sided on a non greased cookie sheet.


Then slide them into the oven for close to 15 minutes. Oven times vary so keep an eye on it after 10 minutes.


We use cooked bacon all week long in scrambled eggs, tortilla wraps, salads, you name it. Sometimes the kids will grab a piece and eat it cold like beef jerky.

3. Hard boiled eggs

I already went through my egg boiling process yesterday. I boil at least a half a dozen eggs each week.


They make great salad toppers, quick breakfast on the go, and my two youngest kids love them for snacks. When Ezie wants a hard boiled egg he asks for a “circle egg”.


That’s usually it for my weekly food prep. It’s not a ton of prep so it’s really manageable.

Check back tomorrow to find out how I use all of these ingredients for J’s favorite salad.


And to catch up on the rest of my 31 day series “Captain of the Kitchen” go to the table of contents page HERE.
