E was born October 1st at 10:35 pm… BLINK… here I am that same time a month later. That’s how it feels, like the first month has happened in the blink of an eye. I know it’s cliche’, but it truly has gone by so much faster this time! Here is a list of little milestones. 
He now weighs 9 pounds 10 ounces. I was barely able to squeeze him into one of his newborn sleepers tonight, so it looks like he’ll be wearing 0-3 months size starting now. 
He finally lost his umbilical stump at 3 weeks and so we were able to give him his first real bath.
 This happened to fall during the time that J’s family were in town so there were 5 women doting over this little guy while his grandma washed him.
 He really likes the water! 
He even let them brush his hair

 His first holiday was Halloween. It’s funny, I saved all of the kids costumes and now that I have a chance to reuse them (E could have worn Z’s first costume which was a monkey) I would rather get to see them be something different.

At 4 weeks old he is still my little sleepy head. We gave him pacifier for the first time yesterday. He hasn’t really needed one and it was for a really brief period while I was with SJ at her school. I’ve heard that 3rd borns tend to be the most easy going and so far this is true. Hey it was true for me. Right mom?