I am glad we had a little vacation time recently because we’ve hit the ground running when it comes to Doctor’s appointments. Doctor’s visits have been a rarity in my life, but lately we’ve entered into a whole new terrain and I feel like a fish out of water! Here’s the low down

There’s me.

Z took this photo of me after my last prenatal checkup. 

I am 19 weeks pregnant. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow which had been rescheduled because of an opening for SJ to see an ENT. So we’ve got appointments on top of appointments. Then on Monday I have an appointment with the Sonographer for my 20 week ultrasound followed by a prenatal visit with my midwife. We have decided to go ahead and find out if the baby is a boy or girl. We thought about keeping it a surprise, but I think you will all understand when I say we have had enough surprises lately. J and I feel like some good news will be welcome and either a boy or a girl will be a reason to celebrate ( and pick out names and go shopping. Woo Hoo.).

Then there is Z who had his final appointment with his pediatric ophthalmologist in Fort Worth during our visit to Texas a few weeks ago. The Doctors visits don’t stop even when we are on vacation. It was sad to say goodbye to Dr. Norman who has been taking care of Z’s vision, including surgery, since Z was barely a year old, but as tempting as it is, 900 miles is a little far to drive for a check up. While Z was at this appointment he got a new prescription and it is slightly weaker. We will get some new glasses for him as soon as our medical card comes in.

Z with the glasses he’s had since December ’09.

Lastly we have SJ who has appointments every month, left and right. I feel like I am always on the phone with Doctor’s, receptionist, therapist, or case workers. So far though we haven’t seen anyone since her testing. I know it will slow down eventually, but for now it’s the number one priority in our schedules.

SJ right after her ABR where she was diagnosed hard of hearing. She was still in her comfy PJ’s.

This morning I was going through the mail, plus some papers I had scribbled on, and looking at my calendar, I was feeling just a little overwhelmed. I need a system. I have ical on my computer and that helps a lot, but I need a better way of taking notes and keeping all of our documents in order, and portable enough that I can take things to appointments with me when I need to, because I often do. I know some of you have the gift of organization and I know there are others that have special needs children and have probably been in my situation. How do you do it? I love technology so I don’t mind using apps or programs (I am a mac girl though, so I need stuff that jives with my laptop and iPhone), but I also have paperwork, informative packets, bills, and notes I jot down when I am on the phone so it can’t have everything on the computer. AHHH! So far I feel like I am juggling it okay, but I can tell that what I have going is not a long term solution. I am open to any advice, products, or tips. Please help a mother out!!!