Meeting a Project Runway Fashion Designer
A couple years ago my best friend called me to let me know that there was a deaf designer on Project Runway that signed and had a cochlear implant. I had never watched the show before that or since then, [...]
15 Years Ago I Wasn’t Quite In Love
This is a really exciting year for me you guys. I am a bit of a romantic, and while most of our anniversaries are low key, the 5th and the 10th were unforgettable. Seriously. My wedding day, 5 year, and [...]
Pinewood Derby
The Pinewood Derby race is one of the biggest events of the year for Cub Scouts and this was Z's first year to participate. With help form an adult, the scouts are expected to build their own car out of [...]
Messy Mom’s Tidy Daughter
My blog title is Messy Mom for a reason. I am messy by nature, so is my mom, and so is my best friend. I have referred to our entire family as The Messies before. That's what I was used [...]
Through Mother’s Eyes
This week I have been talking about books. As I already mentioned I recently read Glitter and Glue by Kelly Corrigan and Surprised By Motherhood by Lisa Jo Baker . The authors themselves and the main premise of each book [...]
My Favorite Gift (SJ’s Christmas Message)
One of my all time favorite Messy Mom blog posts is The Littlest Christmas Star which I wrote this time last year . If you haven't read it I would encourage you to check it out. It's about SJ's first [...]