It wasn’t exactly intentional, but between maternity posts, photos, and updates I have been blogging about baby stuff exclusively for over a month now. I hate to admit it, but there was a big part of me throughout this pregnancy that just didn’t understand why the Lord would bless us with this gift during a time when it seemed so “inconvenient”.

We found out we were pregnant just a month before we began the unexpected journey of discovering that our daughter is deaf. If it had been MY plan I would have found out about the hearing loss first and then decided to hold off on having any more children until after we felt like we had a handle on everything, but God had a different plan and without a doubt a better one!

Having E has been such a blessing for a thousand different reasons. One of them being the joy it has brought us in this season. SJ is having major surgery in less than two weeks. She is going to have a cochlear implant device on her right side. You didn’t know that because I hadn’t mentioned it. It’s a huge deal, but I haven’t really been focused on it until now, because lately it’s been all about the new person in our family, and rightfully so. I don’t know how to express how genuinely distracted I’ve been and it feels great. For the majority of my pregnancy I felt guilty for not putting enough focus on the baby, but all that has changed.

 I know most parents worry after they have a child that they could NEVER love another baby the way they do the first one. I hear it all the time. Then they have another baby and it turns out their love just grows and they fall in love again. I was worried about the chore of balancing another child in the middle of this pressure filled season. How naive I was! Loving this baby isn’t a chore at all, it’s a relief! I feel all gushy and sugary and it’s just what the doctor ordered. I know that having 3 kids will bring new challenges and stretch me in ways I never imagined, but I also know the rewards outweigh all of the struggles.

Having said all that, the past month has been a positive break from all the craziness that this year has brought, but the truth is I am ready to get back to it. It’s time to take the plunge when it comes to helping our daughter. She gets the cochlear implant on November 5th. It will be at least 3 weeks of healing before they will activate her and even then it will be a little sound at a time for her to adjust to. The unexpected journey we began 7 months ago is really just beginning and the next 2+ years we will be pulling from all our resources to intensely work with SJ toward the goal of hearing and speech. It could mean moving somewhere for schooling. It will probably include a surgery on her left ear as well. It will be lots of therapy and appointments. It’s going to be hard work. It doesn’t matter though, J and I want the best for SJ and

we are all in.