Despite my best attempts (and new years goals) I have not been able to make it to Michigan this year, but my best friend was able to find a way to get to me instead. It’s been almost a year since I last saw my favorite sisters. They drove out to meet Ezie after he was born. 

This time they caught a ride with a friend of theirs who they heard was coming out this way. It was so great to see them and we had a wonderful time.
One of the first things we did was go to Jungle Jim’s which is a humongous international market in Ohio.

This little exertion was followed by some girl time back at the apartment chowing down and watching project runway.
You can find the recipe for this Nutella Crunch Icecream cake HERE.
 Mels has been watching Project Runway since it started 13 years ago and I’ve been following since she told me there was a competitor with a cochlear implant this season. 
Saturday morning I made my latest specialty which is blueberry muffin mixed turned into waffles. This is actually a picture from another time I made it, but it’s the same meal. 
After breakfast we showed them around some of our favorite places in Cincinnati
and after putting the kids to bed (thank goodness for the new early school schedule) us adults were able act like kids ourselves. We stayed up way too late watching college football (routing for Michigan of course), sharing our favorite youtube videos, playing cards, listening to old music, and acting goofy. The kind of silly you feel free to be after you’ve been friends for over 10 years. 
Sadly they had to leave today at lunchtime, but not before we had some more girl time which consisted of a mini spa session while watching a chick flick. I think SJ got the most pampering and she was adorable. 
Getting of all of her old nail polish

then having new paint put on. She’s such a princess.
All of this was while sipping coffee and nibbling on chocolate. Does that sound like a good time or what? For me all of it was just what the Doctor ordered. I’ve gone from stressed to blessed.