These Are the 50 States

A couple years ago I mentioned Z was obsessed with maps and geography. Well, the fascination has only grown since then. This year he has tackled memorizing and being able to recognize all 50 states.The memory cues that he uses to get them “stuck in his head”, as he calls it, are pure genius. Of course this is coming from his mom who is bias, and thinks knows each of her children are brilliant. I make no apologies. 

There are a few states he knows just from traveling, but most of them he has had to learn about for the first time and here are some of the ways he has memorized them. 
Alabama, Arkansas I do love my ma and pa” is from a song he knows.
Then there is the state that sneezes “Mass A CHOO settes“. 
My personal favorite line “CAN WE FIX IT? Yes We Kansas!”. 
Indiana Jones” (the Lego wii game, he doesn’t even know about the movie).
Or there is one that is a line from Toy Story when Ham says to Mr. Potato Head “way to go Idaho” 
and the list goes on. 
Then there are the shapes.
To me Louisiana is a boot, Michigan is a mitten, New Jersey Peanut. I think those are givens, but there are some states that I don’t even know how he comes up with the images for like 

 Arkansas– tea cup

Minnesota– a pillow with a bite taken out of it

 North Carolina– diamond

Nevada– kite

and of course many states that look like guns, knives, and dogs. He is a boy.

This video was shot while showing Z a picture of a map and pointing to each one. He can identify any state, in any order, on any US map. I hope you enjoy his enthusiasm in this video as he channels in his super powers to oblige his mother in the making of this movie.

Next up, continents.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:36+00:00April 5, 2013|Uncategorized|7 Comments

Worship Through the Arts

We had a nice, but low key Easter this year. The kids did an egg hunt at the church the weekend before and they each got a chocolate bunny from my parents which were part of a part of a fundraiser for SJ’s school, and that was it as far as festivities go. I wore the same dress I wore last year only I wasn’t 3 months pregnant this time.

You can’t really tell in this photo other than my hands and Z’s foot holding her back, but SJ was acting like a wild child. I told my brother (the one taking the picture) that trying to get a family photo immediately after service is like shaking up a soda and then attempting to drink it right away. I don’t know why they are so crazy after church, but between the dozens that he took we somehow managed to got a decent shot. Next time I think I will just hire a 3 year old female stunt double.

The previous week we had celebrated Palm Sunday in a way I will never forget. Our pastor lined up a beautiful service of worship through the arts, and not to brag, but I have such an artistic family that many of them were involved.

My brother Jeremy did an extraordinary painting live throughout the morning. It breaks down the crucifixion story into 14 different segments (the traditional stations of the cross)

 and my brother painted each of them in an hour and a half.

 At the end our pastor had him explain the piece and Jeremy laid it all out according to what time of day everything happened and he made it all very personal. He was crying. I was crying. There were a few hundred people crying and worshiping together in church that morning remembering what Christ did for us. It was inspiring. On top of that Jeremy’s wife (my sister in law) did a beautiful dance with some of her friends. I had never seen her dance before so that was really neat experience too.

I’m blessed be a part of such a talented family and even more so to serve a awesome, majestic, powerful, creative, loving, and LIVING God!

By |2015-05-14T23:15:36+00:00April 3, 2013|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Gentle Giant

Hello April and hello to having a 6 month old! He’s already half way through his first year. Ezie is all over the place developmentally. On one hand he’s ahead of his peers by having the physical attributes of some one year olds.

Everyone says E looks like his dad.

He’s 18 1/2 pounds and just over 26 inches.

First Easter

He wears some 6-9 months clothes and I find myself putting him in 12 month clothes more and more often. He also has 8 teeth now! Yes, eight teeth at 5 months old. I never even knew that could happen. He had the bottom 2 at 3 months and then nothing for a long time until we noticed all of the top front 4 looked like they were about to come in. I was so busy looking at the top I hadn’t even notice that there were two more that had already shot up on the bottom. In about 10 days he cut 6 teeth.

Ties are for chewing!

 He’s such a trooper about it too. The way these teeth are taking over he’ll probably be opening aluminum cans with them when he’s two. I am kidding, but he is a bruiser for sure!

UT shirts from their Uncle.

It’s quite deceptive actually. Here I have this hearty boy that looks like he can hold his own, when really he can’t even hold his own pacifier with too much coordination.

SJ giving the baby a bath.

He doesn’t scoot, sit up, or roll over. He’s a very observant, interactive, and content little guy though.

I haven’t gotten a picture where you can see his teeth, but they are all broken through.

 As far as being concerned about developmental delays he doesn’t show any warning signs like being floppy or stiff. In fact Z was the same way. He never really rolled over. He mostly just laid there until he started crawling. I think it’s harder for the big fat babies to get around. I know how technical and savvy I must sound right now, but I am a mother of three so that must give me some credit.

I think I wear him more than I did my other two.

That’s 6 month old baby E in a nutshell,  a carefree gentle giant.

The sun did come out at the end of Spring Break.

I still haven’t given him any solids nor has he slept through the night other than one time for 7 hours. I guess with that mouthful of teeth he’s ready chomp into some food pretty soon here and hopeful the sleep will follow. HOPEFULLY.

This is just a joke. My mom laughed when she saw this pic on my phone. That’s E’s first time swinging!
By |2015-05-14T23:15:36+00:00April 1, 2013|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Something With Spinach In It

We went the children’s museum yesterday with some friends.  It was a play date sort of thing. While stoping to nurse E and get the other kids a snack my friend broke out all kinds of organic goodness for  packed up in these adorable little cloth sandwich bags. Fortunately she brought enough to share with all the kids, which was good because all I brought was some easter candy from the church egg hunt in case I needed to bribe them out of the building (it happens from time to time). I call it hush money.

I want my kids to be healthy. Shoot, I want to be healthy, but despite my attempts at new years resolutions healthy habits are often out ranked by convenient ones.

Last night I tried to make up for it by pulling together a recipe from my pinterest board.

 The previous pinner had labeled it “Kid-approved spinach recipes” so I thought it would be worth a try.

My brother, who I live with, is working on implementing videography into his recording studio. You have to be prepared to be filmed at all times when you are around him, and today this little clip showed up on Facebook.

It’s a just glimpse of what I was cooking in the kitchen, but I thought I would share it because the recipe actually turned out pretty good. My kids were eagerly eating something with spinach in it and we had leftovers for lunch today. I was worried that frozen spinach might somehow be void of nutrients, but it’s quite the contrary. Frozen spinach is really nutritious, probably even more than the spinach you find in the produce section. So if you are interested in the recipe from All You here it is.

Spinach-and-Ricotta Stuffed Shells


  • 24 jumbo pasta shells
  • 1 15-oz. container ricotta
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella 
  • 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan
  • 1 10-oz. package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten 
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • Pinch of ground nutmeg
  • 1 26-oz. jar spaghetti sauce 
  1. 1. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Mist a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with cooking spray. Cook pasta shells according to package label directions; drain and set aside to cool. While pasta cooks, in a large bowl, stir together ricotta, 1 cup mozzarella, Parmesan, spinach, egg, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and nutmeg.
  2. 2. Spread 3/4 cup spaghetti sauce over bottom of baking dish. Stuff shells with cheese-and-spinach mixture and place in dish. Spoon remaining sauce over shells and sprinkle with remaining 1 cup mozzarella.
  3. 3. Cover baking dish with foil and bake for 35 minutes. Remove foil and bake about 10 minutes longer, until bubbly and cheese begins to brown.

Oh yeah, and today I order one of those reusable sandwich bags. Their called Lunchkins. Isn’t it cute?
Maybe I will be inspired to fill it with healthy snacks for the kids and I. Or maybe I’ll fill it with hush money. Either way I look forward to filling it.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:37+00:00March 29, 2013|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Spring Break 2013

The snow this year just doesn’t quit. I am not complaining though (other than getting sick of wearing boots everyday).

So even though our first spring break hasn’t been the typical tulips, beach balls, and sunshine that you think of with spring, we’ve still had a good time so far.

Meme came to town and we built snowmen and had snowball fights.

Then we met up with “the cousins” at Chuck E. Cheese. We are on Chuck’s email list because they give freebies every now and then, like 20 free tokens for your half birthday. The half birthday thing cracks me up though, because my kids are exactly 2 and a half years apart, so to really do up the 1/2 thing would be stealing thunder from the real birthday! Regardless of that little tidbit, we used up all 40 tokens along with cashing in the winning tickets for some measly prizes. What more could a kid ask for?

In other birthday freebie news, SJ’s birthday package from Totter’s Otterville came with an extra ticket for the birthday child, so we used that yesterday and they played hard!

SJ spent a lot of time dancing in the ballet studio, but she also set up this whole gourmet meal for her baby.

And Z made a new friend.

Here they are in the Otterville grocery store dressed up as mailmen adorned with batman face paint. The other little boy looked like a batman mask and Z had the bat signal on one cheek and Superman logo on the other. When the boy saw Z he shouted “MINE is even MORE COOLER than yours!” I cringed and held my breath to see how Z would respond to this typical boy competitiveness. He just smiled and said “Mine is Batman Superman” and he was so kind about it. I exhaled and they ran off to the ball pit.

I am still hoping to fit in a trip to the children’s museum, and of course Easter is on Sunday, then it will be back to the grind stone. Have you seen any signs of Spring yet?

By |2015-05-14T23:15:37+00:00March 27, 2013|Uncategorized|2 Comments

SJ Month 4

Today makes 4 months of SJ hearing. Last month I was blogging about how distraught I was because it seemed like we were at a stand still. Her advisor met with me to address some concerns they had and it was not easy for me to hear. SJ’s team was worried because they knew what she should be capable of and they acknowledged that she was trying very hard, but something wasn’t right. She just wasn’t where she should be at this stage in the game. It’s a tricky thing when you are teaching a person to use an electronic device. I come from a family of IT experts and sometimes you have to wonder is the issue with the computer or the person using it. In this case it was “the computer”.

Once her new audiologist got in there and tweaked her settings it changed SJ’s world! My friend Amy made a comment on a post I wrote just before she was implanted, she said

 “I’d probably follow her around with a video camera for a week or more, just to capture her hearing different things! “

Well, it didn’t quite work out that way the first time around, but now that we have the right amount of volume for her, WATCH OUT! I am a ma’am with a cam! First off I jump up and down clapping every time she detects a sound for the first time, sounds that she should have heard a thousand times before. Then I frantically I scream out “Where is the video camera? Oh no it’s dead! Where are the batteries? Ahhhh, where is my phone?!” And sometimes I am able to catch the moment before it’s over.

In this little series of “firsts” I want to mention that I did not do any listening cues. She heard everything on her own. The day her audiologist turned her up we came home and Z had just turned the volume on his video game and she turned and shrieked. The same day she reacted to a squeaky door and a doll she got for Christmas, but never realized that it talked! Then, get out the baby book because this past Monday March 17 she said her first official word. J went upstairs and SJ pointed and said UP over and over. I got her to say it again for the video. We have video of her saying up, but this time it was not mimicking. No one said up to her, it was just her using a verbal word to communicate a thought completely on her own! Do you realize what a break through that is!? Okay, I’ll calm down. Here is the video.


By |2015-05-14T23:15:37+00:00March 21, 2013|Uncategorized|5 Comments

The Anniversary

These are some pictures of our family doing an Easter craft last year.

The significance of these photos is that they were taken on April 3, 2012 which was the last day of life as I knew it.

I heard someone say that you know you are special needs mom when your life can be categorized into two segments: before your child’s diagnosis and after.

I relate to this. SJ’s diagnosis was kind of gradual in the way that we found out, but the first time anyone labeled her as a child with hearing loss was April 4, 2012. As we approach the anniversary of that date I am reluctantly adjusting to the idea of passing that one year mark.

I was out shopping recently when I noticed they had put out the seasonal St. Patrick’s Day displays. SJ’s birthday is right around St. Patty’s day which was part of what inspired the GREEN eggs and ham party theme. That’s when it hit me. I stopped dead in my tracks in the middle of the aisle and gripped my shopping cart as my mind took me on a rapid pace roller coaster ride reviewing the sequence of events that had transpired over the past year.

SJ’s birthday. Not talking. Doctor. Questions. To do list. ENT. Sound booth. Denial. Loud bell. No response.

She. Can’t. Hear.


My heart was pounding and I had to catch my breath.

You see this time last year I didn’t know my daughter was deaf and next week that will still be true, but it won’t be much longer. It feels like a death. For me, it was like the death of her hearing. I had this, let’s just go ahead and use the word, “normal” little girl who was developing so perfect and beautifully “normal” and I was on the edge of my seat waiting for her to say her first word. I figured she would just strike up a conversation or burst into song at any moment. Not once did the idea that she could be deaf cross my mind. Not once.

Shortly after her diagnosis was confirmed I remember packing up her little 18 month clothes and I felt like I was parting with “the hearing SJ” and putting all of those memories in a box. As the anniversary of her diagnosis approaches I find myself revisiting some of those feelings all over again. Every month, every holiday, every little outfit that she’s outgrown seems to trigger memories of the valleys that we walked through last year. I still feel like I am walking around in shoes that don’t fit sometimes, but I guess all mothers feel that way and we just need to grow into them. God knows the hairs on my head, he certainly knows my shoes size, before diagnosis

and after.

By |2018-02-26T13:24:10+00:00March 18, 2013|Uncategorized|3 Comments

My Peek at the Homeschool Life

I have always said that I would never EVER homeschool. Many of my closest friends do. They do it well and I respect them all the more for it. So, it’s not that I am against it, it’s just that I never felt like I was cut out for it. I have done a lot of homeschooling research lately since we had to pull the 5 year old out of Pre-K. It’s a slippery slope I tell ya. The more I get into it, the more I am intrigued and start to picture myself getting lost in the creativity of new ideas and rewarded by the delight that comes when you see a child’s eyes light up with discovery. Then I snap back to reality. I am not saying that it could never happen, but I would have to hand them over to a tutor or a DVD teacher by 3rd grade. I am so bad at math. No really, I am not talking about trigonometry, I am saying that I am intimidated by fractions.

Regardless of whether or not homeschool is even part of the equation (Equation. Yuck.) I will still always be involved in my children’s education in the most hands on way possible. I think that all parents should be. I have learned so much since embarking on this new academic territory. Some of the most enlightening advice I’ve received came from one of Z’s teachers. She was seeing signs that Z may be gifted and talented because of how quickly he picked up on things and eagerly wants to learn more. Counting to a hundred was never enough so she challenged him with counting in spanish. She told me with GT kids your goal is to broaden and expand the level they are on rather than just have them scurry off to the next one. The key is learning not just vertically, but horizontally. That’s when I reached up and pulled the chain that turned on the light bulb over my head.

I have been able to apply this method when teaching both of my kids together when they are not only different ages, but completely different learning styles (SJ’s pertaining to her special needs). I’ve been doing this all along, but it’s clicking and making more sense now. Let’s say you are working in the garden together. The baby may be experimenting with soil and learning that it does not taste good while the preschool age child is learning that seeds grow into plants and healthy foods. The parents and elementary age child may be working together to understand the science behind germination and life cycles.

Lately I’ve been trying to increase the amount of reading time I have with my kids. Z is learning to read along and SJ is learning to listen. One of the books we read on a daily basis is First Words.

I know it’s a book for babies, which I only have one of, but even though SJ is 3 her hearing age is 3 months. We have to be able to go back to the BASICS for her to be able to listen and speak. When we go through this book SJ is able to practice saying AHHHH for airplane and her imitation of watermelon is totally unintelligible but she gets that it has 4 syllables and makes 4 grunts. At the same time Z is able to read some of the words in the book and enjoys helping me work with his little sister. In the meantime Ezie is like whatever. He likes to watch them though and I just keep on learning more and more from all three of them. It’s like a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. Okay, I had to look that up, but I couldn’t resist adding a little science. There it is.

By |2015-05-25T23:15:04+00:00March 16, 2013|Lifestyle, Schooling, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Ready for Random?

I have a whole grab bag of thoughts (and a couple questions) for you on this Miscellany Monday.

I have a new obsession called the Library. My sister in law (the one I live with) took me a few weeks ago and all they required for membership was local mail with my name on it. So I got a card and I go often. Lately I have been talking up my Library membership like it is the new iPhone. I am that cool.

 I know Valentine’s Day was a month ago, but SJ had surgery that day so we basically didn’t acknowledge it at all. We did however go to a young married party at our church that weekend and we played the newly wed game. It was so much fun. I loved seeing how alike and different J and I answered each question.

One question was
“If there were a fire what 3 things would your husband try and save?”
My answer was family, computer, and photos. And while most husbands answered that they would save their wife and/or children, the answers ranged from pets, to guns, to TV. I knew J wouldn’t save our TV because we have a 13 year old box TV that switches from color to black and white, the latter being more and more frequent. In fact I think if we saw a fire fighter coming out of a burning house with our TV we would throw our hands out and scream “Noooo! Put it back!!!” Anyway, back the game, when it was J’s turn to answer he said “family, computer, and photos” SCORE!

Another question was which would your husband least want to do, go shopping with you, or clean the toilet? I misunderstood and thought it said which would your husband rather do, so I said go shopping. All the guys were answering, go shopping, go shopping, go shopping. Then J meekly squeaked out scrub the toilet. I was shocked and blurted out “WHAT YOU WOULD RATHER SCRUB THE TOILET THAN GO SHOPPING WITH ME!?” That’s when everyone explained what the question actually was. Which made sense, because shopping is one of our favorite things to do together, but then it hit me… “Sooo… all of you guys would RATHER scrub the toilet?” There was a resounding yes. I never knew J was such a rare find.

Another thing I’ve been thinking about and wondering if I am a minority in is the use of area codes. I am old enough to remember not having to use an area code, but these days its 10 digits and that’s that. The problem is not everyone sees it that way. I have to exchange phone number a lot because of SJ’s appointments and I start with (972) and then give the rest and it throws people because they automatically put in the local area code. Or if they give me their office number they leave out the area code and inside I am thinking “REALLY? You expect me to know the area code. Not only am I new in town, but even if I weren’t there are several different area codes in one metroplex. Add the mass use of cell phones and you are dealing with even more!” So what do you think, area code, or no area code? That is the question.

Lastly I leave you with the quote that’s been in my mind the most lately.

I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way. We might as well laugh about it. 

By |2015-05-14T23:15:37+00:00March 11, 2013|Uncategorized|3 Comments

Totter’s Otterville

Who wants to play in a room full of baby dolls? How about a puppet show? Face paint? We could go see live animals. Let me guess, you want to play in the ball pit. Totter’s Otterville offers all this and more. It is a place where a kids imagination can run wild. It’s everything they love all in one place. I have only been there once before, but when my mom suggested it for SJ’s third birthday I said YES absolutely, and it was a done deal.

My brother (the one with the recording studio) brought his new camera and put together this video of the celebration. I hate giving disclaimers, but on the one day that SJ was being followed by cameras she had put lotion, conditioner, or something in her hair and her usually Rapunzel-ish locks were really stringing. Pair that with her brother hitting her head with a bowling pin (a toy foam one, but still enough to leave a mark) and she looked pretty roughed up. She still (as you will see from the dress up segments) is my little princess. 

SJ’s Third Birthday Party from Brandon Weaver on Vimeo.

The Guests:

Z was the oldest kiddo of the bunch
The girl with the pigtails and polka dots is my lovely niece. She is just 4 months younger than SJ
The adorable one year old boy with the hoodie is my nephew. He is a year older than E.
There are 3 blonde headed brothers that SJ spends all her church nursery time with.
Then there were two other brothers and their baby sister.

11 little ones age 0-5. What a happy birthday it was! I can’t wait for the next party.

By |2015-05-14T23:15:37+00:00March 10, 2013|Uncategorized|5 Comments
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