Yesterday I announced  my new series “Lots of hope in a Little Home”

 a 31 day reveal of how my young, active family of 5 lives comfortably in a small apartment. For a list of each days topic click here

To begin lets start with a little bit about my family and why we are here.

 People have different reasons they live in small spaces. For some it’s because they live in the city where property is scarce and pricey, for others it may be an enviromental or minimalist decision. Our reason is not that cool. For those of you that know me or follow my blog you know our story, for the rest of you here is a really brief summary. 

The reason I am proclaiming hope for the little home is because I need to find it myself. My husband and I will celebrate 13 years of marriage soon. We’ve never lived lavishly, but in Texas we had a cute little 3 bedroom, two bath house with a big yard for our kids to run around in. 

We sold that house over a year ago to be closer to family in Kentucky and pursue a new path that we felt the Lord leading us on. 

Weeks after we moved I found out I was pregnant.

 Go figure we would be expanding our family at a time where we were unemployed and living with my parents. However, we were still thrilled to know that God had a plan for this little baby and He would supply all of our needs. Shortly after this latest discovery we had more life altering news when we learned that our two year old daughter was profoundly deaf. 

Since then it’s been new schools, birth, surgery, move up north, surgery, move further north, more new schools… that’s about as short as I can make this story. We had to make the drastic decision to move from Kentucky to Ohio quickly so that my daughter could have access to the resources and specialists that she needs. So that is how we ended up here, in our humble 3rd story 2 bedroom apartment. We had no job, no family here (although they are only an hour away), and very little savings, but what we did have was hope, and the Lord has proven his steadfast love to us over and over. 
So over the course of the month I will show you how we went from being a family of 4 in 1,800 square feet to a family of 5 living in less than half that without having too many growing OR shrinking pains. Tomorrow I’ll share my index page (sort of like an online table of contents) which should give you even more of a sneak peak. I am so glad you are here and I have already loved being a part of this 31 day challenge. Only 29 more to go.