I haven’t posted anything in over 10 days!!! So today I am at least going to give a quick update via a phone photo dump. I have to use restraint here because as I was going through photos I started thinking,
Well that could be its own blog post
Save that one for later, it’s not finished yet.
You need to go find another photo to go with this.
NO. NO. NO, I have to tell myself. No rabbit trails allowed.
With that said here is a micro-update about what has been happening around here.
We have spent so much time outside (and Home Depot).
Our first project was the treehouse.
The older kids are really starting to contribute when it comes to building projects.
The treehouse is more like a fort, but it’s pretty cool. It even has a zip line. We still have a few finishing touches to add and then I will post in detail about this new attraction.
We also planted trees.
We love trees and we were hoping to add a little more privacy to our yard. As with anything I mention today this landscaping is still work in progress.
We also started a compost area. After years of “composting without a bin” which has been a very popular topic on my blog, we are taking things a little bit of a different direction. We do so much composting and gardening now that it seemed time to organized our scraps a little better.
Then ast weekend we built a fire pit!
I love it.
Just when you think Okay Busches what more could you possibly intend to do in your back yard. Well, we are currently working on my dream house…
Henhouse that is!
It’s a little further along than what you see in this pic. We have shingles and a nesting box now. The finished product will look like a variation of this –
For now the chicks run around in this little portable, collapsable chicken run that J and Z made.
They still sleep in the brooder which they have completely outgrown.
All that and we still have our potted garden. Not much produce to report but plenty of herbs and berries.
We make smoothies every day.
Oh, and one final addition- our new/old tractor. J got a John Deere from my dad and brother. We have always loved John Deere because that’s what J’s dad (who is a true farmer) used. It’s J’s first riding lawn mower and along with making cutting grass a ton easier, it has been great for hauling stuff for these projects.
In this photo the kids and I are on our way to pick up more materials from the trailer in the driveway!
This photo was when the tractor (which I feel like needs a name) was having a little trouble getting over a hill. I’m driving, Z’s weighing things down to keep it even, and J is pushing.
It looks like we’ve been doing a lot of work and it’s true! We’ve found some time to chill too though.
Let’s hope for a whole lot more chilling once these projects are finally done!
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