If you follow this blog at all you know that when I write I call my husband J and my son Z and since we have had this latest addition in our lives I have just been calling her by her name (Sedona) because S didn’t sound right. I thought about doing two letters, but all I could think of was “baby Sedona” or “baby sister”, but “BS” was certainly not an option for my daughters nick name. This was almost as hard as choosing her real name (not really). Now that she is about to be 6 weeks old I think I’ve got it!

I watched The Blind Side for the first time last night. I know I am behind, but movie watching isn’t exactly on the top of my list of priorities right now. Anyway, I absolutely loved it and in the film (and in real life) there is a boy named is SJ which stands for Sean Jr. and I liked the way it sounded and since it is her initials from here on out Sedona Jean will go by SJ. I am not worried about anyone seeing our names, especially since I am no longer “writing for the masses” or participating in memes and blog carnivals. I have decided to keep the nicknames though because it’s easy, and I’ve been doing it for nearly two years now.

You’ll be hearing about SJ a lot these days because with Z he had his own website that I kept up with until he was two and so I am kind of substituting that with blogging. Here is a copy of the birth announcement we sent out of our little miss SJ…