I began this week blogging about how the weather went from hot to cold overnight, but we’ve come full circle and today we are back in the 80’s, but it’s pleasant with a cool breeze. I decide this would be a good opportunity to walk to CVS (it’s only .7 miles from my house) and finish out my deals for the week. So, I put SJ in the stroller and strapped Z into his child leash. On the way there I commented on how nice the wind felt which began a little science lesson with Z. He is just getting to the question age, so even though I know I have heard him talk about wind and skin, I guess he just was eager to learn more.
“What is the wind?”
“It’s what you feel blowing on your skin right now?”
“What is my skin?”
“It’s this” I said as I playfully pinched him.
“No. That’s my elbow!” He said very matter of fact.
“Well, your elbow is covered with skin. Your whole body is covered with skin for protection.”
“And so I can feel the wind?”
I liked his answer better. As we continued on it began to feel like a 10 mile walk, not from exhaustion, but because the slugs were in the fast lane passing us. I am all about taking it slow, but one mile per hour is where I have to draw the line. Then I asked Z if he wanted to ride on the back of the stroller. We have never tried this before but he climbed into the basket and rode that way for part of our trip, which allowed me to pick up the pace.
“Okay kids, on the count of 3 say Ghetto Fab! “
We made it back home with all of the items I needed and didn’t even spend any gas money to get there. Now that’s a bargain.
I ended up with some stuff that I really needed and I only paid 83 cents for all of it!
I used 2 -$1 Q for the organic mascara and compact mirror and brush
-$.55 for the shaving cream which happened to come with a RAZOR!
2 -$.75 halls Q
2 -$1 on the colgate toothbrushes
Other than that I used my extra bucks and got all, but $1.50 back! Total savings of $33.52.
Week 3 of couponing is looking pretty sweet!