It’s day 12 of the 31 days of Teachable Parenting challenge and I’ve given a lot of Bible verses and shared a lot about matters of the heart. That is the core of Teachable Parenting. It isn’t a formula that you memorize. It’s a lifestyle. However, I know everyone (myself included) wants examples of what that looks like and direction on how to handle specific scenarios. This week I am going to be giving a lot more tips on how to be a teachable parent, including giving choices, using enforceable statements, limiting your words, and setting a timer. Today’s tip is to use logical consequences.
My caption when I posted this youtube video over a year ago was “I told her she was being too rough… She had it coming.” For the record she was totally fine, but what she got was an impromptu lesson in logical consequences. She kept pushing to hard and eventually the baby “pushed back”.
Teachable Parenting wants children to be able to learn from their mistakes which is why this method relies heavily on logical consequences. That means having a response to behavior that either happens on it’s own, like refusing to wear a jacket and then being cold, or a disciplinary action that corresponds with the offense. For example if the child doesn’t clean up their toys they loose the toys until they can earn them back.
consequences and it relieves a lot of the stress that we feel through parenting. Believe me!
gives the crayons to mommy and daddy until they feel like you they are ready to use
them responsibly.
others. Seat belts is one that I am still working on. My dad used to slam on his breaks and let us all fall onto the floor of our old VW van. Now, whether he was just alleviating his boredom on long road trips or trying to teach us a lesson in safety I’m not sure. The point is I don’t want my children to learn the hard way on this one because I value their lives, but as far as how to enforce it, well, it feels like a daily battle that I am still working on.
playground and swung his jacket around and caught another kid in the eye. No one was seriously injured and it was probably just him being a boy. However, I have always said I would side with the teacher and collaborate with them instead of making excuses for my child. So my son had to write a letter of apology (which of course for him included an illustration of the offense) and give it to the boys who were hurt. He had to ask forgiveness to me and his teachers. Then he had to use his strength and energy for good instead of bad, to help and not harm. In this case that called for extra chores for the rest of the week. He had no time for electronics. Just chores, homework, dinner, bath, and
play time at the park with the family, but at home it was all business.
end he is the one who controls himself and makes decisions. My job is to pray for him and with him, and guide/instruct to the best of my abilities. I will say that it’s been two weeks since then and he hasn’t even had his clip moved to orange once! I have been in touch with his teacher and I am so relieved that it looks like he did in fact learn a lesson in this season.
ways to teach invaluable lessons!
I just wanted to add that I had a chance to do a logical consequence today and I felt so happy with what I came up with. I had just discovered that my 7 year old had written on his sweatshirt in marker (on the outside) and this was the third time he's written on his clothes. So I told him that he needed to help me do the laundry and he had to fold a basket of clothes and put them all away (this was extra on top of his chores and responsibilities). He was not too happy about it at all, but I told him that keeping the family dressed in clean clothes is hard work and if he didn't respect the clothes he was wearing he might need to spend some more time in the laundry room. He also had to write out an apology on paper because writing goes on paper unless you have permission.
Hi Natalie, thanks for your great post, it’s so good reading different examples of logical consequences.
I’m currently reading Loving our kids on purpose. I’m loving it.
My husband and I have 2 boys (4 and 20 month old) our 4 year old has a bit of a bad record of hurting our 20 month old from when he was baby with either biting scratching hitting. I feel a lot is rooted in jealousy.
Just wondering if you any logical consequences in this instance.
We have just been saying he can’t have desert or one of his sweet treats gets taken away. he has a time out
Thank you for you precious time
Hello. Thank you for commenting. It’s hard to believe this blog post is from 10 years ago and the seven year old I mention is now 17!It makes me teary eyed to look back at this post and to read “In the end he is the one who controls himself and makes decisions. My job is to pray for him and with him, and guide/instruct to the best of my abilities.” I can report, glory to God, I couldn’t have asked for a more respectful God-honoring teenager. To answer your question, 4 and 20 months are tough ages! This season of parenting is the best in a lot of ways but also SUPER DRAINING. I agree with the jealousy theory. As far as the hitting and biting, I’ve been there with my kiddos! I only had three when I did this series but we now have 4, the youngest is 9. Natural consequences won’t work here because of the safety issue, however the consistency of taking treats away (or whatever you find the most effective) will pay off. I know from experience! I guess that’s my best advice is to stay the course. I love “Loving our Kids on Purpose”. One of the most useful parenting books I ever read. Be encouraged mama. You are doing a great job.