It’s been over a week since I have blogged. That has almost never happened. I have a really good excuse though. The reason I have been so busy lately is because I have decided to start up my photography business again. It’s Facebook official. Actually, I did start a Facebook page, but there is nothing on it yet, and there are still a ton of details that I have to figure out. For example, the fact that my camera recently broke. Not just a little broke, but it’s dead. It’s toast. Done. Finito. My brother has been helping me out by allowing me to borrow his equipment, but obviously I need to replace my camera if I plan to operate a photography business. So we’ll see what happens. Anyway here are some of the projects I have been working on. 
A masquerade themed sweet 16 party.
Daddy daughter dance (he gave the best speech ever by the way).

 And the guests of honor’s nieces rocking the photo booth.

A few days later I did the superlative photos for my church’s private school (which is where I attended until 6th grade). It was definitely a small class, but what they lack in size

 They make up for in personality. So that ended up being a super fun assignment.

Lastly, I photographed the latest fundraiser for SJ’s school. It was a hip hop fitness/ Zumbathon. I participated a little tiny bit, but I mostly stuck to snapping pictures in awe of the mad skills these ladies (and a few men) had.

Other than a brief intermission they danced for two hours and it was an amazing turnout. It definitely made me interested in taking up Zumba. 

Even my brother was involved in that he made this thank you video from a couple of the kids at the school.

It’s been two years since I have considered myself actively practicing photography and I don’t think that I need to explain why. It feels like the Lord is bringing me back to it though, which is both exciting and scary. Still, I know if He is with me I have nothing to be afraid of. This new (old) venture will all fall into place if that is what is supposed to happen. So far it’s been effortless and it’s reminded me what I loved about the art of capturing people’s precious memories and weaving them together to cherish forever (and that would be my shameless blog for “Memory Weaver Photography”). Full Facebook page coming soon.