Well guess what blogosphere? We closed on the original projected date, and just crossed over the Kentucky border. Everything has gone relatively smooth. There have been plenty of last minute gathering full of hugs, tears, and reminiscing.

Our last night in the house was a peaceful one, and as I walked through each room for the final time the memories flooded my mind like a montage from a movie. I met J in the empty living room too choked up to speak. He looked at me and said “we did it”. We prayed together, locked the door for the final time, and waved to the neighbors that watched us as we pulled away.
Our house number was 711 and after we moved in I was led to a verse that I felt was for us in that place. It was 2 Samuel 7:11 and it says The LORD declares to you that the LORD himself will establish a house for you.
God’s hand was evident in leading us to this place and while there have certainly been plenty of ups and downs it feels good to leave knowing that, as J said, we did it. Our first home was a success story. It has been bitter sweet for sure, but after all we went through it was truly a happy ending.