Last week my kids had the incredible opportunity to ride (and some even flew with the controls) in an airplane with an FAA certified pilot. After they experienced having an up close firsthand look at aviation I knew I had to spread the word about Young Eagles!

What is Young Eagles you ask? My mom was the one who found out about it and it is a phenomenal program developed with the sole mission to introduce and encourage kids in the world of aviation! It’s completely-100%- FREE and the volunteers are great.

My parents took my brother’s kids to one in Kentucky last year. This year my kids went to one in Ohio. The airport was not far and the registration was simple. It worked out perfectly for us because seconds after I signed up my four kids they closed registrations because it was full. I also was lucky enough to have just the right ages. The program is for kids ages 8-17 and Elle is 8 and Z is 17 so we covered the whole range.

The program began with some history and instruction then they went out to the airplanes.

It was all very well organized, professional, but also super fun and welcoming.

Z and Elle actually flew together.

SJ and Ezie flew together along with one other participant.

The flights last approximately 20 minutes.

They each got a log book along with a very informative packet, and a certificate signed by the pilots. The pilots also return their registration form to the EAA Young Eagles office, where the flight will be officially registered in the World’s Largest Logbook.

The Young Eagles program began in 1992 and since then over 2.3 million kids have enjoyed a free introductory flight. Young Eagles isn’t just in Kentucky and Ohio it’s all over the country. The website g

I get excited about this because I love how it enriches the community and inspires children but one of the reasons it’s extra cool to me is because my dad was a pilot. He started learning to fly at age 14 and then got his pilots license at 16.

I know it’s not for everybody. I barely tolerate driving a car, I am not cut out for flying a plane like my dad! I think it’s a cool opportunity though and could open the door to your child’s future career or passion.

This is just a little glimpse of all that the program entails. Definitely check out the EAA’s Young Eagles website for more details. It’s too good of an opportunity for me not to share. Thanks to Mémé and Pépé (my parents) for finding out about Young Eagles.