Today we wrap up the write 31 Day Challenge. This month of focused writing has been challenging, but amazing in so many ways.


It all started when I realized how little I write about an aspect of homemaking that is a huge portion of what I do every single day. As I dug into the topic and began to craft posts about the kitchen from my view point, I noticed just how different my kitchen experience is compared to a lot of other women blogging about the same thing. Neither my kitchen nor my cooking is very instagramy that’s for sure! I do believe however that is one of the reasons God has given this platform. It’s about “making the best of what looks like a mess”.

Most of you know that my family has gone through some incredibly difficult life circumstances over the past several years. For those that don’t know, I’ll just mention that we’ve been hit with dissability, instability (living with family and not having a home of our own), and poverty all in a short amount of time. The exciting news, which I haven’t shared on this blog yet, is that my husband recently graduated Suma Cum Laude with a degree in Software Engineering Technology! He now has a full time paid job which has allowed us to inch our way over the poverty line. It is a huge breakthrough for our family and it’s been a long time coming. Thank you for all of the prayers and encouragement. All glory to God.

I do hate talking about personal stuff like… gulp… welfare. If we were rich I certainly wouldn’t talk about money so why now? The why is because there are millions of other families living below the poverty level struggling to make ends meet. There are millions of other families renting tiny spaces with maintenance issues. There are millions of other families whose children are not having birthday parties at events centers or wearing new clothes off the rack. I am not complaining, believe me! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are a lot of things we have simplified due to personal hardships, but now that I see the beauty of the simplicity I wouldn’t have it any other way. Although let’s be real, there are some things I would change.

I know this sounds like a tangent. Wasn’t this supposed to be a closing statement to the series about kitchens? I’m getting there.

A lot of what I have written about this month; health, family, organization, cooking, grocery shopping etc. I have done from the stand point of small space, small budget, big family. No dishwasher. No microwave. No pressure cooker. No Fixer Upper worthy open floor plan with custom island. It’s just been very basic stuff. Nothing amazing, just simple tips for the everyday housewife like myself.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that this series encourages those who feel like they have to keep up with the Jone’s in the kitchen. Shoot, you don’t even have to keep up with me! Every kitchen and every captain is unique.

I love this quote from famous chef Mario Batli who says “Only bad cooks blame the equipment, I can make almost every dish in my restaurants on four crummy electric burners with a regular oven — as can just about anyone else who cares to.”

It takes a lot to keep the kitchen ship afloat and many times all of our hard work is taken for granted. But kudos to all of you moms (and dads too) who are giving it their all. I don’t care if you are in a yacht or a row boat. Own it sweetheart. You are the captain.