It’s a BOY! We were so excited when we found out because a girl would have been equally as great, but I just had a feeling I was having a boy and was vocal about it. There were a few things about this pregnancy that reminded me of when I was carrying Z. On top of that, Z had us all convinced that he was getting a brother and was overjoyed when it was official.
Someone on Facebook mentioned that now SJ would have two brothers to take care of her, and I completely agree. I grew up with 3 brothers so I know what it’s like being sandwiched in-between the boys, but I have no doubt that she will be able to hold her own. Many of you know the story of how I lost my little brother Zeb. We were very close and I will always cherish the memories of our bond. Because of this experience I look forward to seeing how the relationships develop among my children. 
In other good news I am HALF WAY through the pregnancy. This is my official 5 month photo (thus the hand in the air).
 I can feel the baby moving around all the time now. I felt him for the first time on mother’s day which I guess was his little way of winning me over as if he hadn’t already. This last appointment confirmed that the baby and I are as healthy as can be and I feel blessed.