I think everyone is still getting into the swing of things with school starting up. Coinsidently both of the kid’s schools had big social events happening this weekend. Luckily one was on Friday and the other was Saturday so we were able to do both.

I signed up to bring all kinds of sweet things and so I baked my heart out (including practice rounds).

I made so much that I was handing out the extras in sandwich bags to the parents at the bus stop.

First up was the carnival at Z’s school. I overspent (cha-ching) quite a bit to get them an unlimited game/ride pass, but at least it was for a good cause.

 Z had been counting down all week long and it was the most excited I’ve seen him since his birthday (granted that was last week, but trust me he was excited).

 Z and SJ had a blast,


the only problem is when the kids crash from these sugary happy highs they fall hard.

We went to get pizza afterwards and Z pushed SJ and she fell out of the booth and it made quite a scene. Z felt bad and started crying so his batman face paint was running and getting in his eyes. It was a terrible mess and in the most pathetic little voice he sputtered “I don’t want to be batman anymore”. He was asleep before we left the restaurant and all three of them were asleep by the time we got home.

The next day was the picnic at SJ’s school which included alumni families.

It was a great opportunity to meet other parents from the school. One of the moms I met had a home birth with her daughter too, which is a important similarity for our situations because of the lack of newborn screening. It was nice to have some camaraderie there. I also met a 17 year old girl who was a graduate of OVV. She wasn’t talking until she was 4 and now she talks great and is on her 3rd year of Spanish! So that was encouraging.

The weather was perfect and

the family time priceless.


I’d say this weekend was  success!