One Extreme to the Other!

I hate neglecting my little ol’ blog lately and unfortunately I don’t see it changing anytime soon. The Holidays are upon us and it is only going to get busier from here!

The past two weeks have been packed, but for very different reasons. Last weekend (a little over a week ago) was amazing. On Saturday J and I spent the day together while a friend of mine watched the kids.


We went out to lunch at Ohio’s oldest Inn and restaurant called The Golden Lamb.


We had some dessert that I will forever be grateful that J talked me into. Afterwards we walked around the historic floor of the Inn where many presidents have stayed.


Then we walked to a neat little coffee shop downtown.img_3768

The balcony overlooked a really peaceful creek.


At the end of our outing we strolled along the sidewalks hand in hand talking without being interrupted and taking in the last of the fall scenery. It was so nice to have that alone time. Hopefully we won’t let as much time pass before we do it again.


The next day was Elle’s birthday party. As you know I have been gearing up for this monumental occasion for months! A couple years ago I wrote a post called “I dream of pig parties” The truth is I dream about all kinds of parties, that year just happened to be the Three Little Pigs. Our latest party however was bumble bee theme and I had a dream that I painted lemon wedges with black stripes to look like a bumble bee. I couldn’t believe I came up with that idea in my sleep! I went for it and we had bumble bee lemon wedges at the party!


I also made my 5th piñata.Pinterest is fun, but coming up with your own original ideas and bringing them to life is absolutely thrilling (for a craft geek like me).


Everything came together beautifully and the party was great.


I will post more about that later, but I really could not have been happier with the event. Bonus, I sold the left over party supplies for $20. I bought all the stuff on Amazon and had a ton leftover so I thought why not?


Fast forward to this weekend. We had big plans. J and Z were going to go camping on an air force base with the cub scouts. I was going to take the other kids to Chick Fil A for a stuffed animal sleepover (you leave the stuffed animals overnight and get them back in the morning. They have notes and pictures of all the fun that was had). I’ve been on a roll lately with really staying on top of my calendar and the house work. I love checking things off my list.

So Friday afternoon I am just cranking out all these chores and I head down to the basement with a  basket full of dirty clothes. I was about half way down the old wooden stairs when my heel came out from under me and I violently slid down the rest of the way. I really thought I was going to loose it. I had the urge to throw up and have diarrhea. Thankfully none of that happened. I took a deep breath and crawled up the stairs and then laid on the floor moaning for a while. I tried to go to the bathroom since I thought I needed to relieve myself, but I couldn’t. I think my body was in shock.

This was terrible. J was packed up and ready to go. I was supposed to bring Z to his work so that they could leave from there! My fall ruined everything. Fortunately I had some perscription ibuprofen left over from after Elle was born and that helped me get through the night. I still couldn’t drive, but J came and got Z. The campout was not ruined. Although, to be honest the weather couldn’t have been much worse. They had rain and freezing temperatures the whole weekend.

My parents came the next morning. My dad watched the kids and my mom brought me to the ER.


I had an X-ray show that there are no broken bones, which is good news, but I am still very sore and have trouble doing normal everyday tasks now. I got some prescription pain killers and one of those special pillows for tailbone injuries.

It’s a pretty big set back. I feel like I was in a car accident. I appreciate that so many people have been there for me to offer help and hopefully a week or two from now I’ll be feeling like myself again.

That’s pretty much all the updates. I went from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows just like that. Actually, that’s not true. This little trauma has been excruciating, but it could be much, MUCH worse. In the spirit of Thanksgiving I am still grateful for the many blessings in my life. I hope everyone enjoys their time of reflection, feast, and family this week. Happy Thanksgiving.

By |2016-11-22T16:24:42+00:00November 22, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Elle’s First Year

This is an excerpt from a blog post I wrote 3 years ago which I thought would be fun to revisit.

For Valentine’s Day we went to a couple’s party at our church and we played the newly wed game. It was so much fun. One question was

“If there were a fire what 3 things would your husband try to save?”

My answer was Family, computer, and Photos. And while most husbands answered that they would save their wife and/or children, the other answers ranged from pets, to guns, to TV. No one else said photos. I knew J wouldn’t save our TV because we have a 13 year old box TV that switches from color to black and white, the latter being more and more frequent. In fact I think if we saw a fire fighter coming out of a burning house with our TV we would throw our hands out and scream “Noooo! Put it back!!!” Anyway, back to the game, when it was J’s turn to divulge his answer he had said “family, computer, and photos” SCORE!


I thought that was sweet. We just celebrated our 16 year anniversary this past weekend by the way.


The reason I was bringing this up for this little video reveal is because J and I love photos. We’ve dabbled in different hobbies and job titles over the years, but I think most people will always see us as a musician and photographer. Maybe that’s why we have made it a tradition to have photos of the arrival of each of our babies set to a carefully selected song.

Z was first and his was the video that was strangely popular. You have to watch a commercial to view it because it has so many views and I don’t know any of the people that commented. I have no explanation for this.

Then SJ’s was special because hers included some brief video clips.

J recorded a song for Ezie’s video so I knew that would be tough to beat!

When was pregnant with Elle we had a song and some ideas for what her slideshow would be like, but as most of you know there were no photographs of her arrival. So instead we decided to do a slideshow of her first year.

Yesterday was Elle’s first birthday party. It was bumble bee theme and was awesome by the way, but more on that later. Anyway after cupcakes we all gathered around the TV to watch this little compilation of her first year. She may not have an arrival video, but I think this more than makes up for.

By |2016-11-14T21:02:39+00:00November 14, 2016|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Monthly Baby Photos

Well, this is it. Elle turns one this week. As always the first year just flew by! I am so grateful however that I took time for an “official photo shoot” each month.

This time I made it a goal to do a different theme each month. Some months were challenging because my schedule had no wiggle room and I started to resent the idea, but when I pulled them all together to have prints made last week I teared up. I am so glad that I have these. J loves them too and said I should keep going. I don’t think that’s going to happen, but for know here is Elle at 1 month through one year old (the last one I had to take a little early so that I could have prints and a slideshow ready for her party).























And that’s a wrap. I won’t be blogging anymore this week because I have so much going on including Elle’s birthday party this weekend. Of course I will be sure to check back in with all the details afterwards to let you know how it went!

By |2016-11-07T13:47:51+00:00November 7, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

The Captain of Your Kitchen

Today we wrap up the write 31 Day Challenge. This month of focused writing has been challenging, but amazing in so many ways.


It all started when I realized how little I write about an aspect of homemaking that is a huge portion of what I do every single day. As I dug into the topic and began to craft posts about the kitchen from my view point, I noticed just how different my kitchen experience is compared to a lot of other women blogging about the same thing. Neither my kitchen nor my cooking is very instagramy that’s for sure! I do believe however that is one of the reasons God has given this platform. It’s about “making the best of what looks like a mess”.

Most of you know that my family has gone through some incredibly difficult life circumstances over the past several years. For those that don’t know, I’ll just mention that we’ve been hit with dissability, instability (living with family and not having a home of our own), and poverty all in a short amount of time. The exciting news, which I haven’t shared on this blog yet, is that my husband recently graduated Suma Cum Laude with a degree in Software Engineering Technology! He now has a full time paid job which has allowed us to inch our way over the poverty line. It is a huge breakthrough for our family and it’s been a long time coming. Thank you for all of the prayers and encouragement. All glory to God.

I do hate talking about personal stuff like… gulp… welfare. If we were rich I certainly wouldn’t talk about money so why now? The why is because there are millions of other families living below the poverty level struggling to make ends meet. There are millions of other families renting tiny spaces with maintenance issues. There are millions of other families whose children are not having birthday parties at events centers or wearing new clothes off the rack. I am not complaining, believe me! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are a lot of things we have simplified due to personal hardships, but now that I see the beauty of the simplicity I wouldn’t have it any other way. Although let’s be real, there are some things I would change.

I know this sounds like a tangent. Wasn’t this supposed to be a closing statement to the series about kitchens? I’m getting there.

A lot of what I have written about this month; health, family, organization, cooking, grocery shopping etc. I have done from the stand point of small space, small budget, big family. No dishwasher. No microwave. No pressure cooker. No Fixer Upper worthy open floor plan with custom island. It’s just been very basic stuff. Nothing amazing, just simple tips for the everyday housewife like myself.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that this series encourages those who feel like they have to keep up with the Jone’s in the kitchen. Shoot, you don’t even have to keep up with me! Every kitchen and every captain is unique.

I love this quote from famous chef Mario Batli who says “Only bad cooks blame the equipment, I can make almost every dish in my restaurants on four crummy electric burners with a regular oven — as can just about anyone else who cares to.”

It takes a lot to keep the kitchen ship afloat and many times all of our hard work is taken for granted. But kudos to all of you moms (and dads too) who are giving it their all. I don’t care if you are in a yacht or a row boat. Own it sweetheart. You are the captain.



By |2016-10-30T23:29:09+00:00October 31, 2016|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Nature or Man-made? FREE Printable

Teaching kids about food, nutrition, and health is something that can never begin too early. I already talked about allowing kids to help out in the kitchen and that’s one great way to teach them about nourishment.


I also shared the grocery basket tip for teaching kids moderation,


and fun fruit creations.


Another idea when it comes to kids and food is to actually have a conversation about what whole foods are. I asked my nine year old how you can tell if something is healthy and he said “It tastes bad?” and he wasn’t joking.

So I am not the head pioneer of the healthy families revolution. I am just trying to make stuff up as I realize that we’ve gotten off track. So I made this free printable to aid in a healthy food lesson for your children. It’s up to you how much processed food you want to be included in your children’s diets. For some that’s none for others it’s all about moderation. I am not implying that everyone needs to tell their children that only all natural food is good and everything man made is bad! I do think it’s good for kids to know where food comes from. What animal is pork? Where do strawberries come from? Are nuts natural? Is pizza natural? What about noodles?

In the society that we live in children are so far removed from farming and often times natural eating that sometimes they really have no clue what is healthy.

This little printable shows different kinds of food and allows children to connect the food to it’s source. You might be surprised by what your child does or does not understand about food. It’s a simple worksheet, but could be a great tool to help get the conversation going. Click the link to get your free printable download.

This is my first time doing a printable, so let me know if you have any trouble with the download.


I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day of October and that this is day 30 of a 31 day writing challenge.  I do hope you’ll join me for some closing thoughts on Captain of the Kitchen.

By |2016-10-30T23:32:24+00:00October 30, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Composting Without a Bin

Z loves science and nature so I guess I should have been surprised when he recently came home with a library book about composting. J and I have been wanting to compost for a while, but this was definitely the tipping point of inspiration. For those that aren’t familiar with composting it is a way to reduce waste by recycling your scraps in a way that allows the discarded matter to decay and become fertilized soil.

The thing about composting is that it can be very intimidating. It involves carbon-nitrogen ratios,  PH balance, earth worms, and special tools. The good news is it doesn’t have to be that complicated. We decided to take the plunge without even having a compost bin. Here’s how we did it.


1. We started with Carbon-rich materials like dried up leaves and pine needles, but leave out the baby. This is called brown matter.


2. Then we added grass clippings after J mowed. This is the bulk of our pile and that’s where the nitrogen comes in. That’s part of the green matter. You need both brown and green matter for the process to work.

3. Next we dug up a lit bit of soil from the ground to stir into the pile.

4. Lastly we add select kitchen waste.

You have to do your research about what you can and can’t add to your pile. Some claims will include almost anything you want, while others have very narrow specifications. We usually only add three things “Green matter” which is Plant based foods, along with coffee grounds, and egg shells.


One time I threw in a chipotle container, because I knew it was compostable, so why not! 


 The green matter is whats left when I chop up fruits and vegetables.


This could be the ends of broccoli, carrot peels, strawberry stems, apple cores etc. We have plenty of these nutrient rich scraps on a daily basis.  



Another thing we have a lot of is coffee grounds. You may have noticed Starbuck’s and many other coffee shops are now offering their discarded grounds for free to use in your garden. We have plenty of coffee grounds in our compost because we use the french press to make coffee almost everyday and we dump it into our compost pitcher every single time. Coffee grounds are like magic dust for soil. This article from Tips Bulletin does a great job explaining the multiple ways coffee grounds are helpful to use in gardenting. 

Lastly, we throw in a lot egg shells because we eat eggs nearly everyday. Egg shells are great for compost because they add calcium. Did you know plants need calcium too? 

Composting has become a wonderful part of our routine in the kitchen. I can put the scraps in a bucket and it’s just a short walk over to the pile at my convince. Then I use a pitchfork to cover up the scraps (that part is important).


Not only does it help the environment by reducing waste, but the soil it creates is great for gardening. It’s like having a free miracle grow. It also gives me an excuse to use a pitch fork which makes me feel tough.


If you’ve ever thought about composting, but were waiting on a bin or an in depth tutorial now you have no excuse. Good luck!


This post is a part of a 31 day series called Captain of the Kitchen. For more of the series click here.


By |2018-04-26T10:04:21+00:00October 29, 2016|Uncategorized|6 Comments

Soda Alternative

We are winding down October which means only 3 days left of the Captain of the Kitchen 31 day series.

I’ve written a lot about cutting back on sugar and also cutting back on spending in the kitchen. So I can’t close out this series without mentioning one of the biggest culprits when it comes to both of these things, and that is soda.

The thing about sugar in soft drinks or other sweet beverages is that it’s easy to drink calories. You may not eat three bowls of ice cream, but if you blend it up and put it in a glass with a straw you’ll drink it as a milk shake. It’s really shocking how many hidden calories and sugars are in the drinks we consume. If I had a kit kat for a snack during a mid day slump I would have consumed 20 grams of sugar. If I had a kitkat with a coke then I would have TRIPLED that amount.

I know that I still fall into the sugar trap (unfortunately this month seems to be the worst!) but at least eliminating soft drinks from my diet means I am consuming half of I would be if I hadn’t made this lifestyle change.

To be fair, I haven’t drank soda for over 15 years so admittedly it’s not even a weakness for me. I have my other vices. My husband on the other hand doesn’t struggle like I do with chocolate or dessert, but he loves his soda. Since he had to cut it out with going low carb he tried diet drinks, but he his weight loss plateaued. After doing some research online he found that artificial sweeteners can often have an adverse effect for some people (not to mention being unhealthy). So he cut that out too and just stuck with drinking water or having coffee with cream, but it wasn’t hitting the spot. So he tried a few different flavored waters that had no artificial sweeteners and in the end he settled on the Dasani sparkling water.


I drink it sometimes too. My favorite flavor is Raspberry Lemonade and J’s is Tropical Pineapple. The cost is no different than coke so it doesn’t save us any money like drinking water, but J likes it and it is definitely better than slurping 39 grams of sugar in one sitting!  It’s naturally flavored and calorie free. No this isn’t a sponsored posts. I just wanted to share this little find with world since there maybe some other soda drinkers also looking to kick the habit. If you have to have that fizz, this is your fix.


This post is a part of a 31 day series. To catch up on the rest click HERE.

By |2016-10-28T23:34:01+00:00October 28, 2016|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Making the Grocery Rounds

I used to do all of my grocery shopping at Kroger once a week on Friday nights while J watched the kids. Then I discovered Walmart’s pickup program and that totally revolutionized my grocery shopping experience, not to mention freed up my Friday nights. The problem is there are some things that I can’t get from Walmart. So I still go to Kroger every other week. On top of that I usually hit up Costco once a month for the items that we consume the most of and can save money on by buying in bulk.

It’s taken a lot of trial and error. Plus countless pics of price labels so that I can go home and see which store has the best deal.


But I *think* I’ve got a rhythm going. Here is my routine and budget for the three grocery stores that I usually hit up.


Once a week I go to Walmart for the bulk of the groceries. This includes produce, some meat, paper products, frozen foods, seasonings, etc. I order everything online the night before. It usually takes almost no time at all because my favorites are already saved and for the repeat items I just click through with ease. I spend approximately $50 and in the morning I go and they load up all my groceries in my trunk. Done.

I go to Kroger approximately every other week during Ezie’s speech therapy class. That means I only have one kid with me and I don’t have much to buy so it’s totally doable. I never go over $100 on my Kroger excursions. The reason I can’t cancel out Kroger altogether is because I go there for my WIC items, Dasani sparkling water, and I also prefer to get my meat there. I often find great deals on clearance priced meats, better than anywhere else and it’s easier to buy the appropriate measurements in real life vs on line.



I go to Costco usually once and sometimes twice a month. My Costco budget is $150 for the whole month. My friend over at This Pilgrim’s Life has a fantastic rundown of the prices at Costco compared to Aldi’s. I don’t have an Aldi’s near me so I don’t shop there, but I did my own price comparison on dozens of items and figured out what we needed from Costco.

The main things that we go through a ton of are bacon, heavy whipping cream for our coffee, cheese, and nuts. So we stock up on all of those when we go and save a lot of money this way.



I know this may look like a complicated waste of time, but it’s really not that bad. I used to spend more time, more money, and a lot more trouble when I would shop all at once at one place. I even calculated how much we were loosing in Kroger fuel points by making this switch. Yes, it does take some effort to really see how much you are spending and do price comparisons, but I don’t mind. I enjoy saving money and figuring out which foods we prefer. It’s been said that I can squeeze a nickel out of quarter. Now you know some of my secrets.

CaptainOfTheKitchenThis post is day 27 or 31 for my October series Captain of the Kitchen. For the rest of the series click here.

By |2016-10-28T09:46:20+00:00October 27, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

What is WIC



WIC stands for Women, Infants, and Children. It is a supplemental nutrition program for pregnant women, mothers, and children under the age of five. It is mainly for lower income families, but much like medicaid you do not have to live below poverty level to qualify. I’ve been on and off WIC a few different times over the past 10 years, but right now I am on again. There are three main benefits that have been most impactful to me. I hope that by sharing them it could be an encouragement for any women out there struggling with a young family but reluctant to seek help.

1.Free food

The biggest benefit for my family is the $20 worth of free fruits and vegetables we get every month. I have a card with a chip in it that I can use to purchase WIC eligible items.


For some items it’s tricky to even now which ones are free and which ones aren’t. Produce is easy though because as long as your balance is under $20 it’s all free. We also get free milk, baby food, eggs, bread cheese, cereal, beans, peanut butter, and tuna. You have to buy certain brands and sizes along with limited quantities, but most eligible families can save over $100 a month with WIC.

2. Farmer’s Market Vouchers

This isn’t year round and it’s probably not in all states, but I thought it was really cool that over the summer I got $60 worth of vouchers for the local farmer’s market.


I love buying local, but usually can’t afford it. This is such a great opportunity for the government to support local farmers, and the farmers to support women and children in need. I would love to see this program really take off.

3. Breast Pump

This could potentially be a hot tip for any breast feeding mothers on, or considering going on WIC. I got a free breast pump to keep!


My sister in law got one in Kentucky, but I was never offered one. She suggested looking into it. All I had to do was ask and within days the breast pump was on my door step. This $200 bonus was something I really needed so I was grateful for the help.



To find out if you qualify for WIC check with an office in your area, or look over the income eligibility guidelines. For more information on the Farmers’ Market Nutrtion Program go to .

Hopefully this helpful information to some mothers out there in need of assistance. There is no need to be ashamed of getting help for you and your babies. I am available if you ever have any questions. You can email me at the link at the top of this website. WIC can be a wonderful option to get you through to the next stage.

Captain of the Kitchen



This post is a part of a 31 day challenge. For the rest of the series click HERE.


By |2016-10-26T21:34:38+00:00October 26, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Make Your Groceries Last Longer


On Sunday I exposed our weekly grocery budget ($145.00) and yesterday I shared a few simple tips that I use to help reduce my grocery bills each month. Today I am going to dive into how to get the most bang for those precious bucks you spent at the grocery store.

1. Water down beverages

I know this is going to sound gross and weird to some, but in the season of unemployment we recently experienced I figured out all kinds of ways to save. When we did drink juice we diluted it to make it healthier, but it’s also making it go further. WIC forces us to go with 1% milk, but before that I would buy whole milk and dilute it. Another thing I’ve done is add ice to milk shakes. These aren’t huge changes here, but it does make stuff go just a tad bit further.

2. Freezing Food

Of course freezing your food is the most obvious way to get it to last longer. This is a great way to save by buying items on clearance and then freezing them until you can use them. Almost all of the meat I buy goes straight to the freezer these days. I know it’s a hassle to have to thaw it out, but I’ve had too much meat end up trashed that I don’t take any chances anymore.

3. Put asparagus, celery, or herbs in water


I just learned about this one last year. Cut off the tips and stand up the asparagus (or other food) in a glass of water like it’s fresh flowers. It adds days to the shelf life when you store it this way.

4. Do it yourself slicing and prepping

Not only will buying your food unsliced save you money, it last longer if it’s not cut. I used to love the convince of sliced mushrooms, but I got sick of how quickly they became mushy. Now I buy all my veggies whole.

5. Have an organized meal plan

The Food and Agricultural Organization state that 1st world people generally buy more food than they need. They noted that “generally speaking, consumers fail to plan their food purchases properly … that means they often throw food away “ I use an app called List Ease to keep track of what I need from the store and create an ongoing shopping list. I already shared my meal planning techniques. The more you plan your food purchases the more likely you will consume all of it.

6. Eat left overs or make something out of them

Unfortunately with young picky eaters I do throw a lot of food away, but I really hate being wasteful. Anytime I can make fruit that is overly ripe into a bread  or pie I do it. Even if I am not ready to make it right that moment, I’ll freeze it to make something later. We also recently started composting.

7. Take inventory on what you have before shopping for more

Another way to plan out your meals and shopping trips is to see what you have that you need to use up. There is a website called Super Cook that allows you to put all of the ingredients you have into a search bar and it will show you recipes that use those ingredients.

8. Eat food past it’s best by date

This is not medical advice here so I don’t want anyone getting sick and blaming me. However there are a lot of items that are fine well beyond the “best by” date. I had salad dressing last week that was past the date shown on the bottle and it/I was fine. Even the FDA states that with the exception of expiration dates on infant formula and some baby foods, use-by dates that appear on food packages are simply guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. A little sniff test and some common sense may help your food last longer than what the packaging claims.


Those are my tricks for really getting the most out of my groceries. Join me the rest of this week as I continue to talk about saving money on groceries.



By |2016-10-25T12:55:29+00:00October 25, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment
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