  • Freedom From Parenting Guilt

    Like most parents I fear that I fall short with my children. I worry that I don’t have what it takes as a mom and that I could possibly ruin my one shot at this child rearing [...]

  • Are Unexcused Absences Ever Excusable?

    I take school and academics very seriously, but I am not opposed to missing a day every once in a while even when the reasons aren't related to death or illness. Maybe you've seen some [...]

  • 10 Ways To Feel Loved and Adored By Your Spouse

    (originally posted on November 11, 2013) Imagine your husband brings home a rare painting in an ornate frame and he wants to hang it up in the living room, but you can’t find any nails, [...]

iPhone Cases and Apps That You Will Love

By |January 27, 2017|Categories: Motherhood, Uncategorized|

First of all I would like to say thank you to JimmyCASE for giving me the chance to review this awesome iPhone SE wallet case. The JimmyCASE iPhone card holder is  ideal for a variety of situations. For dudes, it's super slim so it slips in and out of your pocket with ease. It can also eliminate the need for a bulky wallet, which means a lot less [...]

Digital Citizenship

By |September 14, 2016|Categories: Parenting Tips, Schooling, Uncategorized|

Sometimes it's scary to think of raising kids in the digital age that we live in. Terrorism, pornography, bullying, and so much more can creep into your home via the computer screen. It wasn't like that when most of us were kids, but on the bright side our kids have such an advantage over this past generation and I'll explain why. The internet wasn't [...]

9 Month Photos

By |September 12, 2016|Categories: Babies, Uncategorized|

I love photographing this chunky baby. After she was born I decided that I wanted to do an official photo shoot each month. These photos with the suitcase are her 9 month photos, but she turned 10 months this past Saturday. I had an outfit in mind (got it from a yard sale) but I needed a suitcase that I could use as a [...]

Cleaning House Book Review

By |August 17, 2016|Categories: Parenting Tips|

A few weeks ago I got the book Cleaning House from the digital online library. I had no idea what to expect with this book, but about half way through I knew I had to share it with all of my mom friends! Side note, if you are a book lover and not using your local libraries online options then you really need [...]

Four Kids in a Grocery Store

By |August 12, 2016|Categories: Family, Laughter, Motherhood, Uncategorized|

Every once in a while I go somewhere with all four children and seamlessly accomplish the daily tasks at hand. That happens about as often as I find the perfect avocado and consume it at its peak ripeness. It is an anomaly. Last week I attempted grocery shopping with all four kids. I have done it before and managed okay, but I try to avoid [...]

Postpartum Haircut

By |June 10, 2016|Categories: Pregnancy & Birth, Uncategorized|

It's common to loose hair after pregnancy and I am not exempt from this hormonal misfortune.  When I am in those first postpartum months I shed more hair than a Chow on a hot day. I can't stand it. I decided after my second pregnancy that I would just cut my hair off to make it more tolerable. So that's what I have done [...]

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