Last time I was pregnant Z seemed to understand, but he was only two so it was very limited. This time I was SO excited to get to tell him and see what his reaction would be. He loves babies and I know he is going to be a wonderful big brother because he already is. SJ on the other hand gets jealous pretty easily, but I am sure she will adjust to being a big sister. I want them to be as involved as possible in this pregnancy, because the way I look at it, we are ALL expecting. I’ve sat down with them and showed them diagrams online of what the baby looks like. I’ve showed them fruit that corresponds with what size the baby is. I encouraged Z to tell meme what he learned about the baby and he said “my mom thinks the baby is like a plum”. Eh, close. Even though I think Z was a little distracted and wound up the night we told him THE BIG NEWS I still managed to get the reaction on video.
So in case it wasn’t clear enough on the video, there is only ONE baby in my tummy, and that is all the news.