The day we found out that we were having a boy I went on a little shopping spree to buy some boy things and I found a little sleeper that matched one that Z got for Christmas last year. He calls them his Rock Band pajamies. I got out my camera the other day so I could get a few pics of them matching, because both of them are on the verge of no longer fitting into the snugly guitar PJ’s. 
In the meantime while the flash is firing SJ gets her messy face in there wearing nothing but undies. 
She was really hamming it up. 
It was the first picture I have of the 3 of them together and other than the nudity it was picture perfect. So I threw some footie pajamas on SJ hoping to capture this charming moment with my three little cuddle bugs, but…
 I should have known the moment would not last that long. Oh well.
 I did manage to get this cuddle bug action Thanksgiving morning. Co-sleeping at it’s finest. We usually start out with the bed to ourselves. The pile up happens gradually over the coarse of the night when we are the most vulnerable. 
 It’s like one big pajama party. That’s how we roll.