For the month of November I decided I would try to write every day about something that I am thankful for.

We are half way through the month and I’ve succeeded about half the time. That’s okay though! The fact that I have written approximately 4 times a week is so much better than the pattern I had going before.

Over the past 10 years I have written consistently every week, but this year has been difficult. J is back in full-time ministry which means I reclaim the title of pastor’s wife again. Then in August I started working a couple of days a week and I also began volunteering as the ASL coordinator at our church. It’s all stuff that I love but writing started slipping further and further away from me. This has broken my heart. I have expressed that to J who is nothing but supportive about helping me get a writing rhythm going again.

In October I talked to a friend about potentially helping out with Elle for a couple of hours once a week so that I can focus on my blog and the books that I want to write. She gladly agreed but I still seemed too busy to actually take her up on it. That’s when I spontaneously decided on the gratitude challenge. The plan is I stop with all the other goals, guest posts or series, and just attempt to write very freely and casually once a day like I am doing now. That was a great step toward getting my blog rolling again, but it’s not a permanent solution.

I have exciting news though! Tomorrow I am really going for it and will start my first intentional writing session. I booked a study room at the library and I will sit down in silence and just write and write for a couple of hours. I can’t even imagine what that will feel like but I’m guessing it’s going to be amazing.

Anyway, I just wanted to share a little background about what is happening with Messy Mom. For now the gratitude challenge. December I will still probably be regrouping, but in January I will officially be back at it!

Now then, what am I thankful for today? I am thankful for being thankful and making a deliberate choice to do so.

About a week ago I blogged about the gorgeous fall weather. However, it didn’t last long. It is currently 33 degrees outside and everything is covered in a dangerous layer of ice.


The gorgeous leaves are now crunchy and brown and you can see right through all of the naked forests. That was one short autumn season. I am glad I took it in though. If I hadn’t taken the time to acknowledge that I was grateful for the beautiful weather I very well may have missed it altogether! This gratitude challenge has really helped me look at things differently. It feels good to be thankful.