The title might sound lighthearted, but I am actually dealing with a serious medical condition. I think I have mentioned before that I am anemic. This is not unusual for me during pregnancy. That’s why I crave ice like an addict. In fact it’s not that uncommon for any pregnant woman to have a dip in red blood cells during this time. The problem is that despite taking all the prescribed supplements, upping and even doubling the dosage of supplements my iron levels continue to drop. Right now my blood count is an 8.3 and it should be twice that amount. I am really close to needing a blood transfusion and since I loose a lot of blood during birth it’s just not looking good.

After months of supplements it’s safe to say my body just isn’t absorbing the nutrients through the pills. So my mom hit up the health food store and stocked me up on everything the midwife recommended.


I am eating iron rich foods at ever single meal and then some. I am drinking all kinds of crazy things that I have to forcefully swallow. I am eliminating or decreasing a lot of things that block absorption (like milk which is probably a big culprit since I love milk).

The more I research the more overwhelmed I am. I was going to explain why iron absorption is so complicated, but that would be really boring. Let’s just say it is a big balancing act! So I am doing the best I can and I’ll have another test in a week for my 38 week check up.

So that’s the bad news. The good news I got another test result back today and I am GBS negative!!! With the boys I was positive and had to have antibiotics and an IV which is not fun for water birth, even if it is capped off. So I was really relieved by this news.


Anyway, I just wanted to give a brief update and ask for your prayers. I will let you know next week what the test results show. Thanks for being so supportive during this time.